
  • 网络financial enterprises;financial firms;financial concerns
  1. 有人认为美联储(fed)应在监督金融企业中扮演关键角色,这一想法与我不谋而合。

    I happen to believe that the US Federal Reserve should play a critical role in the supervision of financial firms , but that should not obfuscate the larger point .

  2. 保尔森称,即使在国会10月份批准7000亿美元不良资产救助计划(Tarp)之后,美国仍缺乏一些工具,如适用于非银行金融企业的充足的特殊破产制度。

    He said that even after Congress in October approved the $ 700bn troubled asset relief program , the US still lacked tools such as an adequate special bankruptcy regime for non-bank financial firms .

  3. 苏黎世保险(ZurichInsurance)将出售其在新华人寿(NewChinaLife)所持剩余股份,成为最新一家抛出在华投资的西方金融企业。

    Zurich Insurance is to sell the remainder of its stake in New China Life , becoming the latest western financial company to sell down its Chinese investment .

  4. 本课题来源于金融企业网QoS网络实施项目。

    The topic of this paper originates from the item of implementation of Quality of Service in Financial Enterprise Network .

  5. 中国加入WTO后,金融企业正逐步走向国际市场,直接参与国际竞争。

    With China 's access to the WTO , The financial businesses in China is gradually integrated into the international market and facing competition directly .

  6. 如今,家庭债务占GDP的比率几乎增加了两倍,高达85%;而非金融企业的债务则猛增至GDP的140%。

    Today , household debt has nearly tripled at85 % of GDP while non-financial corporate debt has soared to140 % of GDP .

  7. 野村证券(nomura)等日本金融企业已开始控制对欧洲风险的敞口,抛出所持的一些欧元区国债,包括希腊、意大利和西班牙国债。

    Japanese financial institutions such as Nomura have curbed their exposure to European risk , cutting their holdings of eurozone government debt , including that of Greece , Italy and Spain .

  8. 加入WTO后,随着银行市场格局的变化及现代金融企业先进的经营理念的引入,使得国有商业银行的经营面临着新的挑战,建立先进的经营理念有利于国有商业银行的发展。

    After China entered WTO , the management idea of state-owned commercial banks faces new challenges with the change in market patterns of banks and the entrance of advanced management ideas of modern financial enterprises . It is helpful for state-owned commercial banks to set up an advanced management idea .

  9. 美国国会通过了《外国帐户税收遵从法》(fatca),改法案要求外国金融企业公开其美国客户的信息。

    Congress has passed the foreign account tax compliance Act ( fatca ) , which forces foreign financial firms to disclose their American clients .

  10. 光顾该市场的非金融企业仍然很少,今年仅有的两次重要本土债券发行,发行方分别是住宅地产开发商mirvac和地产投资信托公司dbrreef。

    Non-financial companies are still rare visitors to the market , with only two significant domestic bond issues this year , from residential property developer mirvac and the property investment trust DB rreef .

  11. 日本航空(JAL)昨日成为日本最大的本土非金融企业破产案的主角。为求重生,该公司已申请破产保护,它将裁减三分之一员工,砍掉多条航线,并出售数十项资产。

    Japan Airlines yesterday became the biggest local corporate failure outside the financial industry when it filed for bankruptcy protection as part of a makeover which will see it lose a third of its staff , shed multiple routes and sell dozens of assets .

  12. 金融企业财务诊断与保健研究

    A Study On Finance Diagnosis and Health Care for Financial Enterprises

  13. 征信:金融企业信用风险控制的护卫舰

    Credit Information : Frigate for Financial Enterprises in Credit Risk Control

  14. 和非金融企业一样,银行面临着标准的公司治理问题。

    As non-financial corporations , commercial banks face standard corporate governance problems .

  15. 标准的公司治理理论是以非金融企业为研究对象的,这一理论并不适用于定位于长期金融和资产管理功能的非银行性金融机构&信托投资公司。

    The standard corporate governance theory takes non-financial enterprises as research objects .

  16. 金融企业资产业务中的不对称信息问题研究

    The Asymmetric Information in the Assets Business of Financial Enterprise

  17. 其他金融企业参照本规则执行。

    Other financial enterprises shall implement these Rules by analogy .

  18. 浅议金融企业如何加强人本管理工作

    How to Strengthen the Mangement Centred on the Personnel in Financial Enterprises

  19. 人力资本理论与中国金融企业管理

    On Manpower Capital Theory and Chinese Financial Industry Management

  20. 金融企业的品牌传播策略研究&以招商银行为例

    Financial enterprise 's brand broadcasting strategy research & take Merchant Bank as example

  21. 把信托机构发展为百货公司式的综合型金融企业。

    The trust setups are developed into department store typed comprehensive financial enterprises .

  22. 抓住机遇,推进金融企业上市

    Grab Opportunity to Push Financial Enterprises into Stock Market

  23. 金融企业将面临四大挑战。

    Financial businesses will face four big challenges .

  24. 金融企业又将如何找到自己最有效的客户,如何开发有竞争力的业务呢?

    How to find the most effective customer and develop their own competitive operations ?

  25. 树立现代金融企业形象&济南市工商银行

    Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Jinan Branch

  26. 类似这样的合同,对于金融企业而言,无异于请了名人代言。

    Contracts like these are the financial industry 's equivalent of a celebrity endorsement .

  27. 金融企业成本费用的控制

    On Controlling the Expense Cost of Financial Circle

  28. 第一,非金融企业既需要零售银行的服务,也需要投资银行的服务。

    First , non-financial corporations need the services of both retail and investment banks .

  29. 这些到期债务中的大多数来自非金融企业部门(见图表)。

    Most of the maturities are in the non-financial corporate sector ( see chart ) .

  30. 因此,非金融企业私募发行债券的相关制度应运而生。

    Therefore , private equity issue bonds of non-financial enterprises related system came into being .