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  • net capital
  1. 作为一个教育不发达、靠赚取资本净额的石油出口国,沙特需要外国的技术和更多的外国的资本。

    As a net capital exporter with only a basic education system , Saudi Arabia needs foreign know-how and training more than it needs foreign cash for investment .

  2. 然后根据巴塞尔协议的相关规定,计算出了有5家城商行操作风险值占资本净额的比例,并对实证过程和结论进行了总结。

    Then , according to the relevant provisions of the Basel Agreement , the paper calculates the proportion of the operational risk value accounted for net capital of five city commercial banks , and summarizes the empirical process and conclusions .

  3. 经常项目顺差增加了一个国家相应金额的外国资本净额,;经常项目逆差则恰好相反。

    A current account surplus increases a country 's net foreign assets by the corresponding amount , and a current account deficit does the reverse .

  4. 官方援助资本净额增长缓慢,私人资本增长迅速并在全球市场融资中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    The growth of net official assistance capital is slowing ; the net private capital grows rapidly and is playing more and more important role in global market financing .

  5. 已实现资本利得净额

    Net realized capital gains

  6. 1998年欧洲和中亚地区的资本流入净额由于受俄罗斯危机的影响而从1997年的280亿美元降低到230亿美元。

    Net flows to Europe and Central Asia fell with the crisis in Russia to $ 23 billion in1998 , compared to $ 28 billion in1997 .

  7. 撒哈拉以南非洲地区的资本市场流入净额仍在低水平徘徊,南非是该地区唯一接受外资的主要国家。

    Net capital market flows to Sub-Saharan Africa remained marginal , with South Africa the only major recipient .

  8. 拉美地区的资本市场融资净额降幅最大,1998年从私人贷款机构贷入的资金净额仅有180亿美元,远远低于1997年的470亿美元。

    Latin America suffered the largest drop in net flows from capital markets , as net debt flows from private creditors were only $ 18 billion in1998 , down from $ 47 billion in1997 .