
guāng jí chéng diàn lù
  • optic integrated circuit
光集成电路[guāng jí chéng diàn lù]
  1. 低维纳米材料(零维、一维和二维结构)在未来纳米电子学、纳米光学和光集成电路方面有着极其重要的应用。

    Low-dimensional ( LD ) semiconductor nanostructured materials have extremely important potential applications in nano-electronics , nano-optics and light integrated circuit in the future .

  2. 以光子或光电子做为信息载体的集成光路取代集成电路成为未来发展的方向。

    The integrated optical circuit , using photon or photoelectron as the information carrier , will replace the integrated electric circuit in future .

  3. Fe-Al金属间化合物薄膜是惯性约束聚变(ICF)实验研究用靶的主要靶型,又由于其好的抗氧化性及磁光特性,在集成电路、磁存储材料方面有着很好的应用前景。

    Fe-Al inter-metallic films which is used as main target for inertia confine fusion ( ICF ) experiment , have perfect prospect of application in integrated circuit and magnetically recording & reading materials because of its good anti-oxidized and magnetic-optical properties .

  4. 在光通信和光集成电路方面,越来越迫切需要能调制、存贮和显示光信息的电控元件。

    In optical communications and optical integrated circuits , electrically controlled components are needed increasingly to modulate , storage and display optical information .

  5. 本报告将探讨对下一代无源光网络的商业需求,尤其是对无源光网络集成电路芯片的新要求和影响。

    This presentation discusses the needs and requirements for next generation passive optical networks , with special emphasis on the PON chip design .