
  • 网络resplendent;Decked out
  1. 他瞥了索尼亚一眼,见她一身红衣,光彩照人。

    He glimpsed Sonia , resplendent in a red dress .

  2. 她光彩照人,头脑机敏。

    She has great charm and a ready wit .

  3. 婚礼那天,新娘看上去真是光彩照人。

    On her wedding day the bride looked truly radiant .

  4. 当艾琳光彩照人地出现在门口时,哈里酒吧的午餐会正是热闹非凡。

    Lunch at Harry 's Bar was in full flow when Irene made a splendid entrance

  5. 今天是我结婚的日子,所以我很想打扮得光彩照人。

    Today is my wedding day and I really want to look like a million dollars .

  6. 你今晚真是光彩照人,Georgia

    You look really gorgeous tonight , Georgia .

  7. 她他的身体上的毛发退掉了;躺在Beauty怀里的,也不是一个丑陋的怪物,而是一个光彩照人的年轻王子。

    The furry body dissolved away , and there , lying in Beauty 's arms , was not a hideous monster , but a radiant young prince .

  8. 显示:光彩照人HTCOne手机采用4.7英寸屏,分辨率为1080p,即1920x1080像素。

    A gorgeous display The HTC One has a 4.7-inch screen at 1080p resolution , a.k.a. 1920x1080 pixels .

  9. 朋友,当您在百货金行看到那些琳琅满目,光彩照人的各款铂、K、白金镶嵌宝石、钻石首饰,是否想亲自一试怎样做出这些精美的首饰呢?

    Friends , do you want to try to make beautiful jewelry by yourself when you see many kinds of shining jewelry and diamond that set by platinum , white metal and K gold .

  10. 双方都忽略了真相,那就是,在9分钟长的Youtube录象中及光彩照人的采访背后,真正的王1000是什么样的?

    They both are neglecting the truth , what Grace really is , beyond the9 minute Youtube video and glorious interviews .

  11. 当米歇尔和LadyGaga、詹妮弗·洛佩兹、贾达·萍克特·史密斯和凯斯站在一起,与他们谈论音乐是如何帮助她讲述自己的故事时,米歇尔毋庸置疑是光彩照人的。

    Michelle absolutely sparkled as she stood alongside Lady Gaga , Jennifer Lopez , Jada Pinkett Smith , and Keys to discuss how music has always helped her tell her story .

  12. 当问及保持美貌的秘诀时,这位少年告诉Studio10:“我每周都会用皮肤色素喷雾剂,而且每天洗头……我就是竭尽所能让自己每天看起来光彩照人。”

    When asked to share the secrets of his good looks , Kurt informed Studio 10 , " every week I get a spray-tan and then I wash my hair every day ... I just try and look amazing every day . "

  13. 但是,虽说《Vogue》亮光型拍摄风格以及Studio54录音室让如此造型在杰瑞•霍尔(JerryHall)与玛丽•海尔文(MarieHelvin)等名模身上光彩照人,但它们基本仍属于那个时代的风格。

    But while these sorts of looks were great on Jerry Hall and Marie Helvin under the bright lights of a Vogue shoot or the disco-balls of Studio 54 , it was very much a look of its time .

  14. 不过,尽管这些乐团看起来光彩照人,常常制作很费钱的MV,但朝鲜人更关注歌词和唱法,而不是歌手们的着装打扮。

    But although bands often look glamorous , beautiful and frequently feature in big-budget music videos , North Koreans tend to pay more attention to the lyrics and the vocals , than to how the singers are dressed .

  15. 你今晚真是光彩照人索恩小姐

    You 're looking dashing this evening , Miss . Thorne .

  16. 喝大量的水可以保持头发光彩照人。

    Drink lots of water to keep your hair shining bright .

  17. 她比她同年龄的姑娘们光彩照人得多。

    She outshone by far all the girls of her age .

  18. 为她挑件漂亮的衣服,让她看起来光彩照人!

    Then , choose nice clothes that would make her look GLAMOROUS !

  19. 那晚苏珊穿着白色与银灰色相间的晚礼服,看上去光彩照人。

    Susan looked radiant that night in her white and silver dress .

  20. 电影节上有一大群光彩照人的明星。

    There was a glittering array of film stars at the festival .

  21. 光彩照人的你会有很多恋爱的机会。

    You will dazzle the crowds and attract plenty of love connections .

  22. 整体运势:2007年理想主义的水瓶座很是光彩照人。

    OVERVIEW : This year , idealistic Aquarius shines brightly .

  23. 成功使你光彩照人,但是只有朋友使你勇往直前。

    Success keeps you glowing , but only friends keep you going .

  24. 我不知道,因为她光彩照人?

    I don 't know . Because she 's gorgeous ?

  25. 我的任务是让你显得光彩照人。

    My job is to make you look beautiful .

  26. 所有在场的女士们都佩戴珠宝,光彩照人。

    All the ladies present were sparkling with diamonds .

  27. 这给你一个自然的完美的肤色,光彩照人。

    This gives you a naturally perfect skin tone and a rosy glow .

  28. 只有金色的皮肤、金色的头发和光彩照人的金色长裙。

    Just the blond skin , blond hair , and incredible blond dress .

  29. 这就是我光彩照人的原因。

    It 's why I shed light all over .

  30. 没有,她还活着,而且光彩照人,

    Betty : Nope , she 's alive , and a very fascinating woman