- inscribe;internally tangent

Geometric Description of the Maximum Inscribed Workspace for a DELTA Parallel Robot
Enzyme Catalysis Kinetic Model of pH Effect on Activity of Endo - β - glucanase
Physiology Function Analysis of Lysosomal Cysteine Proteases Cathepsin B is a lysosomal cysteine endoproteinase which participates in many physiological and pathological events .
The results showed that the endoglucanase gene has been cloned .
Cloning and sequence analysis of full-length cDNA of β - 1,4-endoglucanase genes of Meloidogyne javanica
The Expression of EG ⅲ in Pichia Pastoris and the Kinetics of Cellulose Hydrolyze by EG ⅲ
Methods DNAs were extracted from the white blood cells of people in Hainan by salt-out method . Polymerase chain reaction and restriction endonuclease was used to determine the 4533G / A polymorphism .
The Protection of Tween 80 for Endoglucanase Against the Inhibition of Ethanol
Endo-PG activity in fruit cold-stored immediately and continuously after harvest was low throughout storage and the subsequent ripening period .
Both heat conditioning and intermittent warming enhanced PE , endo-PG and exo-PG activities , with the second intermittent warming being the most effective .
Eight endo - β - 1 , 4-glucanase ( EG ) genes were cloned from Bacillus strains and showed different homology by DNA or protein phylogenetic tree analysis .
The reason for this phenomenon is that the circle of generalized Mises yield criterion is inscribed the one of Mohr-Coulomb .
Cellulose is degraded mainly in nature by the synergistic action of endoglucanase ( EG ) and cellobiohydrolase ( CBH ) .
For the case of singular screw dislocation in simple orthogonal crystal , the first order approximation coincides with the result of Peierls model .
An endochitinase encoding gene was cloned from the genome DNA of Trichoderma viride . The length of this DNA fragment is 1672 bp and contains a promoter and coding region for mRNA .
CDH had little synergism with cellobiohydrolase I ( CBH I ) or endoglucanase I ( EG I ) in cotton cellulose degradation .
The results show that the deinking rate of the waste paper pretreated with NaOH was increased by 10 % than that with endoglucanase EGI deinking .
In this paper , we discuss some geometric problems in n dimensional elliptic space Sn to give the theory of cosine , the formula of highness , inradius , circumradius and distance between inscribed spherical centre and circumscribed spherical centre about n dimensional spherical simplex .
Cloning , sequencing , and expression of endoglucanase gene from Bacillus subtilis C-36 in Escherichia coil
AML-Inside Forward : This is your third man in the box , they will look to cut inside and get into the box as a third striker , a striker or an AMC can also play here if needs must .
RNase H enzymes are ribonucleotide-specific endonucleases that cleave the RNA portion of RNA-DNA / DNA or RNA / DNA duplex , which activities depend on a divalent positive ion , releasing oligoribonucleotides with 3 ′ - OH and 5 ′ - Phosphate ends .
Results showed that the key enzymes involved in fruit softening in Starking apples were endo - and exo-PG ;
EGI one kind of endoglucanase was obtained by gene engineering as recombinant enzyme . Due to its high activity , high purity , optimal pH value 7.5 and convenient production , EGI had brilliant future on modification of plant cellulose .
An endo - β - glucanase was isolated and purified from a commercial preparation of Aspergillus niger by means of FPLC ( KTA UPC-900 ) .
The geometric relationship between stationary and moving centrodes ( both are circles ) Produced by Fg ( t ) of F ( t )── inside tangency or outside tangency , and the shape of rotary curves ── hypocycloid or epicycloid are demonstrated .
Four kinds of cellulase ( endo - β - glucanases EG 1 , EG 2 , EG 3 and EG 4 ) were purified from Aspergillus niger .
β - 1,4 - endoglucanase , also called Cx enzyme or CMC enzyme , belongs to the cellulases . It can degrade the macromolecule cellulose into cellobiose , and very important in the process of the hydrolysis of celluloses by cellulases .
On the xylan hydrolytic activity ( endo - β - 1 , 4-xylanase activity ), the five monovalent anions have no effect .
Tangential Spray Intensified Combustion in a Boiler Furnace with Continuous Blowdown
An Ethylene Responsive Endochitinase Gene is Implicated in Banana Fruit Ripening