
jiāng chí
  • refuse to budge;be stalemated;in a stalemate;refuse to give in;deadlock;standoff
僵持 [jiāng chí]
  • [refuse to budge] 双方相持,不能避让也无法进展

  • 打破僵持局面

僵持[jiāng chí]
  1. 战斗似乎已陷于僵持状态。

    The fighting seemed to be stalemated .

  2. 你应该只在僵持阶段建造离子炮控制中心。

    You should probably only make an Ion Cannon Control Center in a stalemate .

  3. 尽管已讨论数月,谈判仍僵持不下。

    Despite months of discussion the negotiations remained deadlocked .

  4. 旨在结束各竞争派别之间僵持局面的新提案已被提交。

    New proposals have been put forward to break the deadlock among rival factions

  5. 但是经过近一周的审议,陪审团仍然僵持不下。

    But after nearly a week of deliberations , the jury remained deadlocked .

  6. 莫霍克印第安人和魁北克省警方之间的僵持局面仍没有结束的迹象。

    There is no sign of an end to the stand-off between Mohawk Indians and the Quebec provincial police

  7. 美国国会和总统就削减巨额预算赤字的提案仍持不同意见,双方僵持不下。

    The United States Congress and the President are still locked in disagreement over proposals to reduce the massive budget deficit

  8. 双方处于僵持状态。

    The two parties have come to a deadlock .

  9. 双方僵持了很久。

    For quite some time , neither party was willing to budge from its original position .

  10. 我的邻居们为了停车的问题僵持了好久,但最终,史密斯先生主动向彼得斯先生伸出了橄榄枝,并邀他共进晚餐。

    The neighbours had been disagreeing about parking for weeks but , in the end , Mr Smith offered Mr Peters an olive branch and invited him to dinner .

  11. 周二在北京宣布的协议,结束了一场将近18个月的僵持。这场僵持曾导致50多个国家旨在修订1996年《信息技术协议》(InformationTechnologyAgreement,ITA)的谈判被冻结。

    The deal unveiled in Beijing on Tuesday ends an almost 18-month stand-off that had frozen negotiations among more than 50 countries to update the 1996 Information Technology Agreement .

  12. 目前政局的僵持局面使总统和国会都不能迅速地采取行动以削减预算(罗伯特D.霍马茨)

    The political gridlock that prevented ... the President and Congress from moving expeditiously to cut the budget ( Robert D. Hormats )

  13. 目前购房者、开发商与政府之间出现僵持,大家都在采取静观其变的态度,瑞信(CreditSuisse)房地产分析师杜劲松表示。

    We have a stand-off between homebuyers , developers and the government and everyone is taking a wait-and-see attitude , Du Jinsong , a real estate analyst at Credit Suisse , said .

  14. 不过,奥马哈市克瑞顿大学(CreightonUniversity)的金融学教授约翰逊(RobertJohnson)说,仔细看看证据就会发现,僵持对股市不利。

    A hard look at the evidence , however , shows that ' gridlock isn 't good for stocks , ' says Robert Johnson , a finance professor at Creighton University in Omaha .

  15. 对小盘股(DimensionalFundAdvisors的小公司组合衡量的对象)来说,与国会和白宫在同一政党控制之下的情形相比,如果华盛顿陷入僵持,这些股票的回报率平均要低21个百分点。

    Small stocks ( as measured by Dimensional Fund Advisors ' small-company portfolios ) returned an average of 21 percentage points less in years when Washington was in gridlock than they did when Congress and the White House were under common control .

  16. 发起JSR69的那些厂商都有既有的实现,我觉得他们要在各种查询构建API里找到一种调和的方案,结果却僵持不下。

    It was sponsored by a group of vendors who had existing implementations , and I think they deadlocked trying to find a compromise of the various query-building APIs .

  17. 6月12日,湖南常德的居委会干部走访了69名前沃尔玛(Walmart)员工的家,他们与前雇主的仲裁案仍在僵持。

    On June 12 , neighbourhood committee cadres visited the homes of 69 Walmart employees who remain locked in an arbitration case with their former employer in Changde , a small city in Hunan province .

  18. 苹果在中国的成功,有助于解释为什么在是否帮助政府进入一部加密iPhone一事上,该公司与美国政府陷入了僵持。那部手机的主人,是去年12月制造了加利福尼亚州圣贝纳迪诺那起大规模枪击案的袭击者之一。

    Apple 's success in China helps explain why it is now in a standoff with the United States government over whether to help officials gain access to the encrypted iPhone of one of the attackers in the San Bernardino , Calif. , mass shooting last December .

  19. 吉尔吉斯斯坦临时政府领袖奥坦巴耶娃(RozaOtunbayeva)表示,她的临时政府希望就离开吉尔吉斯斯坦的问题与巴基耶夫协商,在不伤害更多无辜平民的情况下解决目前的僵持状况。

    Interim Kyrgyz leader Roza Otunbayeva says her government is willing to negotiate his departure from the country and wants to resolve the standoff without any more harm to innocent civilians .

  20. 上周五在罗马,34岁的历史教师西蒙娜·法瑞里(SimoneFarelli)正在一家苹果商店里随便看着新iPhone,她说,她“看不出来有什么理由”会让苹果与联邦调查局的僵持“改变我购买一部新手机的主意。”

    In Rome on Friday , Simone Farelli , a 34-year-old history teacher who was browsing for a new iPhone at an Apple Store , said she " didn 't see why " the company 's standoff with the Federal Bureau of Investigation " would change my mind about buying a new phone . "

  21. 这种僵持对个人和公司整体业务都造成了损害。

    The standoff was hurting both individuals and the overall business .

  22. 他希望核僵持局面会导致裁军。

    He hoped that the nuclear stalemate would lead to disarmament .

  23. 然而,据外交人士称,欧盟主要国家仍僵持不下。

    Yet the EU heavyweights remain at loggerheads , according to diplomats .

  24. 雇主与罢工工人已僵持了近一个星期。

    The employer and striker have been deadlocked for almost a week .

  25. 起先她拒绝展示,大约僵持了3个钟头

    she said that she argued against doing it for 3 hours ,

  26. 在与警察僵持一段时间后,该男子最终投降。

    After holding police stand off the man eventually gave himself up .

  27. 但将这种僵持作为一种政治策略是对国家的伤害。

    But gridlock as a political strategy is destructive to the country .

  28. 在长达四小时的僵持中,这群父母一直被骂。

    During a four-hour standoff , the migrant parents were sworn at .

  29. 就这样僵持了一天,又一天。

    This went on for a day and then another .

  30. 无论当前状况如何僵持,我都没有看到卡扎菲还有什么后路。

    I cannot see a road back for Qaddafi whatever the current stalemate .