
  • 网络public health;community health;Master of Public Health;MPH
  1. 全球合作预防疾病蔓延也有助于促进公共健康。

    Global cooperation to prevent the spread of pandemic disease can promote public health .

  2. 卡梅伦先生与公共健康都欠缺意志力。

    But strength of will is the missing ingredient where Mr. Cameron and public health are concerned .

  3. 政府不情愿地参与一项明智的公共健康政策,但由于过于谨慎以至于应得的政治信用落入反对党囊中。

    The government has moved reluctantly into a sensible public health policy , but with such obvious over-cautiousness that any political credit due belongs to the opposition .

  4. 在周一发行的《美国公共健康杂志》的一篇社论中,凯瑟琳·克劳德和布莱恩·奥斯汀就政府对时装业的监管提出了他们的理由。

    In an editorial released Monday in the American Journal of Public Health , Katherine Record and Bryn Austin made their case for government regulation of the fashion industry .

  5. 42岁的米格尔·梅达拥有硕士学位,在公共健康部门工作,他是家里的第一个大学生,正是因为如此,他体会到了他的父母和祖父母从未体会到的经济稳定感。

    Miguel Maeda , 42 , who has a master 's degree and works in public health , was the first in his family to go to college , which has allowed him to achieve a sense of financial stability his parents and grandparents never did .

  6. “坐以待毙综合征”能导致多种慢性疾病,每年还会造成数百万人过早死亡,因此成为公共健康的一大负担。

    Sedentary death syndrome ( SeDS ) is a major public health burden due to its causing multiple chronic2 diseases and millions of premature3 deaths each year .

  7. TRIPs框架下药品专利权和公共健康的平衡

    Striking a Balance between Patent Rights and Public Health : The TRIPS Attempt

  8. TRIPS协议虽然规定了一些公共健康例外条款,但是冲突仍然没有得到解决。

    TRIPS agreement provides for a number of public health exceptions , but the conflicts remains unsolved .

  9. 背景糖尿病(DM)是一种常见的慢性代谢性疾病,现已经成为世界范围内日益严重的公共健康问题,严重危害着人类健康。

    BACKGROUND Diabetes mellitus is a common chronic metabolic disease . It has becoming a severe public health problem .

  10. 然而,FDA还面临着来自公共健康倡导者和医疗专家的压力。

    The agency , however , is under pressure from public health advocates and medical experts .

  11. 此外,结合WTO知识产权争端解决案例和全球公共健康危机,阐明对国际贸易中的知识产权限制进行研究的必要性,并对国际贸易中的知识产权限制进行了分类。

    The necessity of the limitations on intellectual property rights is studied on the basis of the WTO dispute settlement cases and the global public health crisis .

  12. 本文以利益平衡为方法,论述了TRIPS利益保护的失衡以及如何采取措施使其平衡,从而达到有效保护公共健康权的目的。

    This article argues the unbalance in TRIPS protection and how to balance the protection to protect the goal of public health .

  13. 本文着眼于WTO背景下药品专利与公共健康之间的冲突问题,对冲突的形成原因和协调途径进行了分析和论证,并提出对我国的法律对策建议。

    With a view to this issue in the scope of the WTO , this thesis analyzes the cause of the conflict between pharmaceutical patents and public health and the way to balance them .

  14. PeterZandi是马里兰州约翰·霍普金斯大学公共健康学院的基因研究人员。

    Peter Zandi is a genetic researcher at John Hopkins University School of Public Health in Maryland .

  15. 该校营养与食品科学部的伊丽莎白伯曼(ElizabethBerman)和蕾切尔约翰逊(RachelJohnson)最近在《美国公共健康杂志》(AmericanJournalofPublicHealth)上发表了一项研究。

    A study by Elizabeth Berman and Rachel Johnson ( of the University 's own Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences ) was recently published in the American Journal of Public Health .

  16. 由于缺乏一种AIDS疫苗,专家称发展一种抗生素首先考虑的是公共健康,主要为了保护那些贫穷国家其伴侣拒绝使用安全套的众多女性。

    In the absence of an AIDS vaccine , specialists say development of a microbicide is a public health priority , mainly to protect the many women in poor countries whose partners refuse to use condoms .

  17. 随着甲型H1N1流感疫情在全球蔓延,药品专利保护与公共健康的博弈更加激烈。

    With the widespread of influenza A virus subtype H1N1 epidemic all over the world , the game between pharmaceuticals patent protection and public health is fiercer .

