
  1. 以苯酚为代表物质,探讨了不同pH、不同本底等条件下高锰酸钾预氧化对粉末活性炭吸附水中微量有机污染物的影响规律。

    The influence of potassium permanganate preoxidation on the adsorption of phenol by powdered activated carbon was evaluated .

  2. 从对藻毒素和微量有机污染物的去除方面考察了水生植物滤床(HFB)在改善源水水质方面的效果。

    The functions of the hydrophyte filter bed ( HFB ) for improving source water quality were surveyed in terms of microcystin and trace organic pollutants .

  3. UV-H2O2技术是近20年来处理饮用水中微量有机污染物的新方法。

    UV-H 2 O 2 technology is a new method for removing trace organic pollutants of water in the latest 20 years .

  4. 随着水环境污染的加重,水中的微量有机污染物种类越来越多,尤其是邻苯二甲酸酯类物质(PAEs),在水环境中已经达到普遍检出的水平,成为一类最普遍的污染物。

    With the increasing pollution of water environment , more and more micro-organic pollutants are found in water , especially phthalate acid esters ( PAEs ), which has been detected widely in water environment and become a kind of prevalent pollutants .

  5. 污水快速渗滤处理系统对某些微量有机污染物的净化

    The Removal of Some Microorganic Pollutants in Rapid Infiltration Treatment System of Waste Water

  6. 矿井水中微量有机污染物的深度处理

    Deep treatment on microorganic pollutant in mine drainage

  7. 丹江口水库水体中微量有机污染物种类初探

    On probing trace organic pollutants in Danjiangkou reservoir

  8. 水中微量有机污染物富集方法

    Preconcentration Methods of trace Organic Pollutants in Water

  9. 焦化厂排水中微量有机污染物分析

    Analysis of Trace Organic Pollutants in Coking-plant Effluent

  10. 天然大分子有机物质对活性炭吸附水中微量有机污染物的影响

    Effects of Naturally Occuring Organic Matters on the Absorption of Trace Organic Pollutants by Activated Carbon

  11. 综述了微量有机污染物的分析中一些主要预处理方法的最近进展。

    Recent advances of some important pretreatment methods in the analysis of trace organic pollutants are reviewed .

  12. 采用UV/O3两相鼓泡塔反应器对饮用水中微量有机污染物的去除进行了中试研究。

    The paper studied on removal of trace organic compounds in drinking water by UV / O_ 3 bubbling tower reactor .

  13. GC/MS法分析巢湖源水投加高锰酸盐复合药剂水中微量有机污染物的变化

    GC / MS analysis of micro-pollutants in Chaohu Lake raw water before and after the application of potassium permanganate composite chemicals

  14. 在详细调查武汉市水文地质条件和地下水污染现状的基础上,获得了高精度的武汉市水环境中微量有机污染物的组成数据。

    High resolution data about trace organic contaminant concentrations in aquatic environment of Wuhan were obtained in this study , on the basis of detailed hydrogeological and groundwater contamination investigations .

  15. 长江流域水环境监测中心首次采用色&质联用仪,分别于1995年枯水期和丰水期,对丹江口水库水体中的微量有机污染物,进行了初步探查。

    During the dry and flood season in 1995 , GC / MS was first used to study the trace organic pollutants in the reservoir by Yangtze Water Environment Monitoring Center .

  16. 传统的常规水处理工艺已经不能很好的去除水中大部分微量有机污染物,而且会生成大量含有三致作用的三卤甲烷类消毒副产物。

    The traditional process of raw water treatment has not only worked very well to most trace organic compounds in raw water , but also produce lots of THMs which can cause cancer .

  17. 水环境中持续增加的微量有机污染物将对水生态系统及人类的健康带来长期不利的影响,其中药物和染料类污染物已成为近几年关注的热点。

    The increasing microorganic pollutants in aqueous environments have a negative impact on the water ecosystem and human health . The drugs and dyes of these pollutants have become research hotspots in recent years .

  18. 因此,要搞清楚土壤中各种微量有机污染物的污染情况,特别是要识别出污染高风险区的位置、范围、数量及污染特征,进一步加快开展土壤污染高风险区研究识别。

    Therefore , it is important to distinguish a variety of organic pollutants in soil pollution , especially to identify the location of the pollution and high-risk areas , scope , quantity and pollution characteristics .

  19. 介绍了水中微量有机污染物种类,包括饮用水中有机污染物、大分子天然有机物、氯化消毒副产物和藻类及其代谢产物。

    This paper introduces the species of trace organic pollutants in water such as the organic pollutants in drinking water , natural macromolecule organic matter , by-products of the disinfectors , algae and its metabolites .

  20. 近几年来,一些国家在饮用水源水中陆续检测出布洛芬这类微量有机污染物,布洛芬在饮用水消毒过程中的副产物及其毒性,以及对饮用水安全的影响值得关注。

    In recent years , trace amounts of organic pollutants such as ibuprofen have been detected in the source of drinking water in several country . So it is necessary to study on environmental behavior of ibuprofen in drinking water .

  21. 提高饮用水水质的核心问题是去除水中的微量有害有机污染物、减少消毒副产物的产生。

    It is essential to remove trace hazardous organic pollutants and reducing the formation of disinfection by-products for improving drinking water qualities .

  22. 常规的自来水处理工艺不能有效地去除源水中微量PAHs等有机污染物,因此地面水特别是饮用源水PAHs污染存在较大的健康风险。

    The routine treatment technology of tap water could not remove effectively the trace organic ( such as PAHs , etc ); pollutants therefore the PAHs pollution of surface water , especial of drinking-water resources , possessed greater health risk .

  23. 随着水体有机污染日益加重、饮用水标准不断提高,加之常规水处理工艺对微量有机物有限的去除效率,饮用水中微量有机污染物愈来愈为人们所关注。

    With the increasing organic pollution of water body , the improvement of drinking water standard and the low removal efficiency of organic micro-organic pollutants by conventional water treatment technics , more and more attention has been paid to micro-organic pollution of drinking water .

  24. 通过试验,探讨了生物过滤对饮用水源中微量有机物的去除效果与特性,结果表明,生物过滤可有效去除饮用水源中的微量有机污染物;

    This paper presents the research examined removal effects and characteristic of trace organic matter in drinking water with by means of experiment . The result indicated the biofiltration could remove trace organic pollutants effectively .