
  • 网络batfish;Pancake Batfish
  1. 蝙蝠鱼是可怜的游泳者,更喜欢用它们的奇妙的适合的胸鳍像脚爬行大约在海底。

    Batfish are poor swimmers , preferring to use their strangely adapted pectoral fins like legs to crawl about the seafloor .

  2. 八爪鱼、小丑鱼,海狼,蝙蝠鱼,非常艳丽的珊瑚礁,硬软两种珊瑚。

    Octopus , Clown trigger fish , Barracuda , Batfish , stunning healthy colourful coral reef , both hard and soft corals .

  3. 这些新物种还包括一种能织网跨越河流的蜘蛛,还有一种会跳跃的蝙蝠鱼和一种能日夜发光发热的森林蘑菇。

    It also includes a spider that can span rivers with its web , a batfish that hops and a forest mushroom that glows day and night .

  4. 像煎饼一样扁平的蝙蝠鱼在墨西哥湾的浮油水域被发现;一种新的羚类在一个非洲西部丛林肉市场上被廉价出售。

    A batfish as flat as a pancake was dredged up from the oil-slick waters in the Gulf of Mexico . A new species of antelope was found on sale at a West African bush meat market .

  5. 羊鱼一种具有明丽色彩的羊鱼科的温水海鱼,下颚上有一对触须八爪鱼、小丑鱼,海狼,蝙蝠鱼,非常艳丽的珊瑚礁,硬软两种珊瑚。

    Any of various brightly colored fishes of the family Mullidae of warm seas , having two sensory barbels on the chin . Octopus , Clown trigger fish , Barracuda , Batfish , stunning healthy colourful coral reef , both hard and soft corals .

  6. 我们喜欢半兽人、蝙蝠和鱼,但从没试过霍比特人。

    We like Goblinses , batses and fishes . But we hasn 't tried Hobbitses before . Is it soft ?

  7. “年娃”和“春妮”还象征着阴阳平衡,它们的衣服上分别装饰着“蝙蝠”、“双鱼”图案,在中国传统民俗中意为“福庆(蝙蝠)有余(鱼)”。

    Chun Ni and Nian Wa also symbolize a balance of yin and yang , and the patterns on their costume - a bat and two fish respectively - are signs of longevity and prosperity according to Chinese folklore .