
gōng jia
  • the public;the state;the organization;public side
公家 [gōng jiā]
  • (1) [the public;the state]∶指朝廷、国家或官府

  • 赴公家之难

  • (2) [public side]∶与私人相区别,今指国家、机关、团体等

  • 副业产品,卖给公家

公家[gōng jia]
  1. 有些人是非常爱护公家的财物。

    Some men cherish the state 's propertiesvery very much .

  2. 危机传布就是指在危机前后及危机事件发生入程中,在政府部门、组织、媒体、公家之内和彼此之间信息交流的入程。

    Crisis transmission is an info-exchange process among government , organization , media and the public in the process of crisis event .

  3. 绝不能把公家财产占为私有。

    One should never make public property one 's private possession .

  4. 公家的财产就是人民的财产。

    Public property is the people 's property .

  5. 你真是狗胆包天,公家的钱也敢挪用?

    You are monstrously audacious , how dare you misappropriate public funds ?

  6. 别弄坏那些书那是公家的东西。

    Don 't damage those books & they 're public property .

  7. 你说你今晚要去外公家

    you said you 'd go to your grandfather 's tonight .

  8. 他曾来过外公家串过几次门。

    He 'd come to the house several times before on social calls .

  9. 我得郑重声明,此事完全与公家无涉。

    I must emphasize that this is not official .

  10. 请勿取用非公家物品。

    Please don 't personal equipment of other member .

  11. 政府希望在下个财税年度减少公家开支。

    The government hopes to curtail public spendIng In the next tax year .

  12. 安德鲁家离外公家只有几个街区

    Andrew only lives , like , a couple blocks away from Grandpa 's.

  13. 你为什么随便拿公家的东西?

    Why should you make free with public property ?

  14. “我来外公家吃汉堡了!”

    I came to Papaw 's house and am having a burger ! '

  15. 斑点状霜冻的苔原水池点缀了加拿大北育空公家公园的风景。

    Frost-flecked tundra pools dot the landscape of Canada 's North Yukon National Park .

  16. 如果你的抱怨不能解决时,公家机关或交易组织可提供协助。

    Government agencies or trade organizations may offer support if your complaint is unresolved .

  17. 他是外公家邻居,和外公差不多年纪,也早就退休了。

    He was a neighbor of my grandparents ' age , long since retired .

  18. 第二个资金起源是公家存款者。

    The second source is private lenders .

  19. 代价这位官员用公家的钱出国旅行。

    The official travels at public expense .

  20. 教会学校也纷纷要求公家提供资金以帮助它们承担教育任务。

    Church schools were agitating for public funds to help them bear the responsibility for education .

  21. 在这种情形下也使得其介入性、互动性增强,公家的介入增多。

    In this case also causes its participation , interactive to strengthen , public 's participation increases ;

  22. 如果把盗窃公家的财产等等都算在内,那就更要多得多。

    The sum would be even larger if we counted theft of public property and the like .

  23. 巴西政府提供昂贵的药物和低成本翻译过来的说明书,他们来自私人和公家的厂商。

    The government supplies costly H.I.V.drugs as well as lower-cost versions made by public and private manufacturers .

  24. 一直向下走,那些人是给公家干活的,他们会让你们过的。

    Head straight down , those guys are working for the city , they gotta let you through .

  25. 把养老金划归私人部门负责而取代从公家钱包掏钱的转移支付并不能解决问题。

    Making pensions a claim on the private sector rather than the public purse does not change the problem .

  26. 他常用私车办公事,许多次小修费用都由公家报销。

    He used his car for business purpose , and many of the minor repairs were done on the house .

  27. 异体问责主体主要包括国度权力机关、社会公家和新闻媒体等。

    The external accountability subjects mainly include the state power institution , the publics , the media and so on .

  28. 我已多次告诉你,上班时间不能用公家的电话办私事。

    I have told you several times not to use the office phone for private affairs during the work hours .

  29. 工作带给你的成就和声誉让公家体味你到底有何等优异。

    Your achievement and the fame it leads to will make it known to the public how good you really are .

  30. 当他们决定成为公家角色时,他们应该想到自己至少将失往某些隐私。

    When they seek a public role , they should expect that they will lose at least some of their privacy .