
  • 网络Tim Burton's Corpse Bride;the corpse bride;bride
  1. 《僵尸新娘》:非传统浪漫

    Corpse Bride : An Anti-traditional Romance

  2. 僵尸新娘

    Tim Burton 's Corpse Bride

  3. 从僵尸新娘到鬼妈妈,再到机器人9号,这一类有别于主流电脑制作手法的动画片逐渐进入人们的视野。

    From Corpse bride , Coraline to The 9 , This category is different from CG animation began taken seriously by people .

  4. 提姆伯顿挑选克里斯托弗出演《断头谷》,《僵尸新娘》,《查利和巧克力工厂》等五部电影中,说他扮演的角色给人“巨大”的启示。

    Tim Burton , who cast Lee in five films including Sleepy Hollow , Corpse Bride and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , said the actor had been an " ennormous inspiration . "

  5. 而后,戴普又出演了他的多部影片,包括《艾德伍德》(1994)、《断头谷》(1999)、《查理和他的巧克力工厂》(2005)和《僵尸新娘》(2006)。

    Depp went on to star in several of his films including Ed Wood ( 1994 ), Sleepy Hollow ( 1999 ), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ( 2005 ) and the Corpse Bride ( 2006 ) .