
  1. 云南省农业技术市场的现状分析

    Analysis on the present conditions of agriculture technology market of Yunnan

  2. 他利用互联网收集农业技术和市场信息。

    He makes use of the Internet to collect farming technology as well as market information .

  3. 通过提供关于农业技术和市场的有经济价值和相关的信息,运营商确保了服务使用的增长并收获了可持续的回报。

    By providing economically valuable and relevant information on agricultural technologies and markets , the operators have secured growth in the use of their services and created sustainable returns .

  4. 截止2009年底,互联网上的涉农网站已超过30000个,积累了丰富的农业技术、市场信息、政策法规、农业新闻等信息资源。

    By the end of 2009 , there have been more than 30000 agricultural web sites on the internet , which cover almost all kinds of agricultural information , such as agricultural technology , market information , agricultural news and policies .

  5. 我国农业技术推广的市场型发展模式探析

    Discussions on Market Development Model of Agricultural Extension in China

  6. 农业生产技术和市场信息本体构建及其初步应用

    Construction and Preliminary Application of Agricultural Production Techniques and Market Information Ontology

  7. 1990-1998年现代化农业技术集成和市场需求是粮食产量增加主要因素阶段。

    Forth phase ( 1990-1998 ), integration of modern agricultural technology and market demand were main factors .

  8. 苹果套袋纸是近几年开发的农业技术用纸,市场前景广阔。

    The paper for apple bags is a kind of paper developed in recent years and used in agricultural technology which enjoys a bright prospect on the market .

  9. 该文立足于我国当前改革开放、农业技术推广面向市场经济的实际,分析了新形势下农技推广工作在内容、方法等方面发生的一些明显变化;

    Based on the present reality of reform and opening and of agricultural technical extension being on the way to market economy , analyzes some evident changes in contents and methods of agricultural technical extension under the new situation ;

  10. 农业技术推广体系以市场为导向的运行框架

    An Operational Framework of Marketing Oriented Agricultural Extension Service

  11. 对于不同区域、不同性质的农产品科技创新,要采取因地制宜的措施,促进农业技术进步在农业市场绩效中的作用。

    However , for different regions , different kinds of agricultural technology innovation , the measure chosen should be under the local condition to promote the effect of agricultural technological progress in the agriculture market performance .

  12. 我国现存的农业技术推广体系在市场化经济的冲击下功能逐渐减弱,体系队伍缺乏稳定有效的支撑,难以适应当前现代农业发展的需求。

    Agricultural technology extension system in china gradually weakened under the impact of functions in the market economy . Lack of stability and effective support , the system can hardly meet the current needs of modern agriculture development .

  13. 农业技术创新受技术市场需求、资源配置偏向、农业科研水准和农业比较利益等因素的影响。其中,制度因素对技术创新的作用日益增强。

    They are greatly affected by those factors such as demand of technical market , deviation of resource allocation , standard of agricultural research and comparative agricultural benefit and so on , among which the action of system factor on the technical innovation is increasingly great .

  14. 我国现行的农业推广仍是传统的以技术为主的农业技术推广,随着市场经济体制的建立和发展,这种狭义的技术推广面临诸多矛盾和局限性。

    The agricultural extension which is being used now in China remains the traditional agrotechnical extension . With the establishment and development of market economy system , the agrotechnical extension faces many contradictories and limitations .

  15. 中国农村妇女作为农业生产的重要力量,尤其渴望和需要及时掌握农业生产技术、市场供求、价格、优良品种等信息。

    Chinese rural women are an important part of agricultural production , and so have a strong need for up to date information on agricultural techniques , market demands , prices and advanced technology .