
jūn shì fǎ ɡuī
  • military rules;military laws and regulations
  1. 中央军事委员会制定军事法规,或者与国务院联合制定军事行政法规;

    The CMC has formulated military laws and regulations , or jointly worked out military administrative laws and regulations with the state council ;

  2. 坚持从严治军,健全军事法规体系,提高依法治军的水平。

    The army must be strict with itself and improve the system of military rules and regulations so as to raise the level of handling its affairs according to law .

  3. 军事法规、军事规章在武装力量内部实施;

    The military statutes and regulations are implemented within the armed forces .

  4. 军事法规之法理分析

    Jurisprudence analysis of military statute

  5. 军事法规;

    The military legal regulations ;

  6. 坚持依法治军、从严治军,完善军事法规,加强科学管理。

    We must run the armed forces in accordance with the law , enforce strict discipline , improve relevant laws and regulations and strengthen scientific management .

  7. 军事法规、军事规章的制定、修改和废止办法,由中央军委依照该法规定的原则规定。

    Procedures for formulation , amendment and nullification of military statutes and regulations shall be stipulated by the CMC in accordance with the principles specified in the provisions of the said law .

  8. 新时期加强军事经济法规建设的几点建议

    Suggestion of the construction of military economic law and regulation

  9. 开展军事法律法规规章清理汇编工作。

    Military laws , regulations and rules have been reviewed and consolidated .

  10. 军事行政法规;

    The military administrative regulations ;

  11. 谈军事经济活动的法规先行

    The construction of law and regulation in the activities of military economy