
gōng yǎn
  • Public performance;perform in public;give a performance;give a performance publicly
公演 [gōng yǎn]
  • [perform in public;give a performance] 在公众场合演出

  • 舞剧于上星期四在此公演

公演[gōng yǎn]
  1. 这出戏于1999年在伯明翰轮演剧场首次公演。

    The play was premiered at the Birmingham Rep in 1999 .

  2. 这对塑造该形象的作家J,K,罗琳来说是个好消息,即便这一结果部分的归功于围绕明天首次公演的第一部以哈里-波特为主人公的电影所展开的宣传造势。

    It was a good result for the author J K Rowling , even if part of it could be ascribed to the hype for the first Harry Potter film , which receives its premiere tomorrow .

  3. 我担心《大吉岭特快》在9月28日纽约电影节的公演,以及此后在其他主要城市的放映情况,这甚至超过了Wilson的感召力。

    But I fear Darjeeling , which opens the New York Film Festival Sept.28 and will play in major cities shortly thereafter , is beyond even Wilson 's powers of persuasion .

  4. 我有三张《夜莺》首次公演的戏票。

    I had three tickets to the premiere of'the nightingale ' .

  5. 太晚了,而且我的节目很快就公演了。

    It 's late , and my show is opening soon .

  6. 但这出戏这出戏要公演,这是我的事。

    And it 's my business to put on a play .

  7. 在公演现场,真正的出租车被放置在活动现场。

    At the premiere , real taxi was placed on stage .

  8. 提醒他今晚可都是来看他的公演。

    And remind him that they 're doing his play this evening .

  9. 为什么她是初次公演上唯一带有保镖的人?

    Why is she the only one with a bodyguard at premieres ?

  10. 朵拉:我知道有一台新剧这星期开始公演。

    Dora : I see that a new play opened this week .

  11. 金龙马戏团只在伦敦公演一天

    Yellow Dragon Circus , in London for one day .

  12. 演出没有成功,将于下月停止公演。

    The performance is not successful and will come off next month .

  13. 不排练而直接指挥一部交响乐的首次公演是鲁莽的。

    Conducting the premiere of a symphony without a rehearsal requires temerity .

  14. 学校正在举行年度公演。

    And the school was giving its yearly performance .

  15. 人生在世,其实只是彩排,为未来公演之日作准备。

    Life on earth is just the dress rehearsal before the real production .

  16. 班长带头推销学校戏剧公演的门票。

    The monitor set the pace in selling tickets for the school play .

  17. 一群影星参加了首次公演。

    A galaxy of film stars attended the premiere .

  18. 下周,皇家歌剧院的《拜访森林》将公演。

    A Royal Opera House production of Into The Woods opens next week .

  19. 在就要首次公演的前3天,她却退出了。

    She walked out three days before the show was due to open .

  20. 这出戏公演时,当地报纸对它评价不佳。

    When the play opened , the local press gave it the thumbs down .

  21. 包括本剧的排练、公演及对自己的影响。

    Including the opera " Aida " rehearsals , performances , and their influence .

  22. 那年轻歌手第一次公演对她无疑是一次考验。

    Her first public performance will certainly put the young singer to the test .

  23. 此剧首次在巴黎公演。

    The play was first performed in Paris .

  24. 那出戏首次公演之夜观众非常热情。

    The audience was / were enthusiastic on the opening night of the play .

  25. 公演之后再次投入到电视剧的拍摄中,消化了繁忙的日程。

    Again after performing the digestion of your busy schedule to shoot the drama are .

  26. 在近几年中,乐队参加了许多国际性公演。

    The band took part in numerous public and internal performances over these few years .

  27. 只在伦敦公演一天。

    In London for one night only .

  28. 在香港回归仪式上初次公演。

    And premiered it at the handover .

  29. 他首次登台公演时只有九岁,弹奏的是一支协奏曲。

    He was only nine when he made his first public appearance and played a concerto .

  30. 他们计划公演一次,暂定一位电影明星做主要的卖座人物。

    They plan to make a show with a movie star penciled in as the attraction .