
ɡōnɡ lì dà xué
  • Public universities;public college
  1. 普林斯顿评论将你们评为最具价值的公立大学

    Princeton Review names you the number one best value of a public college

  2. 很快我便弄清了因果联系:我是一个犹太人,而且我上的是公立大学,他写道。

    Soon I made the connection : I was Jewish and I attended a public college , he wrote .

  3. 据NPR新闻的奥蒂·康尼什报道,这是星巴克公司同公立大学的首次合作。

    NPR 's Audie Cornish reports on the first kind collaboration between Starbucks and public university .

  4. CollegeBoard称,过去10年,除去通胀,公立大学的学费每年上涨5.6%,私立大学的学费每年上涨3%。

    In the past decade , tuition rates at public universities have risen 5.6 per cent a year above inflation , while fees at private college have increased by 3 per cent a year , the College Board says .

  5. UB又是全美收费最低廉的公立大学之一。

    Nevertheless , UB remains one of the most affordable public universities in the United States .

  6. 法国有多个种类的商学院:公立大学下辖的商学院(Institutd’AdministrationdesEntreprises网络);

    There are several categories of business school in France : those part of a public university ( the Institut d'Administration des Entreprises network ) ;

  7. 但尽管我正在上大型公立大学的儿子在寻找类似机会方面必须竭尽全力,但他做的毫不逊色,他高中时曾当过志愿消防队员、SAT成绩接近满分。

    But so is my high-school volunteer firefighter son with near perfect SAT scores & and he has to hunt and peck for similar opportunities at his big public university . ( I had the same experience attending UC Berkeley . )

  8. 伯克利大学(Berkeley)执行副校长内森?布罗斯特洛姆(NathanBrostrom)表示,在加州,以伯克利为首的公立大学体系正面临“严峻”的资金缩水。

    Over in California , for example , the public universities that cluster around Berkeley are currently facing " draconian " cuts , as Nathan Brostrom , executive vice president , says .

  9. ACU国立是澳大利亚天主教大学,一所公立大学由澳大利亚政府和开放给学生和工作人员的所有信仰。

    ACU National is the Australian Catholic University , a public university funded by the Australian Government and open to students and staff of all beliefs .

  10. 这是一个四年制的公立大学,位于华盛顿Olympia城西北,目前有4000多名学生,包括26名国际学生。

    Evergreen State is a public four-year college in the northwestern city of Olympia , Washington . It has more than four thousand students , including twenty-six international students currently .

  11. 纽约州立水牛城大学(UB)是美国东北部最好的公立大学之一,为学生提供优异的教育。

    One of the best public universities in the northeastern United States , the University at Buffalo ( UB ) is an outstanding place to receive an education .

  12. 印度针对公立大学的规定更为严格。例如,作为印度一流的商学院,印度管理学院艾哈迈德巴德分校(IndianInstituteofManagementatAhmedabad)曾考虑开设一所海外分校,但遭到印度法律禁止。

    Rules set for educational institutes are even more stringent for public universities , such as the Indian Institute of Management at Ahmedabad , considered India 's leading business school . IIM-A has considered opening an overseas campus , but is forbidden to do so under Indian law .

  13. 在第二种方法中,我们使用面对面半结构化访谈方法访谈了来自4所选取的公立大学的62个项目组成员和领导者,4个ICT负责人,以及8各大学管理人员。

    In the second approach to answering the above question , semi-structured face to face interviews with 62 project team members and team leaders , four ICT directors , and eight university managers in four purposively selected public universities were carried out .

  14. 虽然加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)和宾夕法尼亚州立大学都是久负盛名的研究型公立大学,但前者近期毕业的学生所背负的债务,比宾州立少30%,而UCLA早些年毕业的学生,收入约比宾州立高30%。

    While U.C.L.A. and Penn State are both prestigious public research universities , recent U.C.L.A. grads leave with about 30 percent less debt , even as their predecessors are earning about 30 percent more money than counterparts at Penn State .

  15. 中国公立大学预算软约束的解释及对策建议

    Explanations and Countermeasures against Soft Budget Constraint on Public Universities in China

  16. 进步特别明显的是一些大型公立大学。

    The improvement is especially noteworthy at large public universities .

  17. 公立大学的校内系统是由政府开办的高等教育局所统治的。

    Public university systems are ruled over by government-run higher education boards .

  18. 同样的,公立大学对其他州的学生收费更高。

    Here too , public universities more for out-of-state tuition .

  19. 布鲁尼还深入挖掘了一些非名校的公立大学的亮点。

    Bruni also dives deep to offer some surprises on non-elite public schools .

  20. 我国公立大学内部资源的配置机制探析

    Resource Allocation Mechanism of Chinese Public University State University as a Governmental Agency

  21. 公立大学的就读成本则是40年前的四倍。

    The cost of a public university has quadrupled .

  22. 美国有八所高校进入榜单,且均为公立大学。

    Eight American institutions made the list - all of them public universities .

  23. 公立大学人事制度系统化改革的实践价值

    Practical Value for the Systematical zed Reform of Personnel System in Public University

  24. 日本的公立大学被认为是最好的学校。

    Now , in Japan , public universities are considered to be the best .

  25. 公立大学往往很少向外国的本科生提供补助。

    Public universities tend to offer little aid to international students at undergraduate level .

  26. 英语被受过教育的城市杰出者用于政府和合作经济方面。公立大学把英语作为教育的媒介。

    English is used in government and corporate business and by the educated urban elite .

  27. 和谐管理视野下我国公立大学内部权力研究

    Research on the Public Universities ' Internal Power under the Vision of Harmonious Management Theory

  28. 许多无法支付昂贵的私立大学学费的家庭,现在往往能在公立大学中找到令人满意的选择。

    Many families who cannot afford private colleges now have appealing alternatives at public universities .

  29. 公立大学、高中和小学由政府出资管理。

    The government maintains a public university and also public high schools and elementary schools .

  30. 将你们评为排名第二的公立大学

    names you the number two public university