
quán miàn diào chá
  • Comprehensive investigation;overall investigation;overall survey
  1. 本文在全面调查的基础上,对重庆市崩、滑、流作了全面、系统的统计。

    This paper are written in the basis of overall investigation .

  2. 本文在时莫干山现存近代建筑进行全面调查的基础上,论述莫干山近代建筑的发展概况和每一时期的建筑特色。

    Based on overall investigation of the extant modern architecture , the article describes the development situation and characteristics of each period .

  3. 政府已承诺对这次灾难进行全面调查。

    The government has promised a full investigation into the disaster .

  4. 公司已经宣布将对这次事故进行全面调查。

    The company has announced that it will undertake a full investigation into the accident .

  5. 他迫切要求展开全面调查,但是被叫停。

    He pressed for a full investigation , but was warned off

  6. 一位法官在进行全面调查之前已经暂缓了对该杂志的禁令。

    A judge has suspended a ban on the magazine pending a full inquiry .

  7. 总统已经下令进行全面调查。

    The President has ordered a full investigation

  8. 他保证将不会有任何掩饰,并且警方将进行全面调查。

    He pledged that there would be no whitewash and that the police would carry out a full investigation

  9. 将进行全面调查,找出事故原因。

    There will be a full investigation1 to work out what caused the accident .

  10. 一项关于股票经纪商收费的全面调查,将于9月21日发表在《投资者年鉴》(InvestorsChronicle)上。

    A full survey of stockbrokers ' charges will be published in Investors Chronicle on September 21 .

  11. 监管人员MikeAntonovich的发言人TonyBell称,Antonovich正在努力推动全面调查,迅速采取行动。

    Tony Bell , spokesperson for Supervisor Mike Antonovich says Antonovich is pushing for full investigation and fast action .

  12. NBA发言人称这些言论令人不安且充满攻击性,他们将进行全面调查。

    And NBA spokesman called the remarks disturbing and offensive and says they will be a fully investigation .

  13. 谷歌(Google)将面临欧盟反垄断机关的严密调查。欧盟反垄断机关宣布,将对谷歌滥用在线搜索市场主导地位和违反欧洲竞争法律的指控展开全面调查。

    Google will come under intense scrutiny from antitrust authorities in Brussels who announced a full probe into allegations that it had abused its dominant position in the online search market and breached European competition rules .

  14. 在3S技术支持下,结合野外调查与室内综合分析,全面调查监测了北京地区湿地的类型、面积。

    First of all , supported by 3S technology , combining field investigations with indoor synthetic analysis , the types and area of wetland in Beijing were investigated and monitored .

  15. 密苏里州国会议员RussCarnahan要求对所发生的事件进行全面调查。

    And Missouri Congressman Russ Carnahan is calling for a full investigation into what went wrong .

  16. 较全面调查了解了制药行业所面临的宏观环境、微观环境、竞争情况以及企业的营销策略和企业文化,分析了N公司在当前情况下的优势、劣势、机会、威胁。

    A comprehensive investigation and understanding of the macroeconomic environment , the pharmaceutical industry faces the micro environment , competition situation and the enterprise marketing strategy and the enterprise culture , analyzes N company in the current situation of the advantage and disadvantage , opportunity , threat .

  17. 本文在全面调查和监测天津市大港石化发展规划区大气SO2现状污染水平的基础上,分析和计算出该区域SO2排放控制总量。

    On the basis of investigating and monitoring present pollution level of SO 2 in Tianjin petrochemistry industrial development and planning zone , the total control quantity of SO 2 from the zone was worked out .

  18. 知情人士透露,美国联邦调查局(FBI)正在调查俄罗斯和卡塔尔被授予2018年和2022年世界杯主办权的过程。此举是该局全面调查国际足联腐败问题的一部分。

    The FBI is investigating how Russia and Qatar were awarded the 2018 and 2022 World Cup tournaments as part of its expanding probe into corruption at FIFA , people with knowledge of the investigation said .

  19. 爆炸案消息迅速传到华盛顿,总统奥巴马收到高级官员的简要汇报。白宫为此增强了安全防备,司法部门及FBI都行动起来全面调查案件。

    The repercussions extended from Massachusetts to Washington , where President Obama was briefed by top officials , the White House increased security , and the Justice Department and FBI mobilized to fully investigate what had happened .

  20. 本文在对CSCL环境下的研究性学习的有关研究进行内容总结和对大学研究性学习和学习平台现状全面调查的基础上,选取了协作式研究性学习这个切入点开展研究。

    After summarization of the relevant studies about inquiry learning in CSCL environment and investigation of the status of university inquiry learning platforms , this paper selected collaborative inquiry learning to research .

  21. 本文通过对徐州市生产、使用消耗臭氧层物质(ODs)的全面调查及综合分析评价.详细阐述了徐州市创建无氟化城市的可行性,并就今后的创建无氟化城市工作提出了对策和建议。

    The paper expounds feasibility of establishing freon - free city in XuZhou city on the basis of investigation and analysis of ODS produced and used in XuZhou city , and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions .

  22. Sicilia谴责墨西哥政客和犯罪团伙制造了这次杀戮事件,并要求进行一次全面调查。

    Mr Sicilia blamed Mexican politicians as well as criminal gangs for the killings and he has demanded a thorough investigation .

  23. 我们答应了他们进行全面调查的要求。

    We have agreed to their request for a full investigation .

  24. 多数党领导人哈利·里德赞成有必要进行全面调查。

    Majority leader Harry Reid agrees a full investigation is needed .

  25. 其次,还应当确立全面调查的原则。

    Secondly , still should establish the principle of comprehensive investigation .

  26. 你应该先全面调查一番。

    You should make a full investigation of it first .

  27. 他表示:我们正在继续对事件展开全面调查。

    We are continuing to investigate the matter fully , he said .

  28. 部长已开始正式全面调查这一事件。

    The minister has instigated a full official inquiry into the incident .

  29. 有些下院议员要求对该事件进行全面调查。

    Some MPs demanded a full enquiry into the incident .

  30. 本文是对浙江省专利活动进行全面调查、深入分析的结果。

    This paper examines the patent activities in Zhejiang province .