
jūn yuè tuán
  • military band;Army Band
  1. 美国军乐团在音乐会现场演奏。

    The United States live music band is performing in the concert .

  2. 军乐团演奏的军乐格外雄浑有力。

    The military music played by the military band is especially powerful .

  3. 他已经退了军乐团和机器人实验室

    He already quit marching band and robotics lab

  4. 在阅兵部队后面压阵的,是鼓乐齐鸣的军乐团。

    Troops in the parade behind the hold the line , is the Band drum sing .

  5. 进入军乐团后,为了弥补身高上的不足高健在训练中格外认真。

    In order to overcome his height disadvantage , Gao Jian decided to work hard on the training course .

  6. 在首场欢快演出活动中,一支军乐团及身着制服的歌手们为观众演唱了流行及传统歌曲。

    In the first such show of good cheer , an army band and uniformed singers entertained the crowd with popular and traditional songs .

  7. 出色的演奏技艺和强烈的愿望最终打动了考官,高健被破格录取,成为武警军乐团的一名小号手。

    Because of his outstanding skill and determination , the judges made an exception , and Gao Jian was admitted into the China Armed Police Band .

  8. 在过去,往往只有那些会演奏乐器的人才会被允许加入到空军军乐团,然而现在由于有了新的规定,使得一般民众都可以来申请加入空军军乐团。

    In the past , only those who can play instruments could be allowed to the Airforce Band but now there has been a new regulation made so that general people can apply for .