
  • 网络zombie companies
  1. 中国当局不时发出关闭此类僵尸企业的信号。

    Authorities periodically send signals about shutting down such zombie companies .

  2. 中国经济受到了成千上万负债累累所谓“僵尸企业”的拖累,这些企业靠着担心失业和坏账的地方政府苟延残喘。

    China 's economy is encumbered by thousands of indebted so-called zombie companies that are kept on life support by local governments fearful of job losses and bad debt .

  3. 增加当地银行资产负债表上的不良贷款令人担忧,而僵尸企业倒闭可能带来大规模下岗和不安定局面,中国的地方政府经常要在两者之间做出取舍。

    Local governments often balance the worry of adding extra non-performing loans to local banks " balance sheets against mass lay-offs and unrest that may come from collapsing zombies .

  4. 政府当然不愿意将纳税人的钱投掷于那些无力偿还并且还没有意识到自身破产问题的“僵尸”企业。

    The government does not want to put taxpayer money into " zombie " firms that are in fact deeply insolvent but have not yet recognized it .

  5. 北京方面正致力于关闭数以百计的“僵尸”企业,以纾解煤炭和钢铁行业产能过剩,但违约可能把臃肿的工业部门的债务问题转化为中国银行体系的新风险,后者正苦于难以摆脱沉重的不良贷款。

    Beijing is in the process of attempting to close hundreds of " zombie " companies in order to tackle overcapacity in the coal and steel sectors , but defaults risk transferring debt problems in the bloated industrial sector into fresh risks for a banking system struggling to rid itself of weighty non-performing loans .

  6. 与此同时,债务人乐园让僵尸银行得以存活,并让它们滚转僵尸企业的债务。

    At the same time the debtors ' paradise keeps zombie banks afloat and allows them to roll over the debts of zombie companies .

  7. 尽管僵尸题材电影在中国很受欢迎,但这部关于“僵尸企业”的电影绝对称不上大片。

    Despite the popularity of films about the undead in China this production about a corporate ' zombie " is no blockbuster .