
  • 【法】stored article
  1. 寄存人未告知,致使保管物受损失的,保管人不承担损害赔偿责任;

    Where the depositor fails to give information resulting thus in loss or damage to the article , the depository shall not hold the liability for damages ;

  2. 质权人不能妥善保管质物可能致使其灭失或者毁损的,出质人可以要求质权人将质物提存,或者要求提前清偿债权而返还质物。

    The pledgee shall be civilly liable for the loss or destruction of or damage to the pledged property resulting from his negligence in storage .

  3. 第二百四十七条承租人应当妥善保管、使用租赁物。

    The lessee shall keep and use the lease item with due care .

  4. 保管其他可替代物的,可以按照约定返还相同种类、品质、数量的物品。

    Where the depository keeps any other fungible item , it may return any item of the same type , quality and quantity in accordance with the contract .

  5. 因保管不善致使留置物灭失或者毁损的,留置权人应当承担民事责任。

    The lien holder shall be civilly liable for loss or destruction of or damage to the retained property resulting from his negligence . The management accepts no responsibility for loss of goods in storage .

  6. 第三,按所有权绝对性和排他性的要求,保管人有返还保管物于合法权利人之义务。

    Thirdly , according to the nature of absoluteness and exclusiveness , the custodian is obliged to return the property in his custody to the legal owner .

  7. 第三百七十一条保管人不得将保管物转交第三人保管,但当事人另有约定的除外。

    Delegation of safekeeping prohibited except with prior agreement the depository may not delegate safekeeping of the deposit to a third person , except otherwise agreed by the parties .

  8. 第三百六十九条保管人应当妥善保管保管物。

    The depository shall keep the deposit with due care .

  9. 第三人对保管人提起诉讼或者对保管物申请扣押的,保管人应当及时通知寄存人。

    Where a third person has initiated a suit against the depository or has applied for attachment of the deposit , the depository shall timely notify the depositor .

  10. 保管人违反前款规定,将保管物转交第三人保管,对保管物造成损失的,应当承担损害赔偿责任。

    Where the depository delegated safekeeping of the deposit to a third person in violation of the previous paragraph , thereby causing damage to the deposit , the depository shall be liable for damages .