
  • 网络Information Regulation;information censorship/monitoring
  1. 基于GIS的福建电网生产管理信息监管中心建设

    Construction of Information Regulatory Center for Power Net Productive Management in Fujian Province Based on GIS

  2. CNM系统的主要特点是在互联网的代理服务器中应用基子FIFA算法的内容主题识别技术,实现企业网络信息监管。

    CNM system applies FIFA based topic identification technology in internet proxy server to work as Corporation Network Monitor .

  3. 本论文以本人参加的浙江烟草专卖局物流管理及信息监管网络系统的移动电子商务应用&无线支付应用为背景,提出了以WAP协议应用模型为基础的卷烟流通电子商务系统升级方案。

    This thesis is based on my experience in Logistic and Information Management System ( LIMS ) of Zhejiang Province tobacco monopoly bureau . In order to setup a wireless payment application , we proposed a system update solution based on WAP application model .

  4. 证券市场信息监管与股东人数指标实时化问题研究

    A Study on Securities Information Regulation and Real-time Stock Holders Number

  5. 建立动态信息监管系统以缩短检测结果回报时间

    Setting up dynamic state information supervising system reducing the TAT

  6. 股票市场信息监管的规律与途径

    The Rule and Channel of the Information Regulation in the Stock Market

  7. 会计法视角下的信息监管

    On the Accounting Information Supervision under Accounting Law

  8. 对审计信息监管的制度安排

    Institutional Arrangement for Auditing Information Supervision

  9. 第一章,上市公司会计信息监管的理论基础。

    The first chapter is mainly about the theoretical basis of accounting information supervision in listed companies .

  10. 第一部分,股票市场信息监管的对象及信息监管制度的内容。

    Firstly , the information system of the stock market is analyzed from the view of Information Economics .

  11. 最后,介绍了委托代理理论,它是会计信息监管理论中的一个非常重要的理论。

    Finally , it introduces the principal-agent theory which is very important theory in accounting information surveillance theory .

  12. 第二章,上市公司会计信息监管运行体系的国际比较。

    The second chapter is the international comparison of the operating system of accounting supervision system in listed companies .

  13. 要改变观念、对博客营销重视起来。进行网络信息监管。

    We should change the concept , pay attention to the importance of blog marketing and supervise the information of network .

  14. 首先介绍了会计信息监管的涵义,包括会计信息监管的定义,监管主体,客体,内容,目标以及内容方面都做了介绍;

    It first introduces the concept , surveillance 's main body and object , content , target and introduction of content aspects .

  15. 相对于市场机制,证券信息监管是克服或缓解信息不对称及市场无效性的较优选择。

    Compared with market mechanisms , securities information regulation is a better mechanism to overcome or relieve information asymmetry and market inefficiency .

  16. 各国政府都把信息监管作为证券市场监管的重要手段,其基本形式就是信息披露制度。

    World governments use the information regulation as an important regulatory measure and the basic form of it is the information disclosure system .

  17. 惟有如此,才能使信息监管更完整、全面。2.从更宽阔的视角阐述了信息源的范围。

    It makes information supervision more integrity . ( 2 ) The scope of information sources is expatiated by a wider angle of view .

  18. 本文从公司治理结构和会计信息监管的基本理论出发,具体阐述了公司治理与会计信息质量、会计信息监管的关系。

    According to the corporate government and accounting information supervision basic theories , this thesis explains the relations between corporate government and accounting information supervision .

  19. 本文认为应纳入信息监管范畴的,不仅包括信息源的监管,而且还包括信息传输渠道的监管、信息传递手段的监管和信息监管相关法律法规的完善。

    The scope of information supervision includes information sources , information transmitted channels , information transferred means and the relevant laws and rules on information supervision .

  20. 其次,介绍了会计信息监管理论中的有效市场理论,它是会计信息监管存在的前提;

    Then it introduces theory of effective market in the accounting information surveillance theory , which is the premise of the existence of accounting information surveillance .

  21. 在此基础上,如何改变这种不合理的结果,寻求相应的改进我国上市公司会计信息监管的措施则是本文研究所要解决的另一个主要问题。

    Then how to change the irrational result and how to improve the accounting information surveillance of the listed companies is the article 's other main question .

  22. 我国现已初步形成了以《会计法》为主的会计相关法律法规体系,《公司法》和《证券法》以及有关规定相辅相成的上市公司会计信息监管的规范体系。

    The preliminary accounting-related legal system has been formed , with the Accounting Lawas its body and the Company Law and the Securities Law as its assistants .

  23. 尤其是在对网络信息监管的研究上,我国还处于初步阶段,理论研究和应对策略明显落后于西方国家。

    Especially for the research of the network service supervision , our country is just at the beginning stage , which means we still lag far behind lots of western countries .

  24. 国内外学者对审计师变更问题的研究有多个方面,主要集中在审计师发生变更的动因、审计师变更后的市场反应以及对变更信息监管等方面。

    Domestic and foreign scholars have many research aspects about auditor change , mainly in the reason of auditor change , the market reaction after the change and regulatory about the change information .

  25. 在金融危机中缺乏信息监管控制的公允价值信息不再公允,对其提出的挑战之一就是其信息质量的保障。

    In the financial crisis , the information of fair value accounting that is lack of regulatory control is no longer fair , so one of its challenges is guaranteeing the quality of information .

  26. 此外,加强对股票发行市场的信息监管,也是保证上市公司质量从而防范二级市场风险的关键。

    Moreover , strengthening the supervisal of the information in the IPO market is also an important way to guarantee the quality of the listed company and to keep away the risk of secondary market .

  27. 建立青海省体育人才信息监管体系,加强对运动员综合素质教育,转变就业理念,积极为退役运动员再就业营造良好的社会氛围,逐步形成良性循环机制。

    Jian Li Qinghai sports talent information monitoring system , strengthen athletes diathesis education and transforming employment concepts , active re-employment of retired athletes to create a good social atmosphere , and gradually form a virtuous circle mechanism .

  28. 在向服务型、监管型政府转变的过程中,要引导、建设一个多元共治的机制,进一步探索信息监管、综合治理等新型监管手段的运用。

    In the process of transformation to service-oriented 、 regulatory government , should to guide 、 build a multiple co-government mechanism , to further explore the applying of new regulatory means , such as information supervision , general management .

  29. 笔者正是基于这样的结论,在学习和研究的过程中,对股东人数指标的现状进行较为深刻的分析,得出了本文的基本结论&股东人数实时化有利于证券信息监管。

    On the basis of above , during the study and research the author analyzes the actualities of index on stockholders number and makes the basic conclusion : real-time stockholders number is of great benefit to securities information regulation .

  30. 为确保市场的健康发展,必须正确认识证券市场的功能定位,提高上市公司素质,完善市场运行机制,加强市场信息监管力度。

    To ensure a sound operation of securities market , it is essential to make an accurate judgement of its functional orientation , heighten the quality of marketed companies , improve the market operating rules and strengthen the supervision upon market information .