
ɡōnɡ lù zì xínɡ chē sài
  • road cycling
  1. 环青海湖国际公路自行车赛商业化运作的研究

    On the Commercialized Operation of " Tour-round-Qinghai-Lake " International Road Cycling Race Bicycle

  2. 英国选手库克获得了奥运会公路自行车赛的金牌。

    Nicole Cooke of Britain has won the gold medal in Olympic women 's road cycling .

  3. 自行车赛包括场地自行车赛和公路自行车赛。

    Cycling races racing include track events and road events .

  4. 车手在比赛的环法自行车赛鹿特丹和布鲁塞尔之间的公路自行车赛第

    Riders compete at the start of the first stage of the Tour d

  5. 试论环青海湖国际公路自行车赛对高原旅游业发展的影响

    The influence of the international cycling race around Qinghai Lake on the development of Qinghai tourism

  6. 任何人都能观看铁人三项、马拉松、公路自行车赛和帆船赛&它们全部免费。

    Anyone can watch the triathlon , marathons , road cycling , and sailing-all free of charge .

  7. 公路自行车赛将在八月九号、十号、和十三号举行。

    B : ? The Road Cycling events are being held on August the 9th , 10th and 13th .

  8. 第2届环青海湖国际公路自行车赛中、外运动员成绩对比分析

    Comparative Analysis on Performance of Home and Foreign Cyclist in the 2 ~ ( th ) Road Cycling Race around Qinghai Lake

  9. 计成和另两位中国车手曾被派到荷兰北部,在那里参加了不计其数的业余公路自行车赛。

    Ji and the other two Chinese riders were sent to northern Holland and entered in that country 's numerous amateur criteriums .

  10. 除了每年夏季一群风风火火的自行车手会聚集到这里参加环青海湖国际公路自行车赛以外,鲜有游人跑到这里来欣赏这油画般的美景。

    Few tourists make it to this part of China to enjoy this oil painting of a scene , not counting packs of mad cyclists who come for Tour de Qinghai Lake International Cycling Race every summer .

  11. 采用文献资料、现场观察法和数理统计等方法,对第二届环青海湖国际公路自行车赛中外运动员的比赛数据进行对比分析。

    By methods of literature , observation and mathematical statistics , the authors of this article made a contrast analysis of the data of Chinese and foreign Cyclists taking part in the Second International Road Cycling Race around Qinghai Lake .

  12. 比赛的头一天将安排家庭趣味骑车,第二天将安排100英里挑战赛,计划吸引3.5万名业余和职业自行车手,按照伦敦奥运会公路自行车赛的路线进行比赛。

    While the first day will be a family fun ride , the second day aims to attract about 35000 amateur and professional cyclists to take part in a 100-mile challenge based on the route of the London Olympics road race .

  13. 如果环法自行车赛冠军布拉德利威金斯在争夺男子公路自行车个人计时赛的赛场上,紧张地环顾人群,看首相卡梅伦有没有来观战,那我们一定要原谅他,因为卡梅伦首相已开始被誉为奥运扫帚星。

    When Bradley Wiggins goes for gold tomorrow afternoon in the men 's cycling time trial the Tour de France champion could be forgiven for checking the crowd nervously for the face of the prime minister , who is starting to get a reputation as a bit of a jinx .