
  • 网络Credit manager
  1. 武汉当地一家银行的信贷经理陈新(化名)表示,缺乏金融常识是这些学生跌入信贷购物陷阱的主要原因之一。

    A lack of basic finance knowledge is one of the major reasons why students are falling into the credit purchase trap , said Chen Xin ( not his real name ), a credit manager at a local bank .

  2. 如果你不能付现金买电视机,你可以与负责信贷的经理商定分十二次分期付款。

    If you aren 't able to pay cash for the television set , you can make arrangements with the credit manager for12 payments .

  3. 商业银行信贷营销客户经理绩效考评办法探索

    Method of Performance Assessment of Customer Manager for Credit Marketing in Commercial Banks

  4. 季子正年少匹马黑貂裘&中国工商银行信贷管理部总经理魏国雄侧记

    Wei Guoxiong : General Manager of ICBC Credit Management Department

  5. 信贷业务是AB银行最主要的利润来源,信贷客户经理作为信贷业务的主要销售力量,其胜任力水平对于银行的业绩表现有着重要影响。

    Credit is the most important business of AB Bank . As the revenue makers , the competency level of credit customer managers influence the performance of the bank a lot .