
  1. 论参与型公众环境利益诉求机制建构&以H化工厂事件为例

    On the Mechanism of " Participatory " Public Environmental Interests Litigation : A Case Study of H Chemical Industry Events

  2. 北京市公众环境意识的总体评价与影响因素

    The Evaluation and Influence Factor of Beijing 's Public Environmental Awareness

  3. 实现公众环境意识升华的理性思考

    A rational consideration of realizing the sublimation of popular environmental consciousness

  4. 提高公众环境意织,树立生态道德观。

    Increase public 's environment consciousness and set up ecological moral view .

  5. 宁波市公众环境意识调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis of Public Environmental Awareness in Ningbo City

  6. 桥头堡城市公众环境意识调查与研究

    Public Environment Consciousness : An Investigation and Study at the Bridgehead City

  7. 城市雕塑是公众环境艺术的一种。

    City sculpture is a kind of public environment art .

  8. 中国公众环境意识提高的若干建议

    Several Suggestions to Improve the Chinese People 's environmental consciousness

  9. 环境艺术对公众环境意识的影响

    Influence of environment arts upon the public environment consciousness

  10. 西部农村地区公众环境意识的调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis of Public Environmental Consciousness in the Counties of Western China

  11. 中国半干旱区公众环境意识历史演变的研究

    Historical Succession of the Public Awareness of Environment in Semiarid Area of China

  12. 太湖流域农村公众环境意识案例研究

    Public awareness over rural environment in Tai Lake Basin

  13. 太原市公众环境意识现状分析

    Survey on the Present Condition of Public Environmental Awareness in Taiyuan City , Shanxi

  14. 海南省部分旅游区公众环境意识的调查与思考

    The investigation and thinking of public environment consciousness in partial tourism areas of Hainan

  15. 加强公众环境意识教育

    Intensify the Environmental Sense Education of the Public

  16. 典型化工园区公众环境可接受风险水平实证研究

    The Research and Demonstration of Public Environmental Acceptable Risk Level of Typical Chemical Industrial Park

  17. 加强环境保护宣传教育提高公众环境意识

    Strengthening the propaganda and education of environmental protection to enhance the public 's environmental awareness

  18. 但目前有关公众环境意识的调查没有统一的测量指标体系。

    But there is no united measuring index system of public environmental awareness at present .

  19. 如果没有改变,那么造成公众环境行政参与无效的原因是什么。

    If there is no change , what caused by of public environmental Chief participation invalid .

  20. 农村地区公众环境意识水平又显著低于城市地区;

    The level of PEA in rural area is much lower than that in urban area ;

  21. 中国西部地区公众环境意识现状分析及培育对策研究

    The Current Status Analysis and Improvement Strategy on Public Environmental Awareness in the Western Area of China

  22. 公众环境保护的意识有待提高,这是一个不争的事实。

    It is an indisputable fact that an awareness of public environmental protection needs to be enhanced .

  23. 行政机关的行政行为侵犯公众环境权的事例在现实生活中屡见不鲜。

    The administration behavior of the administration organization infringes upon the public environment rights repeatedly in the realistic life .

  24. 从公众环境权视角论环境行政诉讼制度构建

    Discussion on the Establishment of the Environmental Administrative Litigation System : From the Aspect of the Public Environmental Right

  25. 以责任为本位、以公众环境利益为导向构建公共型政府,是环境管理体制改革的方向。

    The environmental management reform direction is establishing public administration by the responsibility priciple and the public environmental interest oriented .

  26. 马军还补充一些公司正在和公众环境研究中心合作绿色供应链项目,可口可乐公司就是其中之一。

    Mr Ma added that Coca-Cola was one of the companies working with his organisation on their green supply chain program .

  27. 通过各种教育活动提高公众环境意识,尽力协助政府来解决某些具体环境问题。

    Enhance public environmental awareness through various kinds of educational activities , and try to assist the government in solving environmental problems .

  28. 随着公众环境意识的逐渐提高,环境保护已深入到社会生活的各个方面。

    The protection of environment has gone into every part of the social life along with the gradual improvement of public environment consciousness .

  29. 这种布局性的不合理,将挑战沿海生态环境的承受能力,加剧公众环境需求与环境形势间的矛盾。

    The unreasonable distribution will challenge the carrying capacity of ecological environment , and increases the contradiction between environmental needs and environmental situation .

  30. 并且管理部门要严格执法,加强生态环保教育,提倡低碳旅游,促进公众环境守法意识的形成。

    The need for strict law enforcement , promote low-carbon tourism and ecological education , promoting the formation of public awareness of environmental compliance .