
  • 网络Information Understanding
  1. 信息理解的语义量化模型及信度

    The Semantic Quantized Model and Belief Factor of Information Understanding

  2. 信息理解的义元场结构及可信性

    The structure of semantic element field and the creditability on information understanding

  3. 企业在进行基于Web的网络协同制造时,相互间的信息理解对协作的效率影响很大。

    It exerts tremendous influences on the cooperation efficiency to grasp the exact meaning mutually while enterprises are carried through web-based networked cooperative manufacturing project .

  4. 机械图纸的信息理解

    Information model of construction machinery CAID Information Understanding of the Mechanical Drawing

  5. 信息理解的推理与知识语义结构

    The Inference of Information Understanding and Semanteme Structure of Knowledge

  6. 我们已经看到背景如何影响信息理解的。

    We have already seen how context can affect the way information is interpreted .

  7. 笔记是一项涉及信息理解、选择及输出等过程的复杂的认知活动。

    Note-taking is a complex activity that involves information comprehension , selection and production processes .

  8. 分析技能是我们利用现有信息理解和解决问题的能力。

    Analytical skills are our ability to understand and solve problems using information we have available .

  9. 也就是说,良好的听是基于听者积极、能动地用推理的模式对听力材料中的信息理解的过程。

    In other words , a good listening is the listener-oriented process of teaching of information with listening materials .

  10. 即低难度类型的错误信息理解监控能力强于高难度类型的错误信息理解监控能力。

    In other words , comprehension monitoring ability for error information characterized by lower difficulty was better than higher difficulty .

  11. 与信息理解一样,图式对于不同阅读能力的读者其作用是不同的,但不同的是图式似乎对高阅读水平的读者作用更大。

    Concerning information acquisition , the roles of schema and reading competence are affected by different representations of new information .

  12. 通过大自然发出的信息理解宇宙,发现自然规律,是科学永恒的主题。

    It is an eternal subject that the universe is understanded and the nature rule is discovered through information from the nature .

  13. 灰信息理解是创造性思维的基础,当产生新知识时即为创造性理解。

    Understanding of grey information is the foundation of creative thinking , it is called the creative understanding when new knowledge is produced .

  14. 编制孤独症儿童信息理解与表达能力训练课程,在教育实践中检验其效果。

    Established training courses to develop ability of information comprehension and expression for autistic children , tested the effect of training by practice .

  15. 当代英语教学尽管十分强调听说能力的培养,但阅读仍旧不失为获取信息理解世界的最佳途径之一,外语阅读焦虑则是与其息息相关的情感因素。

    Although nowadays English teaching emphasizes listening and speaking , reading is an optimal way of getting information and understanding the outside world .

  16. 主要讨论信息理解的推理形式和机制、规则知识的语义结构以及新知识产生过程;

    The form and mechanism of inference of information understanding , semanteme structure of rule knowledge and production process of new knowledge is discussed ;

  17. 多变量方差分析表明对中国的英语读者来说,图式及阅读能力是信息理解和获得的两个重要因素。

    Multivariate analysis of variance indicated that schema and reading competence both are important factors in new information comprehension and acquisition with Chinese EFL readers .

  18. 文化负载词汇在译文中的准确再现对文学翻译极其重要,其翻译质量的好坏直接影响译文读者对原文信息理解的程度。

    Accurate reappearance of culture - oriented words in the target text plays a crucial role in literature translation , for they exert direct influence on the understanding of the original .

  19. 主要讨论消息理解的基本模式及其信息理解系统,并且讨论了二类消息的语义理解例以及理解客观度。

    The fundamental patterns of message understanding and information understanding system are mainly discussed , and semantic understanding examples of two kinds of message and objective degree of understanding are discussed .

  20. 影响对医院会计报表信息理解的因素可分为三类:一是医院会计制度的特殊性、二是医院营运管理的特殊性、三是医院外部政策环境的特殊性。

    Three factors , which influence understanding of hospital accounting report information , are specialty of hospital accounting system , specialty of hospital business and management and specialty of external policy environment of the hospitals .

  21. 近年来,建立在多媒体信息理解基础之上的基于内容的视觉信息检索受到越来越广泛的关注,成为当前信息检索领域的研究重点。

    In the past few years , content-based visual information retrieval , which is based on visual information understanding , has been received more and more attention and become the key technique of visual information retrieval .

  22. 在汉字特征分类和信息理解两种阅读任务中,汉语阅读困难儿童与正常儿童的内隐学习成绩无显著差异;

    In the assignments on classification of Chinese characters and comprehension of information , the discrepancy of achievement between the children with Chinese reading disabilities and the normal children was not notable under the condition of implicit learning .

  23. 总体而言,委婉语主要是通过使信息理解者在理解委婉语的理性意义时感到模糊而实现其功能的;这种模糊大致又分为美化式、距离式、弱化式三类。

    Generally speaking , the functions of euphemisms are fulfilled by making the interpreter feel vague in understanding the conceptual meaning of euphemisms . The vagueness has three types : beatifying vagueness , distance vagueness and attenuating vagueness .

  24. 而图像特征提取作为计算机模拟人类视觉系统对图像进行识别分类重要方法,是计算机自动化地实现图像信息理解、处理、决策的基础,也一直是计算机视觉技术领域中研究热点。

    Image feature extraction , as an important method for computers to recognize and classify images , is the foundation of automatic image perceiving , processing and decision , and has been a hot topic in the field of computer vision for a long time .

  25. 在这种背景下,以变复杂为清晰和使信息可理解为理念的信息构建(InformationArchitecture,简称IA)得到广泛关注和应用。

    Under this background , Information Architecture , which places emphasis on " makeing the complex clear " and " improveing information understandability ", receives widespread attention and application .

  26. 尽管苹果用户对于设计和信息的理解不尽相同,但是很明显谷歌是在拿iPhone有限的内存问题大做文章。

    While the design and message resemble what iPhone users see , it 's not exactly the same . Even so , it 's clear Google is highlighting the iPhone 's limited storage problem that it hopes to solve .

  27. 基于对DM和KDD的过程分析和对卫星遥感数据的信息论理解,提出了针对地质应用的卫星遥感数据开采与知识发现的技术框架。

    Based on the procedure analysis of DM and KDD technique as well as performing on an information interpretation of satellite data with information theory , the thesis firstly presents a theoretical and technological framework of satellite remote sensing data mining and knowledge discovery for geological application .

  28. 我们可以通过这些非言语的信息来理解人的心思。

    We can read the mind by understanding these non-verbal messages .

  29. 信息的理解与语言信息研究述评

    A Survey on the Understanding of Information and the Language Information Research

  30. 卫星遥感数据的信息论理解

    Interpretation of satellite remotely sensed data based on information theory