
  • 网络global e-commerce;global electronic commerce;Global E-business
  1. 自标从1997年7月美国政府正式发布《全球电子商务政策框架》(AFrameworkforGlobalElectronicCommerce)以来,在全球范围内欣起了电子商务(Electroniccommerce)的热潮。

    Since July 1997 when American administration issued officially A Framework for Global Electronic Commerce , a global upsurge of electronic commerce has emerged .

  2. 在网络高速公路不断拓展、电子政务、电子商务和各种基于WEB应用的业务模式不断成熟的今天,却有报道称全球电子商务的发展正在下滑。

    Highway network has expanded e-government , e-commerce and various business models based on WEB applications continue to mature today , there are reports that the development of global electronic commerce is declining .

  3. 在任何网络环境中,安全性始终是一个非常重要的问题,近年来随着Internet和全球电子商务的迅速发展,对敏感和重要信息的保护显得越来越重要。

    In many networks , Information Security is an important problem . With the rapid development of the Internet and electronic technology , it keeps more and more import thing for protecting the information security .

  4. 从全球电子商务发展的情况来看,电子商务中B2C在推动全球经济发展中,占据着非常重要的位置。

    From the global side , B2C from electronic commerce is playing the very important role in the development of global economy .

  5. 然后阐述了电子商务环境下供应链管理的结构和研究内容,并根据Cisco公司基于全球电子商务的供应链管理的实现进行案例分析。

    In the end the chapter has a case analyses about the SCM implement on the basis of the global EC in the Cisco Corporation .

  6. 麻省理工学院表示,在起步阶段,Coupang模仿全球电子商务市场Groupon,但现在已经通过引入“火箭交付”--保证当天送货的一种服务--吸引到了大量顾客。

    MIT said Coupang mimicked global e-commerce marketplace Groupon in its initial stage but has since attracted customers by introducing " rocket delivery , " a service that guarantees same day delivery . MIT said the Korean firm became Korea 's Amazon .

  7. 基于全球电子商务的信息资源开发与利用

    On Information Resources ' Development and Utilization Based on Global EC

  8. 全球电子商务有待解决的统一商业代码问题

    TX The Global Electronic Commerce Issue of Uniform Commercial Code

  9. 全球电子商务的发展势头

    The Development Momentum of E - Business in the World

  10. 全球电子商务在信息内容上有待解决的问题

    Problems Going to Be Solved in Information Content on Globe Electronic Commerce

  11. 在全球电子商务如火如茶、飞速发展的时代潮流面前,中国企业也不甘落后。

    Facing the fast development of E-business , Chinese enterprises cannot fall behind .

  12. 全球电子商务发展趋势及其影响

    The Trend and Impact of the Global E-Commerce

  13. 在线交易平台建设对推动全球电子商务发展具有至关重要的作用。

    The development of E-commerce worldwide strongly relies on the construction of online transaction portal .

  14. 国际大额电子资金划拨,是未来全球电子商务支付的基础。

    International great electronic funds transfer is the main payment way in the international payment .

  15. 全球电子商务法的比较

    The comparison of the global e-commerce laws

  16. 文章分析了导致全球电子商务企业陷入困境的主要原因:商业模式的缺陷;缺乏竞争优势;

    This paper analyzes the five reasons that lead to the troubles of the electronic commerce firms .

  17. 此外,以网上银行为支付平台的全球电子商务的发展已经成为推动银行服务跨境贸易的新基点。

    Electronic commerce involving a cross-border payment of banking can also promote cross-border trade in banking services .

  18. 随着全球电子商务的深入发展,电子商务企业的价值评估日益成为人们关注的焦点。

    With the deep development of global e-commerce , how to evaluate e-commerce enterprise has become a hot topic .

  19. 本文拟在对全球电子商务发展、电子商务立法研究的基础上,提出中国电子商务立法的对策建议。

    On the basis of global EC development study , the sug-gestions on legislation in China were pur forward .

  20. 并且,全球电子商务蓬勃发展,引起了世界各国政府的高度重视。

    In addition , the global prosperous development of e-commerce has attracted great attention from governments of various countries .

  21. 理解不同文化的用户如何使用网路,以及同一个网站,可以转化为真正的全球电子商务。

    Understanding how different cultures use the Net-as well as perceive the same Web sites-can translate to truly global e-commerce .

  22. 随着全球电子商务应用热潮的来临,电子商务安全问题成为大家关注的热点和焦点。

    As the application of global E-commerce is closing in upon , the security of E-commerce has become the focus everybody cares .

  23. 全球电子商务、引擎和其它互联网公司已努力想在这个高度管制的互联网市场上,从中国本土优秀的竞争对手那获得一块立足之地。

    Global e-commerce , search and other Internet brands have struggled to gain a foothold against aggressive local competitors in a heavily regulated market .

  24. 在互联网高度普及的今天,全球电子商务迅猛发展,同时网络第三方支付也应用而生。

    Nowadays as the Internet gets highly popularized , Global Electronic Commerce is developing rapidly and the Internet Third-party Payment emerged as the time required .

  25. 电子银行业务的兴起,是适应信息技术和互联网的发展,全球电子商务的发展,是银行业务创新和竞争的需要。

    The innovation of E-banking adapts to the development of information technology , internet and global e-business and meets the needs for banking innovation and competition .

  26. 分析了全球电子商务活动及其信息需求特点,并进一步探讨了网络信息资源开发与利用的具体程序。

    The essay analyzes global EC and its characteristics of information needs , and further discusses the concrete procedure of network information resources ' development and utilization .

  27. 文章概述了全球电子商务立法状况,着重对联合国贸法会、经合组织、美国、欧盟等国家与组织的电子商务法进行了比较。

    This article describes the global legislature of e-commerce , and makes a comparative study of the e - legislature of UNCITRAL , OECD , EU & USA.

  28. 随着全球电子商务经济的发展,电子商务给世界各国经济带来一片繁荣,同时,也带来了税收问题。

    With the global development of e-commerce and e-commerce economy to bring a prosperity of all the economies in the world , it also bring some tax issues .

  29. 随着全球电子商务快速成长,国内电子商务也在全球范围内迎头赶上,表现出一股强能量强劲成长。

    With the global electronic commerce rapid growth , the domestic e-commerce also catches up in the global area , showing a kind of growth with strong energy .

  30. 全球电子商务的迅猛发展给各国的税收征管带来的新问题,主要表现在:税收流失;

    The rapid development of the global electronic commerce has caused new troubles to the tax imposition and management in all the countries . The troubles mainly are : tax drains ;