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  • cornflakes
玉米片 [yù mǐ piàn]
  • [cornflakes] 一种早餐粮谷,以去苞皮的玉米粗粉为原料,通过加水湿润,加热和辊轧将其制成片状,后来经过干燥,通常也经过烘烤

  1. 我吃了些脆玉米片,呼吸着充满青草气息的新鲜空气,这让我一天都充满活力。

    I have my cornflakes and smell the fresh air and the grass and it sets me up for the day

  2. 州他坐在那一边看报一边嘎吱嘎吱地嚼着玉米片。

    He sat there crunching his cornflakes and reading the newspaper .

  3. 那些味道多鲜美呀——有热牛奶,土豆皮,粗麦粉,凯洛格牌玉米片,还有祖克曼先生早餐吃剩的酥饼呢。

    The smell was delicious-warm milk , potato skins , wheat middlings , Kellogg 's Corn Flakes12 , and a popover left from the Zuckermans ' breakfast . \# p \#

  4. 薄片环环相扣将重量向不同方向转移,其中大部分重量落在容器壁上,而不是容器底部。cornflakesn.干玉米片wedgev.挤进adjacentadj.邻近的interactionn.交互作用

    The interlocking of the flakes transfers the weight in several directions , with most of it ultimately ending up at the walls of the box rather than the bottom .

  5. 不管因何种原因未能赴约,“11月计划”都会弄得好像缺席者是出去玩了,该组织从缺席者的Facebook网页上找到他们之前喝酒或吃奶酪玉米片的旧照片,放到“我们想念你”页面上。

    No matter what the excuse , the November Project makes it look as if the absentee was out partying by pulling old photos from a Facebook page that show him or her drinking or eating nachos .

  6. 我们没有Doritos玉米片了

    We were out of Doritos .

  7. 别多想,她可不是在TacoBell快餐店出售的那种490卡路里、0营养的小食“多力多滋奶酪玉米片”(DoritosCheesyGorditaCrunch-Fiery)里,偷偷放进碎生菜的人。

    No , she 's not the one who smuggled shredded lettuce into the Doritos Cheesy Gordita Crunch-Fiery , a 490-calorie , zero-noun snack from Taco Bell .

  8. 布鲁克林的EXO公司正在制作蛋白质能量棒。波士顿SixFoods公司打算销售用蟋蟀粉制作的墨西哥炸玉米片。总部位于佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔,由一位昆虫学家创建的AllThingsBugs公司也计划向这个新兴市场销售自己的蟋蟀粉。

    Brooklyn-based Exo is making protein bars , Boston-based-Six Foods is planning to sell tortilla chips made from cricket flour , and All Things Bugs , a Gainesville , FL-based firm founded by an entomologist , is looking to sell its own cricket flour to this burgeoning market .

  9. 牛奶和脆玉米片,蛋卷和香肠,好吃好吃。

    Milk and cornflakes , rolls and sausages , yami yami .

  10. 我必须赶去法庭,谢谢你的玉米片

    I gotta get to court . Thanks for the nachos .

  11. 我的早餐吃牛奶泡(用作早餐的)玉米片加糖。

    I had cornflakes with milk and sugar for breakfast .

  12. 天啊,玉米片听起来不错。

    God , a whole mess of nachos sounds good right now .

  13. 对具有营养保健功能的黑甜玉米片的加工工艺进行了初步探讨。

    Research Advances on the Nourishment and Health Protection of Radices Puerarire ;

  14. 珍妮不喜欢玉米片,但约翰喜欢。

    Janet does not like cornflakes , but John does .

  15. 护士茱莉发现我喜欢吃奶酪玉米片,常常准备一些给我吃。

    Nurse Julie discovered I liked Cheesy Wotsits so brought me those .

  16. 那是玉米片加上一勺花生酱。

    It 's a corn chip with a scoop of peanut butter .

  17. 你能给我拿一些玉米片和百威啤酒吗?

    Could you bring me some nachos and two budweisers ?

  18. 没错——Kellogg's玉米片。

    That 's right - Kellogg 's corn flakes .

  19. 我不是靠做玉米片谋生的。

    I do not make cornflakes for a living .

  20. 那球乳酪(译注:烤干酪辣味玉米片,一种墨西哥食品)懂了没?“不是你的乳酪!”(译注:英文发音相近)

    Get it ? " Not your cheese ! "

  21. 按照黑甜玉米片浆:牛乳

    Research on Fermented Milk with Black Sweet Corn Flakes

  22. 玉米片是在英国很受欢迎的谷类早餐。

    Cornflakes are a popular breakfast cereal in britain .

  23. 我今天不会买他们的玉米片了。

    I won 't buy their corn flakes today .

  24. 在20世纪,英国休闲早餐因玉米片受到冲击;

    In the20th century the leisurely carnivorous British breakfast was replaced by the cornflake ;

  25. 不要让袋子敞开着,否则玉米片会变软的。

    Don 't leave the packet open , or the cornflakes will go soft .

  26. 他们要么只吃了玉米片,要么完全禁食。

    Some fasted , though others ate nachos .

  27. 阿蓝莓饼,玉米片,和一杯橙汁。

    A blueberry pancake , corn flakes , and a glass of orange juice .

  28. 玉米片主要做为早餐混以牛奶和咖啡食用,也直接做为休闲零食食用。

    It can be mixed with coffee or milk , or eaten as snacks .

  29. 他最喜欢的东西是玉米片。

    His favorite food is corn flakes .

  30. 优质玉米片及马铃薯片的制造

    Processing techniques for corn and potato chips