
xìn xī shì chǎnɡ
  • information market
  1. Internet信息市场运行机制研究

    An Exploration to the Function Mechanism of Internet Information Market

  2. Internet信息市场的特征与运行机制

    The Characteristic and Operation Mechanism on Internet Information Market

  3. 就在默多克证实他竞购道琼斯数日之后,路透(Reuters)和汤姆森(Thomson)宣布进行了规模为170亿美元的合并,旨在主宰电子分销信息市场。

    Just days after Mr Murdoch confirmed he had bid for Dow Jones , Reuters and Thomson announced a $ 17bn merger , aimed at dominating the market for electronically distributed information .

  4. 信息市场中的用户心理与营销策略

    The Consumer Psychology and Operation & Sale Tactics in Information Markets

  5. 信息市场对图书馆运行机制的影响与作用

    The Influence of the Information Market on the Library Operation Law

  6. 从资源配置的角度看我国信息市场的建设

    The Construction of Information Market from the View-Point of Resource Disposal

  7. 现代资本市场在本质上就是一个会计信息市场。

    Modern capital market in essence is a market of accounting information .

  8. 信息市场的需求分析与思考

    An Analysis and Thinking about the Demand of Information Market

  9. 信息市场决定信息资源的开发与价值

    Exploiting and Value of Information Resources Is Decided by the Information Market

  10. 会计信息市场缺陷的政府管制研究

    Government Control Analysis on the Accounting Information of Market Failure

  11. 企业信息化建设与构建信息市场

    Construction of Business Informationize and Establishment of Informational Market

  12. 金融市场和金融信息市场之间具有双向促进的效应。

    There is an interactional relationship between financial market and financial information market .

  13. 拓宽信息市场,加速信息商品流通;

    Developing the information marker and quickening commodity circulation ;

  14. 信息市场与石油天然气专业图书馆的改革

    The reform of information market and oil-gas speciality Library

  15. 我国现阶段信息市场的开放及发展研究

    A Research on the Current Information Market in China

  16. 论知识经济下的会计信息市场

    The Accounting Information Market in Knowledge-based Service Economy

  17. 论信息市场、信息差与信息管理

    On Markets , Differences and Management of Information

  18. 信息市场的发展和日趋完善,使图书馆面临着激烈的市场竞争。

    Development and gradual perfect of information market bring a fierce competition to library .

  19. 信息市场由隐性到显性转变的社会原因

    The Social Reasons for the Transfer from Recessiveness to Dominance on the Information Market

  20. 非对称信息市场中营销人员的角色定位研究

    Salesmen 's Role Position in Asymmetric Information Market

  21. 论信息市场失灵与政府干预

    On Information Market Failures and Government Intervention

  22. 三要培育农业信息市场;

    Third , forster agricultural information market ;

  23. 对陕西农业信息市场建设的思考

    Reflection on Shaanxi Agricultural Information Market Construction

  24. 非对称信息市场理论对规范中国劳动力市场秩序的启示

    Draw Inspiration From Asymmetric Information Theory on Standardizing the Labor Market Order of Our Country

  25. 论信息市场的管理

    On the Management of Information Market

  26. 信息市场引力论

    On the Gravitation of Information Market

  27. 信息市场熵宏观调控

    Information market-entropy - macro control

  28. 浅论会计信息市场

    On the Accounting Information Market

  29. 图书情报业务与信息市场

    Library Information and its Market

  30. 但金融市场是典型的非对称信息市场,且经常处于非均衡状态。

    Capital market is characterized by asymmetric market information , and is often in a disequilibrium state .