
  • 网络Informatization Strategy;information strategy;informationization strategies
  1. 创建出SWOT分析矩阵图,在此基础上总结出企业不同阶段的信息化战略关系模型。

    SWOT analysis matrix is founded to establish enterprise information strategy model in different phases .

  2. 在SOA解决方案中,业务流程的建立不但是企业信息化战略的执行过程,而且是企业信息化系统的关键过程。

    In the SOA solution , the establishment of business processes is not only the implemented process of enterprise information strategy , but also the pivotal process to enterprise information systems .

  3. X乳品公司信息化战略研究

    X Dairy Company Information Strategic Research

  4. SD公司信息化战略规划研究

    The Research of SD Enterprise 's Informatization Strategy Planning

  5. TH公司信息化战略规划

    Strategy of TH Enterprise 's Information Planning

  6. 主要从北京铁路信号工厂信息化战略、ERP的选型、ERP项目的实施三个方面进行研究。

    The research is mostly partitioned into three points & informational strategy , ERP type choice and ERP project implementation .

  7. 第三章对企业信息化战略结合实际案例进行了内、外部环境、生命周期阶段环境及SWOT综合分析。

    Chapter three makes a systematic analysis of internal and external environment , life cycle and SWOT .

  8. 同时,作者重点在企业信息化战略研究中,结合了目前先进的ERP理论,提出了晨光东螺在进行企业信息化时,重点关注问题的解决方案。

    At the same time , the writer attaches much emphasis on the strategy for the information of the enterprise and put forward the material methods for the order style enterprises .

  9. 再次,通过SWOT分析,确定公司的发展战略:相关多元化战略,品牌化战略,人力资源战略和信息化战略。

    Thirdly , this paper uses SWOT analysis to design the development strategy of the company including relative diversification strategy , branding strategy , human resource strategy and information strategy .

  10. 随着信息通信技术的快速发展,尤其是IP技术的不断发展以及国家信息化战略大力的推进,IPTV机顶盒应运而生。

    With the rapid development of information technology , especially the continuous development of IP technology as well as the strong promoting of the national strategy , IPTV STB ( Set-top Box ) is invented .

  11. 论NIQ与我国国家信息化战略

    On NIQ and National Informatization Strategy of China

  12. 为了控制企业信息系统的转换成本,TJG公司必须在现有信息系统应用程度上,制定易于推进的企业信息化战略规划。

    In order to control the transition cost of the information system , TJG Co. , basing on exiting level of information system , must establish the enterprise informationization strategy planning which can be pushed easily .

  13. 对宁夏煤业集团信息化战略规划的思考

    Consideration on he strategic planning of information system in NCI Group

  14. 它具有开发成本低、适应性强、协作性高等优势,它必将成为企业现代化商业竞争的信息化战略武器。

    So it is viewed as a strategic weapon for commercial competition .

  15. 鞍钢:全面实施信息化战略

    Overall Implementation of Informatization Strategy in Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation

  16. 中国银行业建立与实施信息化战略的基本思路:制订明确的金融电子化发展目标和发展策略;

    Proposed china commercial bank 's IT strategy : Set clear objective ;

  17. 基于能力的企业战略与企业信息化战略匹配研究

    Research on Capability-based Strategy Alignment of Business Strategy and Business Informationalization Strategy

  18. 佣金自由化后证券公司信息化战略

    Securities Companies ' Informationization Strategy after Floating Commission System

  19. 金融风暴中我国商业银行信息化战略思考

    Informationization strategy of commercial banks in the financial crisis

  20. 关于城市信息化战略中公共图书馆定位的思考

    Thinking on the Orientation of the Public Library in the City Informationization Strategy

  21. 全面创新视角下的企业信息化战略

    A Total Innovation Perspective on Enterprise Informatization Strategy

  22. 我国企业信息化战略的制定

    The establishment of informationization strategy in Chinese enterprise

  23. 试论少数民族区域经济、文化发展的信息化战略

    Enforcement of Information Strategy on Development of Economy and Culture in Minority Nationality Regions

  24. 基于信息依赖度的企业信息化战略分析框架

    An Analytical Framework for Enterprise Informatization Strategy on the Basis of Dependency on Information

  25. 关于教育信息化战略的实施策略

    The Implemental Tactics of Informative Education Strategy

  26. 第四章为企业不同发展阶段信息化战略的选择与实施。

    Chapter four analyzes the selection and implementation of the enterprise in different develop stages .

  27. 浅析我国企业实施信息化战略过程中存在的问题

    Discussion on the Existent Problems for Implementation of Enterprise Information-based Strategic Process in our Country

  28. 企业信息化战略刍议

    Briefly on Strategies of Enterprise Information Construction

  29. 汽车维修及服务企业信息化战略

    Digitalization Strategy of Automobile Maintenance Service Enterprises

  30. 中煤集团IT吸收过程研究及信息化战略探讨

    Study of the IT Absorption Process and IT Strategy of China National Coal Group Corporation