
  1. 本论文研究内容主要是建立保定市房屋抗震防灾GIS系统涉及到的城区平面地图的处理与数字化技术和抗震防灾CIS系统的集成开发等研究工作。

    The study mainly involves in the technology of digitalization and integrated development of VB GIS .

  2. C60高性能预拌砼在保定电信枢纽工程中的应用

    Application of C60 High Performance Premix Concrete in Baoding Telecom Key Project

  3. 保定热电厂450t/hCFB锅炉床温控制系统改造

    Reconstruction of bed temperature control system of 450 t / h CFB boiler in Baoding Cogeneration Power Plant

  4. 结论:首次证实保定市存在hgv感染与流行;

    Conclusion : hgv infection in Baoding was confirmeel firstly .

  5. 运用了AHP对保定热电厂八期扩建工程进行了评价,列举了实例,计算了企业的可持续发展能力的评价值,得到了八期扩建工程可持续发展度的量化结果。

    Use AHP to evaluate the 8th Project Of baoding cogeneration plant , with a practical example calculating the value of enterprise sustainable development capabilities .

  6. 接下来对保定钞票纸厂进行SWOT分析:企业的外部环境、行业、内部资源和能力,并得出核心竞争优势。

    Secondly make SWOT analysis about external environment , industries background , internal resources and competence , then sum up core competitive advantages .

  7. 以保定市各县供电企业专家评价数据作为BP神经网络的训练样本,进行仿真试验,得到了满意的结果。

    Simulation tests were carried out with evaluation data given by experts from power supply enterprises in Baoding taken as training samples for BP neural network , and the results are good .

  8. 将NaCl添加剂和光谱纯的ZnO加入到样品中,对保定周边三个产粮基地土壤中的重金属进行光谱定量分析。

    NaCl additive and pure ZnO were added into the sample , heavy metals in base soil around the city of Baoding were determined by spectrum quantitative analysis .

  9. 通过对保定市郊污灌区、清灌区土壤及植物体内重金属Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn含量的检测分析。

    The heavy metals Pb , Cd , Cu , Zn in waste water irrigated and fresh water irrigated soil and plants were examined and analyzed in the suburban soil of Baoding .

  10. 适逢午休时分,在保定最大的太阳能企业英利集团(YingliSolar)整洁的厂区内,一些工人在室外打着篮球。

    On the tidy campus of Yingli Solar , Baoding 's biggest solar company , workers play basketball outside during a lunch break .

  11. 以保定地区一栋小城镇住宅建筑为例,用Dest软件进行了动态采暖负荷计算与分析。

    Dest was used to calculate dynamic heating load to a residential building of small town .

  12. 本文通过对保定市电力客户调研以及电子商务和CRM理论的应用,分析了电力市场客户关系管理的特点;为保定市电力客户服务中心建立了服务中心网站;

    The thesis analysis the CRM of electric power market through the study of the Baoding city 's electric power customers and the applications of the theory of the electric commerce and CRM ;

  13. 通过酶联免疫方法、鉴别寄主反应、电镜观察测定等,确定保定分离物是辣椒轻斑驳病毒(Peppermildmottlevirus,PMMoV)。

    By means of DAS-ELISA , electron microscopy observation and response of indicator hosts , the BD isolate was identified as Pepper mild mottle virus ( PMMoV ) .

  14. 利用常规分析方法对保定植物园土壤进行了主要特性指标的分析研究,结果表明:植物园土壤pH值偏高,呈微碱性-碱性反应,其中75%达到80以上;

    According to convention analysis and study on the soil of the botanical garden of Baoding , It can be known that : pH values there are a little higher , so the soil is alkaline soil . 75 % of them are above 8.0 ;

  15. Harvey证明了在亏格为g,g≥2的可定向闭曲面上,保定向周期自同胚的最大阶是4g+2。

    Harvey that the maximal order of an orientation preserving Periodic map on an orientable closed surface of genus g. g ≥ 2 , is 4g + 2 . In this paper , we investigate the uniqueness of such maps .

