
  • 网络Inside sales;Internal Sales;INTERNAL SELLING
  1. 业务外包解决方案提供商ADP公司内部销售助理面试题。

    ADP ( Inside Sales Associate )

  2. 内部销售代表负责在指定的客户和区域进行销售活动。

    The Inside Sales Representative will be responsible for driving sales within assigned accounts or territory .

  3. 只要B部门每单位的转移价格能达到$25,A部门则愿意在内部销售它所有的产品。

    So long as Division A receives a transfer price of $ 25 per unit from Division B , it will be willing to sell all of its output internally .

  4. 然而研究文献多侧重于CPFR流程架构与导入效益等管理议题,虽有少数针对预测模型的研究,但也以企业内部销售预测为主,并且预测模型的准确性不高。

    But more research literature emphasis on CPFR process framework and management effectiveness issues , with a small number of researches on forecasting model , and the accuracy of forecasting model is far from satisfaction .

  5. 公司内部销售核算的改进设想

    The Improvement Idea of Accounting of the Internal Sales within the Corporation

  6. 构建产销激励约束机制与内部销售价格的制定

    Setting Up Encouraging And Restrictive Stipulations for Production-Saling And Making An Inner Price

  7. 我们持有的大多数企业,都是在亚洲内部销售产品,而非将产品出口到世界其它地区,他表示。

    Most companies we own sell their products within Asia rather than exporting them to the rest of the world , he says .

  8. 因此,未实现内部销售利润是进行存货内部交易抵销处理的根本动因。

    Therefore , has not realized the internal sale profit is carries on the goods in stock interior transaction to offset processing the basic agent .

  9. 内部销售层次结构,将产品按不同的级别分类,例如分公司、部门、类别、品牌等等。

    An internal merchandising hierarchy that groups products in different levels , such as division , department , category , brand , and so on .

  10. 在编制合并会计报表时,应当将存货价值中包含的未实现内部销售利润予以抵销。

    Merges accountant when the establishment the report form , must store goods in the value to contain has not realized the internal sale profit to offset .

  11. 协调酒店内部与销售、激励等相关的事务。

    Coordinate functions in the hotel that relate to sales , incentives , etc.

  12. 在洲际酒店集团内部为销售团队提供协调行政服务以辅佐酒店利润产生。

    Provide a co-ordination and administrative service for the hotel sales team to assist with revenue generation of the hotel and in deed all hotels within the Intercontinental Hotels Group .

  13. 分销渠道是企业将产品或服务向消费者转移所有权所经过的路径,涵盖了企业内部的销售组织和外部的经销商组织。

    Distribution channel is the way for the enterprises to transfer the ownership of their products to their customer , which covered the internal sales organization of the enterprise and its external distribution organizations .

  14. 数据科学家帮助各公司理解其每日搜集的海量数据信息,从内部作出的销售报告,到客户发布的Twitter消息,无所不包。

    A data scientist helps companies make sense of the massive streams of digital information they collect every day , everything from internally generated sales reports to customer tweets .

  15. 市场推广还面临着另外一个小小的内部难题:销售人员。

    Marketing faces another little local difficulty : sales people .

  16. 旅行社之间的激烈竞争,使得行业内部压低价格销售,然后利用购物、自费项目等手法侵害消费者合法权益的行为大量存在。

    The fierce competition make the travel agencies decrease the sale price , and then use shopping , and own expense items ruin the consumers ' legitimate rights .

  17. 随着各种大小药店的发展和管理的规范化,对于药品销售的管理人员来说有一个适于药店内部使用的销售软件是不可或缺的。

    With the standardizations of all sizes of drugstores of development and management , a selling software suited to use within the drugstore is indispensable to administrative staff of medicines sale .

  18. 在公司内部制定和部署销售要求,其中包括销售指标和预算准备;

    Devising and deploying all sales objectives and goals across the company , including sales targets and budgets preparation .

  19. 开发出低质量软件的组织,无论是为了内部使用还是为了销售,总是会逐渐变糟,在“已完成”产品的缺陷修复上花费时间和金钱要比从一开始就修复缺陷多出很多倍。

    Organizations that develop low-quality software , whether for internal use or for sale , are always looking backward , spending time and money on fixing defects in " finished " products .

  20. 另一方面,当前企业分销的配送模式主要面向单个分销区域,单纯将分销区域作为一个整体,未充分考虑其内部各分销点销售不平衡的情况。

    On the other hand , the traditional delivery pattern of distribution are mainly the single distribution area oriented which takes the area as a whole and does not fully consider the case that the sale at the different points in the single distribution area are unbalanced .