- 网络GDS;Global Distribution System

Most flights booked through a physical or online travel agent go through a GDS , which charges the airline a fee of about $ 12 per round trip , passing a few dollars of that to the travel agent .
GDS , short for global distribution system , is used to make a reservation of seats and related products for air passengers .
Some of the tastiest margins in the travel business are enjoyed by the global distribution systems ( GDSs ), a fancy name for computerised-reservations services .
Although there are some big emerging travel markets , such as Brazil and India , where the GDSs ' grip is weaker , in others they have been successful in signing up new agents and airlines .
Like other airline chiefs , Qatar Airways ' boss , Akbar Al Baker , complains of GDSs ' slowness in updating their systems to cope with all these options , but he admits that they cannot do without the GDSs because they provide such a big share of their reservations .
These were originally created by several of the largest airlines to distribute their flights through travel agencies but have since become independent firms .
The GDSs could make use of such services , so as to sell the airlines ' full range of extras as well as just flights .
An investigation into the GDSs by America 's Department of Justice is quietly ticking over , and the European Commission is reviewing its code of conduct for them .
However , the loss of direct commission from airlines made travel agents more beholden to the GDSs , which not only slip them a share of fees but also provide their back-office computing .
The trouble is , carriers grumble , the GDSs ' computer systems have struggled to cope with them , which makes it hard to flog such extras to passengers who book through agents .
So far agents have mostly stuck with the GDSs : rebuilding their IT systems to make direct connections to airlines is expensive , and their contracts with GDSs may make it costly too .
Even then , admits Gary Doernhoefer , an IATA official , the GDSs ' grip on the industry may not change much without regulatory action to unpick their cosy agreements with travel agents .
Adam Wood , an analyst at Morgan Stanley , is sceptical : it would be hugely expensive for any new entrant to replicate the existing GDSs ' heavy spending on technology : the need for such investment makes flight distribution a business that naturally tends towards an oligopoly , he reckons .
American Airlines , Air Canada and a few other carriers have tried to do so , by setting up a " direct connect " service , by which travel agents ( physical or online ) can bypass the GDSs and hook up to the airline 's internal system to book both the basic flight and extras .
So Lufthansa , Air France and Iberia sold most of their shares in Amadeus ( the largest GDS ); American Airlines sold Sabre ; British Airways and KLM sold out of Galileo ; and so on .
So Lufthansa , Air France and Iberia sold most of their shares in Amadeus ( the largest GDS ) ;