
  • 网络The Red Carpet
  1. 我们将给予她贵宾级礼遇,并且为她铺设红地毯。

    We 'll give her some VIP treatment and roll out the red carpet

  2. 他们甚至梦想穿着洛丽塔公主鞋的明星最后能够爱上他,并一起走上教堂的红地毯。

    Even they dream that the lolita shoes stars finally love them and wear for them to walk on the red carpet in the church .

  3. 他们用红地毯装饰了他们的房子。

    They furnished their house with red carpets .

  4. 在Polo晚宴红地毯上这位金发美女接受采访时说。

    The blonde beauty told reporters on the red carpet at the Polo event .

  5. 每季度,英特尔(Intel)都会铺上红地毯,欢迎加入公司的新员工。

    Intel welcomes its new employees to the company by rolling out the red carpet literally once a quarter .

  6. 近几个月来,凯蒂一改其在《恋爱时代》中的“假小子”乔伊•波特的形象,成为红地毯上最引人注目的时尚达人。《OK!

    In recent months , Katie has transformed herself from her tomboy Dawson 's Creek character Joey Potter into a sleek fashionista who is never uncomfortable on the red carpet .

  7. 还可以使用U形发夹——从时装表演或红地毯上寻找灵感,把霓虹和金属饰面元素融入进去,一排搭配三到四个。

    Bobby pins are another alternative -- look to the runway and red carpet for inspiration and incorporate neon and metallicfinishes or stack three or four in a row .

  8. 别理会红地毯上的飞吻:万达院线用来从母公司收购万达影视(WandaPicturesMedia)的57亿美元,本来可以派上更好的用处。

    Ignore the air-kissing on the red carpet : Wanda could have done better things with the $ 5.7bn it is spending to acquire Wanda Pictures Media from its parent group .

  9. Graham是一个亲切并且有绅士风度的人,与新郎新娘见面握手后,协助他们在红地毯上车。

    A gracious gentleman , Graham meets the couple with a hand shake and helps them to enter the car , with a red carpet entry .

  10. “当你看到他们从红地毯上走来,你看到的面孔是一样的,一样的Hollywood的巨星们,呱呱讲个不休,”他曾在促销一部影片时说道。

    " When you watch them coming on the red carpet , you see the same faces , the same mega-folks of Hollywood , yap yap yap ," he said while promoting a film .

  11. LeightonMeester以一身深V金色长裙造型亮相在纽约大都会艺术博物馆举行的2014MetGala红地毯。

    Leighton Meester rocks a plunging gold dress at the 2014 Met Gala held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Monday ( May 5 ) in New York City .

  12. 不过设计师们看重的倒不是谁是奥斯卡(Oscar)大赢家,他们考虑的是另外一个问题:在促使观众买下那些他们在红地毯上看到的服装上面,哪个明星最有说服力?

    But rather than picking the Oscar winners , designers are asking another question : Who will be the most effective at getting viewers to buy the clothes they see on the red carpet ?

  13. 如今她却以出演哈利波特里那个邪恶的Bellatrix以及她在红地毯上的各种疯狂穿着而闻名。

    Now she 's mostly known for being playing the evil Bellatrix from the Harry Potter movies and also for dressing all cray cray on the red carpet .

  14. 这部间谍喜剧的导演科恩(Coen)兄弟身着正式黑礼服,不打领带以显得更有艺术味道,在红地毯上摆着姿势。

    The Coen brothers , who directed the spy comedy , posed on the red carpet in formal black attire sans ties for a more artsy look .

  15. 由年轻的好莱坞忠实的追随者,BCBG有眼花缭乱的快乐,性感,现代设计的红地毯。

    With loyal following from young Hollywood , BCBG has dazzled the red carpet with fun , sexy , modern designs .

  16. 就在美国国会一个委员会裁定中国电信设备制造商华为和中兴(zte)对美国国家安全构成威胁之际,威斯康星州正铺开红地毯欢迎另一类中国投资者。

    At about the same time that a US congressional committee ruled that Huawei and ZTE , the Chinese telecoms companies , posed a threat to national security , the state of Wisconsin was rolling out the red carpet for Chinese investors of a different breed .

  17. 根据Popsugar网站的消息,我们在2月22日这个周日的奥斯卡颁奖礼上会看到约翰·梅耶和珍妮佛·安妮斯顿共同踏上红地毯。

    According to Popsugar , we will get to see John Mayer and Jennifer Aniston walk the red carpet together at the Oscars this Sunday , February22nd .

  18. 舞会临近结束时,身穿迪奥女裙的凯拉•肯尼迪脱去自己的高跟鞋,然后缓缓地躺到红地毯上,动作优雅之极。拉夫•西蒙斯(RafSimons)冰蓝色长裙的卷曲褶皱如朵朵浮云散落在她身旁四周。

    Towards the end of the evening , the Dior-clad Kyra Kennedy kicked off her heels and sank gracefully on to the carpeted floor , the crispy folds of her ice-blue gown , designed by Raf Simons , splayed in a voluminous cloud around her .

  19. 虽然邵逸夫可能觉得精力足够充沛,明年可以再次走下红地毯,但他努力撮合的一桩交易,可能终结他在TVB的统治。41年前,他协助创立了这家广播电视公司。

    While Sir Run Run may feel spry enough to walk down the red carpet again next year , a deal he is trying to broker may bring an end to his reign as chairman of the broadcaster he helped found 41 years ago .

  20. 日本的三池崇史(TakashiMiike)、中国的贾樟柯和香港的杜琪峰等知名电影导演都将携自己的最新电影走上本届电影节的红地毯,还有一些印度、香港和新加坡的导演是首次出席戛纳电影节。

    Big-name filmmakers such as Japan 's Takashi Miike , Jia Zhangke of China and Hong Kong 's Johnnie To will hit the red carpet with their latest films , along with first-time directors from India , Hong Kong and Singapore .

  21. 如今,他的影响力已经如日中天,从好莱坞(凯特•布兰切特(CateBlanchett)、鲁妮•玛拉(RooneyMara)到蕾哈娜(Rihanna))的红地毯到寻常阡陌:印有流行文化标识的纪梵希运动衫已成为离经叛道奢侈一族的周末必备行头。

    Today , his influence reaches from the Holly ­ wood red carpet - Cate Blanchett , Rooney Mara and Rihanna are all devotees of his darkly sensuous gowns - to the street : Givenchy printed sweats featuring totems of popular culture have become mandatory uniform among the louche-luxe weekend set .

  22. 你可能注意到今晚没有那豪华的红地毯。

    You probably noticed there was no fancy red carpet tonight .

  23. 红地毯已经成为时尚界最主要的一条营销渠道。

    Red carpets have become a primary marketing channel for fashion .

  24. 这并不使它配得上红地毯待遇。

    That does not make it worthy of the red-carpet treatment .

  25. 没有比看着你走上红地毯更让我开心的。

    I couldn 't be happier to see you walk the plank .

  26. 他们甚至为我们铺上了红地毯。

    They even rolled out the red carpet for us .

  27. 到了,她刚走完了红地毯。

    Yes , she just walked down the red carpet .

  28. 铺着红地毯的大厅里灯火辉煌,五彩缤纷。

    The great red-carpeted hall was a blaze of light and color .

  29. 打搅一下,我打算买块红地毯。

    Excuse me , I 'm thinking of buying a red carpet .

  30. 现在,我们也会为贵宾铺设红地毯。

    Today , we roll out the red carpet for special guests .