
jī chǔ ɡuānɡ
  • base light
  1. 以WDM为基础的光传输网络在提供高传输容量的同时对网络可靠性也提出了更严格的要求。

    WDM based optical transport network entails more stringent appeal of availability while providing large transporting capacity .

  2. 随着Internet网络的飞速发展,以密集波分复用(DWDMDenseWavelengthDivisionMultiplexing)技术为基础的光通信网络引起了人们极大的兴趣。

    With Internet 's tremendous booming , optical communication network based on DWDM ( Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing ) becomes a very interesting research objective .

  3. 采用工业标准06μMCMOS工艺设计了以反向击穿硅pn结为基础的光发射器件。

    A reverse bias silicon p-n junction based on light emitting diode is designed in standard 0.6 μ m industrial CMOS technology .

  4. 以DWDM为基础的光网络组播具有十分广阔的应用前景,但基于传统的路由和交换方式的组播目前尚不能满足下一代网络的传输要求。

    Optical network based on DWDM has wide application prospects , but multicast based on traditional routing and Switching can not meet the requirements of Next Generation Networks .

  5. 方法采用以几何光学反射定律和折射定律为基础的光路追迹计算方法。

    Methods Ray tracing of geometric optics based on the reflection and refraction laws .

  6. 要实现光的集成,其基础就是光的处理与调控。

    To achieve the integration of the light , its foundation is light processing and tuning .

  7. 以经典电磁场理论为基础的光波导理论已经取得了很大的成功。

    The optical waveguide theory which basis on the classical theory of electromagnetic field has achieved a great success .

  8. 光纤分路器是光通讯领域应用的最为广泛最为基础的光无源器件。

    The optical fiber splitter is the most extensive and basic passive component in the field of optical communication .

  9. 光波导作为集成光学的基本单元,也是全光网络传输的基础,光波导结构在现代光通信领域中具有十分重要的用途。

    As the basic unit of integrated optics and the foundation of all-optical networks , optical waveguide has very significant application in modern optical communication network .

  10. 光子晶体是近十几年来发展起来的一个新兴的研究领域,在以集成光子器件为基础的光通讯和光信息处理领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    Photonic crystals have attracted a lot of interesting in recent years due to its important applications in the region of optical communication and light information processing .

  11. 激光生物学是一个多学科交叉的新兴学科,其中以激光微束的光阱效应为基础的光镊技术是生命科学和生物工程研究的有力工具。

    Laser Biography is a multi-discipline crossed new area , and the optical tweezers technology based on microbeam laser is an effective tool in the research of life science and bioengineering .

  12. 现代测试系统中,以光纤为基础的光互连总线因具有极高时间空间带宽积、高速、高密度、无干扰和传输功耗极低等特点,正在逐渐取代传统的电互连总线。

    During the modern test system development , the fiber-based optical interconnection bus is gradually replacing the traditional electrical interconnection bus due to high time-space bandwidth , high-speed , high density , low interference and power consumption characteristics .

  13. 本文用视频图像灰度直方图衡量光照的变化,并以灰度直方图熵为计算基础引入光照参数,利用连续两帧视频图像的光照参数的绝对差来判别光照的变化。

    This article puts forward a method of using video image histogram to measure the variation of illumination , then distinguishing the illumination change by measuring the absolute difference between illumination parameter of two successive video images on the basis of histogram entropy algorithm .

  14. 证明了以惠更斯-菲涅耳原理为基础的光衍射的球面波理论和以傅里叶理论为基础的平面波理论,用于计算菲涅耳衍射或夫琅和费衍射都有相同的结果。

    In the cases of Fresnel diffraction and Fraunhofer diffraction , the equivalence between the spherical wave theory and the plane wave theory were shown . The results of the spherical wave theory and the plane wave theory are the same based on the Huygens-Fresnel principle and Fourier theory respectively .

  15. 面向21世纪的宽带接入技术&以ATM为基础的无源光网络

    A 21 Century Oriented Broadband Access Technique & ATM Based Passive Optical Network

  16. OTN是以波分复用技术为基础、在光层组织网络的传送网,是下一代的骨干传送网。

    Based on Wavelength Division Multiplexing technology , OTN constructs networks architectures on the optical layer . It is the next generation backbone transport networks .

  17. 以Ethernet为基础的无源光网络(Ethernet-PON)是未来实现带宽、多业务综合接入的重要技术手段,如何提供服务质量(QoS)保证是EPON接入的核心技术之一。

    Passive Optical Network based on Ethernet ( Ethernet-PON ) is a very important technology to realize the broadband and integrated service access in the future . How to ensure high QoS is one of key EPON technologies .

  18. 文章对目前及未来10年世界电信业各个领域,如基础技术、光通信技术、因特网技术、移动通信技术、软件技术、ATM技术以及卫星通信技术的走向进行了宏观的描述和展望。

    The development trend of world telecommunications technologies of different domains in the next decade are described and forcasted in this paper , including basic technologies , optical communications technologies , Internet technologies , mobile communications technologies , software technologies , ATM technologies and satellite communications technologies .

  19. 电力通信传输网的核心部分是以SDH设备为基础的SDH光传输网,SDH设备的可靠性是电力系统各种通信业务安全稳定运行的保证。

    The SDH optical transport network , which is on the basis of the SDH equipments , is the most important part of the electric power communication . The safety and stability of the power system communication services depend on the reliability of the SDH equipments .

  20. 本研究在活性染料污水混凝法处理的基础上进行光助催化。

    On the base of mixing coagulation treatment , we used photocatalytic oxidation .

  21. 加氢裂化润滑油基础油用光稳定剂

    Light Stabilizers for Hydro-treated Base Stock

  22. 小麦高产栽培途径生理基础研究&光合生产与产物运输

    STUDIES ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF HIGH-YIELD PLANTING OF WHEAT & Photosynthetic Production and Product Transportation

  23. 这3种添加剂复配后的协合效应,解决了HVIWH125基础油的光不安定问题。

    The light stability of hydro-treating lube base oil was resolved by synergism effect of above three additives .

  24. 集成光学将光纤和以平面介质光波导为基础的集成光路相结合,极大地促进了光通信的长足发展。

    The integrated optics combines the optical fiber with the integrated optical circuits , and promotes the optical communication considerable development enormously .

  25. 论文第二章是关于磁光效应理论基础与磁光材料的详述。

    In the second chapter , we explain the basic knowledge on magneto-optic effect and the progress of the magneto-optic materials in detail .

  26. 光纤孤立子通信是一种新兴的通讯技术,以非线性光学为理论基础,采用光孤子作为信息载体。

    Optical soliton communication , a novel communication technology , is based on the theory of nonlinear optics and uses optical soliton as information carrier .

  27. 光学双稳态是很多光学器件的基础,如光开关、光存储和光逻辑器件等。

    Optical bistability ( OB ) provides a basis for various optical devices , such as optical logic gates , optical memories , and optical switches .

  28. 随着网络经济的发展,信息量飞速增长,而传输这些信息的基础正是光传输网络,传输带宽将成为一种稀有商品。

    With the development of network economy , the information increases in high speed . The basis of transmitting the information is optical fiber transmission network .

  29. 法拉第磁光效应发生的物质基础是磁光介质,磁致旋光效应正是线偏光与该介质发生作用的结果。

    The material base is magneto-optic material that Faraday magneto-optic effect brings about , which is the result that plane polarized light interact between magneto-optic material .

  30. 在此基础上推出光电池的频率特性,为合理地设计光电检测系统提供了理论根据。

    The frequency response of the circuit is calculated based on the new equivalent circuit , which is a theoretical base for the reasonable design of photoelectric test systems .