
  • 网络credit enhancer;credit enhancement agency
  1. 在资产证券化过程中涉及的主体很多,除了发起人还有SPV、信用增级机构、信用评级机构、资产证券的持有者和资产管理公司等。

    In the process of asset securitization , there are many main body including sponsor , special purpose vehicle , credit increase institution , capital management and so on .

  2. 由于我国市场经济发育和法制建设都还不完善,所以根据现行法律法规设立的市场参与主体一一特殊目的载体、信用评级机构、信用增级机构和机构投资者可能达不到证券化理论要求;

    The participator in Securitization market probably can not reach theory requirement according to what the currently in effect law regulations were establish , because of imperfect of our country market economy growth and legal system , such as Special Proposes Vehicle .