
  • 网络Commensalism;Commensualism
  1. 企业与农户共生行为模式包括偏利共生、非对称性互惠共生和对称性互惠共生三种。

    The symbiosis behavior mode of enterprise and farmer household include commensalism , dissymmetry mutualism and symmetry mutualism .

  2. 在偏利共生关系的产学研联盟中,分别建立以产方和以学研方为主导的博弈模型,讨论了不同主导方对联盟知识转移的影响。

    In Industry-University-Research alliance of commensalism relationship , we establish game model with Industry and University-Research party as the leading respectively , and discuss the different leading alliance party how to the influent the knowledge transfer process .

  3. 在利益分配方式上,核心利益相关者共同治理模式可以有效防止寄生关系和偏利共生关系,形成具有互惠共生性质的利益相关关系。

    On the way of benefit distribution , the core stakeholders ' corporate governance can avoid to make parasitic relation and have partiality for benefit relation , which can form mutually beneficial and alternate relation .

  4. 借鉴生态学中的共生理论,用生态位理论来描述物流企业间共生的实质,指出物流企业间共生的三种类型:寄生、偏利共生和互惠共生。

    Borrow the idea of the " symbiosis " theory in ecology , use the ecological niche theory to describe the essence of the symbiosis among the logistics enterprises , indicate the three types of symbiosis in the logistics enterprises : parasitism , commensalism , mutualism .

  5. 分析结果显示:寄生模式与偏利共生模式稳定性差,不利于联盟的长久发展;非对称互惠共生模式下,联盟较为稳定,对称互惠共生模式是联盟理想的稳定模式。

    The results show that : the stability of parasitic mode and partial interest symbiosis mode are not stable . Under asymmetrical mutualism symbiosis mode , the alliance is more stable . The stability of symmetrical mutualism symbiosis mode is the ideal mode of the alliance .