  16. 本课题对保定热电厂叶轮给煤机控制系统状况进行了分析,采用变频调速、PLC可编程控制器编程、低压电力线载波技术对叶轮给煤机控制系统进行改造。

    The paper analyzes drawbacks of control system of blade coal feeders of Baoding Thermoelectric Plant . With transducer technique , PLC technique and low voltage power line carrier technique , we improve on controller unit for coal transmission system of Baoding Thermoelectric Plant .

  17. 以保定市重点建筑物为对象,利用功能强大的设计软件PKPM进行分析计算。

    In this paper , Baoding important buildings are calculated by using the powerful design software PKPM .

  18. 针对CFB锅炉底渣系统的选型、设计,结合大唐保定热电厂技改工程的实际情况,对气力除渣系统的特点、系统配置和运行中存在的问题进行了介绍和分析。

    For the type selection and design of the bottom slag system of CFB boiler in conjunction with actual situation of technical engineering renovation , this paper briefly introduces and analyzes the features , configuration and operational problems of bottom slag pneumatic conveying system of CFB boiler .

  19. 方法:对保定市及周边县城消费者进行随机抽样问卷调查,采用t检验、方差分析和LSD-t检验等方法对调查数据进行统计学处理。

    METHODS : Random sample questionnaire survey was conducted among consumers in Baoding city and its surrounding counties , and the data were subjected tot-test , analysis of variance , and LSD-t test .

  20. 新浪微博(Weibo)上的帖子显示,考生家长聚集在河北省保定市教育局外要求“公平”,还要求教育部撤销减少当地高考招生名额的计划。

    According to a post on the Weibo messaging service , parents gathered outside the education bureau in Baoding , Hebei province , to demand " fairness " and that the education ministry scrap plans to reduce the number of places reserved for local applicants .

  21. 对2007-2008年采自河北省保定、沧州和唐山的49个番茄晚疫病原菌菌株进行了交配型的测定。结果表明所有菌株均为A1交配型,未发现A2交配型。

    Forty-nine isolates collected in Baoding , Cangzhou and Tangshan cities of Hebei province during 2007 and 2008 were investigated for mating types , the result showed that all the tested isolates were A1 mating type , and no isolate with A2 mating type was found . 2 .

  22. 通过冀中保定&廊坊地区典型研究中采用的CBERS1卫星IRMSS数据,对数据图像的质量、图像信息的处理方法和专业应用潜力进行评价。

    According to the CBERS-1 satellite IRMSS data of Baoding and Langfang , two places in JI prefecture area , evaluations of the image quality , the processing method of image information and the professional applying potential are carried out .

  23. 由模型中各污染因子的权重判断出可吸入颗粒物(PM10)为保定市空气质量的制约因子,且二氧化氮(N02)的权重逐步上升。

    From the model of pollution factors determine the weight of respirable particulate matter ( PM10 ) air quality for the Baoding constraints factor , and nitrogen dioxide ( NO2 ) and gradually increase the weights .

  24. 从保定市护城河及白洋淀底泥中富集分离出6株光合细菌,分别编号为PSB-1、PSB-2A、PSB-2B、PSB-3、PSB-4、PSB-5。

    Eight strains of Photosynthetic Bacteria , numbered PSB-1 . PSB-2A . PSB-2B PSB-3.PSB-4.PSB-5 were isolated from the mud sample of Baoding city . Their pure culture have been identified through morphological , biochemical characteristics .

  25. 本文主要介绍了CS-SP1型超塑化剂在南水北调保定漕河段工程中以高减水率、高性能、低收缩为主要技术指标的水工大体积薄壁混凝土中的应用。

    The application of superplasticizer CS-SP1 in the hydraulic structure of mass concrete in this project is introduced in this article . The major technical indicators are high water reducing rate , high performance and low shrinkage .

  26. 保定市雨水资源及其应用研究

    Research on Rainwater Resources and Its Effective Utilization in Baoding Area

  27. 保定市经济区域差异及区域协调发展研究

    The study on regional difference and regional harmonious development of Baoding

  28. 保定市古莲花池植物恢复与改造设计

    The plant restores and reforms design of Baoding Acient Lotus Garden

  29. 确保定单报价以该等协议为依据。

    Ensure that pricing on orders is based on these agreements .

  30. 保定苜蓿是再生能力最强品种。

    BAODING has the highest regenerative ability of the four varieties .