
  • 网络Zulu
  1. 即使较早倾盆大雨也没有抑制祖鲁族的传统精神,伴随着雨水得这一重要事件是一个好迹象。

    Even an earlier torrential downpour did not dampen spirits-in Zulu tradition , rain during an important event is a good sign .

  2. 一位祖鲁族女招待正在为顾客端上当地特色的烤肉。

    A Zulu waitress is serving local barbecues for her customers .

  3. 祖鲁族和古老族人开车7小时告别改变了这个国家的英雄。

    Zulus and traditional warrior drove seven hours to bid farewell to the hero that transformed that nation .

  4. 留下来的难以解决的问题是:非国大会同意下放哪些权力给这位祖鲁族领袖呢?

    The festering issue that remains is : what powers will the ANC agree to devolve to the Zulu leader ?

  5. 斯派塞认为,非国大忽视了作为布特莱奇权力基础的祖鲁族文化,并自以为后者所取得的成功全靠了操纵选举的本事。

    The ANC ignores the Zulu cultural base of Buthelezi 's support , Spicer says , and has convinced itself that his success is due solely to his ability to rig elections .

  6. 例如,在南非,慈济的地方分支包括一群祖鲁族女性,她们会在一些其它组织不敢进入的高犯罪率城镇帮助照顾艾滋病患者。

    In South Africa , for example , its local chapter includes a group of Zulu women who help take care of AIDS victims in certain townships with crime rates so high no other group dares to enter .