
  • 网络information density
  1. A4开本时期的篇均页码为3.85,信息密度为4.19篇/印张;

    3.85 pages of A4 size per paper , information density is 4.19 papers per sheet ;

  2. 二维条码的信息密度比较高,尤其对于QR码,其识别技术相对而言比较复杂,近些年来对二维条码的快速检测和识别成为研究的热点领域之一。

    Because the 2D barcode has the character of high information density , especially the QR code , its recognition technology is quite more complex . Thus , detection and recognition of 2D barcode quickly has become a hot field of recent research recently .

  3. 使用此程序将使您可以用比简单的GD::Pie更丰富的信息密度来表示图形。

    Using this program allows you to present charts with much greater informational density than is available with plain GD : : Pie .

  4. 由于二维条码(特别是QR码)的信息密度相对较高,其识别方法比一维条码更为复杂,因此对二维条码进行快速的识别成为当前很重要的研究方向。

    Since 2D barcode has a relatively higher density information , its recognition technology is more complex than that of 1D barcode , especially for QR Code .

  5. DYL器件是一种线性元件,它可以工作于0~3V范围内的任意信号电压,对信号的分辨率极高,为实现高信息密度的十值电路提供了方便条件。

    The DYL device is a kind of linear element , able to work at any voltage between 0-3 volts with high resolution to signals . This gives a good ground for the realization of the ten-valued logic circuits , with high information density .

  6. 一种高信息密度的二维码&矩阵码的技术及应用

    Technology and Application of Two-dimentional Matrix Code with High Density of Information

  7. 复杂工程风险管理的信息密度演化计算方法

    Risk computation for complex engineering based on information density evolutionary

  8. 而由于数字的信息密度与之相近每一对数字就有100种可能

    Since numbers have a similar information density - 100 possibilities per character

  9. 信息密度在一个线性维度内有用的信息单元的个数

    The number of units of useful information contained within a linear dimension

  10. 全国重点农业大学学报信息密度统计分析与比较

    The Statistic Analysis and Comparisons of Information Density from Journals of Key Agricultural University

  11. 信息密度逐年上升;

    The information density is raising annually ;

  12. 自然科学学报的编排应注重版面的信息密度

    On the " Information Density " in the layout of the journal of natural science

  13. 指出连续的磁力观测能够增大信息密度,避免因抽样引起品质降低;

    This technique can augment information density and avoid the reduction of quality due to sampling .

  14. 利用目标信息密度增量评估了亚像元技术的应用;

    The utility of sub pixel technology is evaluated with the increment of object information density .

  15. 由于二维条码的信息密度比较高,其识别技术比较复杂。

    The information of two-dimensional bar code is high density , and the recognition technology is complicated .

  16. 这些应用程序通常具有非常大的数据集,并且每屏显示的信息密度非常高。

    These applications typically have a very large data set and display a high information density per screen .

  17. 最后计算了分辨矩阵和信息密度矩阵,以评价反演结果。

    Finally , we calculated the information density matrix and resolution matrix in order to evaluate the inversion results .

  18. 采用具有高信息密度的分布式光纤温度传感测量系统进行土石坝渗漏监测技术研究。

    The technology of distributed fiber optic temperature measurement offers the possibility to monitor the leakage of embankment dams .

  19. 为提高复杂工程系统的风险评估和计算效率,对工程系统中复杂性和信息密度演化进行研究。

    In the context of engineering complexity , this research focuses on improving the efficiency of risk e-valuation and computation .

  20. 信息密度与学术论文内容的信息质量有关,也与每篇论文的文字、图及表的多少有关。

    Information density is related with information quality , and the wording , figures and tables of academic paper , too .

  21. 建议刊物信息密度控制在0.25篇/页。

    The paper also suggests that the data density for each issue should be kept within the range of 0.25 articles each page .

  22. 以《孝感学院学报》(自然科学版)19962003年共10期学报上发表的278篇论文为统计样本,对每期载文量、信息密度、学科分布、论文作者基本情况等进行了统计分析。

    The 278 papers published in Journal of Xiaogan University ( Natural Sciences Edition ) during 1996-2003 in total 10 issues were analyzed statistically .

  23. 在光刻胶干版上的存储实验表明,在衍射光变图像上的单角度存储信息密度大于3.7Mbit/cm2。

    The experimental results recorded on the photoresist plate show that the information storage density can be achieved over 3.7 Mbit / cm2 in one direction storage .

  24. 应用现代通信理论对成像系统进行了分析,建立了模拟和数字图像的目标信息密度模型。

    The modern communication theory is used in the analysis of imaging systems . The object information density model is built for analogue and digital image respectively .

  25. 结果表明:5年共发文494篇,期均载文16.5篇,平均信息密度达0.35篇/页;

    Result showed that 494 papers were published in the past 5 years , with an average of 16.8 papers per number and 0.35 papers per page .

  26. 这样是导致了嵌入的水印信息密度大,一旦模型受损或者受到恶意的攻击,水印将很难提取出来,因此该算法仅仅适用于脆弱水印的嵌入和提取。

    Once the model is damaged or somehow changed , the embedding information will be difficult to extract . Therefore , this kind of algorithm is mainly used for fragile watermarking .

  27. 二维条码以其信息密度高、容量大、纠错能力强和可靠性高等优点,受到世界范围越来越多的关注。

    Two-dimensional bar code with its high information density , large capacity , error correction capability , high reliability and other advantages is being received more and more attention from all over the world .

  28. 方差分析结果表明:①目标呈现在信息密度大、视觉冲击强的网页上时,用户搜索时间显著增加而错误及满意度并没有明显恶化;

    It was found that : ① The visual search performance time dramatically increased when targets showed on the web page with heavy-information and strong visual stimuli while errors and satisfaction did not markedly deteriorate .

  29. 结果表明,在信息密度演化的价值累积的初期,主要是信息价值生成过程的贡献,随着演化进程延伸,信息价值的扩散过程的贡献逐渐增大。

    The results reveal , the information value depends on the process of value generating in the initial evolution stage , but after that stage , information value diffusion contributes much more up to a dominant role .

  30. 《学报》信息密度优良,出版时滞较短,但文章的学科特色和理论深度不足,未能充分体现专业特色和行业特色。

    The info-density of the Journal is good and its postponement of publishing relatively short , but the articles , still somewhat lack of disciplinary characteristics and theoretical depth , cannot reflect the professional and vocational characteristics .