  18. 公共健康已可以不受知识产权法规的约束,跟随着这一发展趋势,工业化国家及发展中国家共同承担着修改TRIPS协议及国内法律以解决气候变化问题的责任。

    Industrialized and developing countries share responsibility for overhauling TRIPS and domestic IPR laws to address climate change , following in the footsteps of recent public health exceptions to IPR regulations .

  19. TRIPS协定很大程度上反应了发达国家药品工业的利益,但却对发展中国家和最不发达国家公共健康问题的解决带来了巨大的法律障碍。

    While reflecting the interests of the pharmaceutical industry based in developed countries , the TRIPS Agreement constitute huge legal obstacles which will hinder the developing countries ' efforts to solve public health .

  20. Nestle是曼哈顿纽约大学营养、食品研究和公共健康系的教授。

    Nestle is a professor in the department of nutrition , food studies and public health at New York University in Manhattan .

  21. Gregory教授,并且是哈佛大学公共健康学院分子遗传病流行学这个项目的主管,是这项研究的资深作者。

    Gregory Professor of Cancer Prevention and director of the Program in Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology at HSPH and senior author of the study .

  22. TRIPS协议将专利保护扩大到了医药产品,使许多发展中国家在防治传染病问题上困难重重,公共健康危机迫在眉睫。

    The TRIPS enlarge the protection of patent to pharmaceutical product . It makes developing countries difficult in the prevention and cure of communicable diseases . The problem of public health is very serious .

  23. 《多哈宣言》明确了WTO成员充分利用TRIPS协议中的弹性条款的权利,但并未解决TRIPS下药品专利权与公共健康权的法权冲突。

    Doha Declaration determines WTO members ' right that is to make full of elastic clause in TRIPS agreement . However , it does not solve the conflict between patent right of drugs and public health right under TRIPS .

  24. 经过《多哈宣言》和《关于实施TRIPS协定与公共健康多哈宣言第六段的决议》以及争端解决机制的解释和检验,TRIPS协定原本模糊的保障措施在可操作性上获得了提高。

    The TRIPS Agreement , through Doha Declaration and the decision Implementation of paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and public health , along with the interpretation by the DSB , became Practicable .

  25. 纽敦镇代表了“我们当前的文化,”千美健康顾问集团(TrinityHealth)社会责任投资总监凯西·罗万称,它包含“企业需要应对的公共健康问题,在健康的社区中经营会令企业受益。”

    Newtown represents " the culture we live in , " says Cathy Rowan , director of socially responsible investments at Trinity health , encompassing " public health issues that corporations need to address because it benefits them to operate in healthy communities . "

  26. 尽管公约包括了一个“退出”(opt-out)条款,让各国允许为了保护公共健康而在室内使用DDT,但是很少有国家选择使用这个条款。

    Although the convention includes an opt-out clause for nations that want to permit the use of DDT indoors to protect public health , few countries chose to use it .

  27. 面向未来,随着科学和社会的发展,公共健康的概念,以及药品安全和效用的概念都在发生变化,人们对FDA保护公共健康的角色不断进行新的思考。

    With the development of science and society , the concepts of public health and drug safety and effect all change . The new thought of the role which FDA plays in protecting public health is put forward .

  28. WTO背景下药品专利与公共健康之冲突与协调尽管备用信用证,或称具有独立性的担保的出现是对传统的担保制度的一次重大突破,但却没有突破传统担保制度的极限。

    The Conflict and Coordination between Pharmaceutical Patents and Public Health in the Scope of WTO & And on the Legislation Countermeasures of China However different from the traditional suretyship , Standby , or say guarantee with character of independence , is still within the scope of guarantee system .

  29. 一些国家以保证进口食品安全、维护本国公共健康为名实施技术贸易措施,实则是设置了食品安全壁垒,违背了WTO框架下的相关规定,容易引发贸易摩擦,阻碍食品贸易的正常发展。

    Some countries under the name of ensuring imported foods ' safety and the necessary of national public health , which actually is a set of barriers to food safety . Such trade barriers hinder the development of trade in food , and make it easy to trigger trade frictions .

  30. Tufts医药中心和哈佛公共健康学院的研究人员强调,由性生活引发心脏病的病例其实很少。

    The researchers , from the Tufts Medical Centre and Harvard School of Public Health , stress that the number of heart attacks actually caused by sex will be low .