
piān fāng
  • folk prescription;one side;remote;effective folk remedy;traditional popular prescription;peculiar prescription
偏方 [piān fāng]
  • (1) [folk prescription]∶民间流传不见于古典医学著作的中药方

  • (2) [one side]∶一个方面

  • 受偏方之任

  • (3) [remote]∶偏远地方

偏方[piān fāng]
  1. 那是段痛不欲生的日子,抱着孩子寻找各种可能的奇迹,秘方、偏方,甚至针灸。

    It killed me in those days in which we searched for everything would be miracle possibly such as secret prescription , folk prescription and even acupuncture .

  2. 那位朋友有疗效显著的治疗方法或我偏方。

    That friend has the remedial method with distinct curative effect or my folk prescription .

  3. 偏方三八面体任一种各面均为不规则四边形的水晶体截角八面体Cu2O晶体的形貌控制合成及其生长机理研究

    Any of several forms of crystal with trapeziums as faces . Shape-controlled synthesis of truncated octahedral Cu_2O architectures and their growth mechanism

  4. MaiMai市场是约翰内斯堡最为古老的市场,这里是人们寻求一些传统偏方良药的好去处。

    The Mai Mai Market is the oldest market in Johannesburg and is a great place to discover traditional remedies .

  5. 本文基于辨识ARMA新息模型生成估计残差序列,再对残差序列的平均值和无偏方差进行假设检验,可实现工序质量的异常诊断。

    In this paper , a method of process quality diagnosis using hypothesis testing for residual sequence of ARMA innovation model estimation error by recursive maximum likelihood method was studied .

  6. 水晶中三方偏方面体单形的结晶习性

    Crystallization Habits of the Trigonal Trapezohedron Simple Form of Synthetic Quartz

  7. 一剂抗癌偏方成药及其主料的紫外光谱研究和微量元素分析

    The UV spectrum study and trace element analysis of one anticancer folk prescription

  8. 这位赤脚医生有治疗白浊的偏方。

    The doctor has a way to treat gonorrhea .

  9. 你知道有什么偏方治疗感冒吗?

    Do you know any home remedies for taking care of a cold ?

  10. 防治感冒18偏方

    Prevention and Cure Cold 22 Special Prescriptions

  11. 语文教学中的偏方

    Folk Prescription in the Chinese Teaching

  12. 一种治疗失眠的偏方&薰衣草花香,现在被证明是有效的。

    Afolk remedy * for insomnia , the scent in lavender flowers , has now beenproved effective .

  13. 不少偏方经过时间的考验很有效,其中肯定是有根据的。

    Many folk remedies have stood the test of time , so there must be something in them .

  14. 治疗狐臭偏方百度一些产品功能对我们收集长尾关键词非常有利。

    Treatment of body odor remedies Baidu some product features to our collection of long tail keywords very favorable .

  15. 这些企业家通过出售民间偏方赚了钱,后来转向投资全国各地的医院。

    The entrepreneurs made money by selling folk remedies and went on to invest in hospitals around the country .

  16. 然而现在,更多一些“不负责任”的刺激性支出才是当前经济最为需要的偏方。

    For now , though , more " irresponsible " stimulus spending happens to be precisely what the economy needs .

  17. 通过矩阵的扫除变换,获得了回归系数关于偏方差元素的表现形式。

    By sweeping transformation of matrix , the relationship between regression coefficients and the elements of partial variance is obtained .

  18. 也不知真的是寻来的偏方奏了效,还是公公的悉心照顾更有效呢?

    I do not know really is seeking to prescriptions played an effect , or the father of care is more effective ?

  19. 就民间偏方而言,苹果醋一直是包治美容的万能良方。不过,切记!未必所有的偏方都奏效,美容专家提醒大家在苹果醋面前要头脑冷静。

    For as long as there have been folk remedies , apple cider vinegar has been touted as a cure-all for all kinds of skin and hair problems .

  20. 尽管刘维忠并非中医方面的专业人士,但是一直以来,他都在借助微博来推广传统的健康知识和民间偏方。

    Liu has long been promoting knowledge about traditional health and folk remedies through his micro blog , though he was not a major in traditional Chinese medicine .

  21. 她试了各种“祖传秘方”,但都没效果,她最后试了民间偏方“生姜疗法”。

    She tried all kinds of " secret recipes " to cure my hair , but failed ! She finally tried the traditional way of " Ginger Methods " .

  22. 这么点药,那么个偏方,揍出他十几块钱去;病并没有除了根。马马虎虎的,他以为是好了便停止住吃药。

    The medicine and prescriptions cost over a dozen dollars yet didn 't cure him completely , because as soon as he was slightly better he stopped taking medicine .

  23. 偏方通常是一种在传统医药中常见的植物治疗形式,这些传统医药是在现代医药服务和科技出现之前发展起来的。

    A folk remedy is usually a plant-based form of treatment common to traditional forms of medicine , ones that developed before the advent of modern medical services and technology .

  24. 介绍了在处理雨、污水交叉管道交叉冲突时常用的一些方法(如双井法、偏方沟法、多孔管法)等。

    Some general methods of dealing with intersection conflict are presented , such as double - well method , square - ditch method , perforated pipe method and return siphon method .

  25. 别管阿斯匹灵、狗毛偏方或者洗热水澡了,根据一项新研究指出,真正有效避免宿醉的唯一方法就是,一开始就别喝酒。

    Forget aspirins , hairs of dogs and hot baths , the only sure way of avoiding a hangover is not to drink in the first place , according to a new study .

  26. 结果中毒方式分别为:7例应用中药偏方,1例外用焗油膏,1例淘金,1例职业性接触。

    Results 7 cases contacted with mercury by taking a folk prescription of traditional Chinese medicine for curing psoriasis or epilepsy , 1 case applying hair conditioner , 1 case gold panning , 1 vocational contact .

  27. 至于似与不似之间,它无疑体现了东方式的机智,从满足审美惯性、尊重材料特点来看,不失为一剂偏方。

    As for the " between like and not like ", which no doubt reflects the oriental wit , from inertia to meet the aesthetic and respect for material characteristics of view , after all , a recipe .

  28. 经过公公一个多月的细心照顾,这次的偏方好似真的比往次的奏效,婆婆总说好多了,手脚的关节也不那么疼了。

    After careful father more than a month to take care of , this recipe is like compared to the times really worked , her mother always said much better , hands and feet so the joints do not hurt .

  29. 他没有告知他妻子的具体病情,但是许育瑜表示,老先生告诉安检员,“这是一种偏方,可以把这些蟑螂放进一种药膏中,然后涂抹到皮肤上”

    He did not specify what her condition was , but Ms Yu says officials were told : " They were part of an old folk remedy . You mix the roaches in some medicinal cream and put it on your skin . "