
  1. 保险行为是以风险为发生前提。

    The insurance behavior is based on the occurrence of the risk .

  2. 农户参与医疗保险行为决策影响因素分析

    An analysis of factors affecting medical insurance purchase behavior of rural households in China

  3. 保险行为主体在进行风险决策时,不仅要考虑标的风险的客观特征,还要考虑自身的一些主观特征。

    Insurance risk actors in decision-making , must not only consider the objective characteristics of the target risk , but also consider some of their own subjective characteristics .

  4. 中国社会产生与支撑这种稳定性行为结构背后的社会基础,既是当前公众传统保险行为产生和发挥作用的基础,也是中国现代保险制度必然要建立其上并适应的基本环境。

    The Chinese society basis which produce and support this stability behavior , was also the foundation of the traditional insurance play the role , the Modern insurance system approach is bound to establish the environment it is must to adapted .

  5. 在当前高诉讼率的背景下,以商业保险行为维护家庭乃至整个国家和谐、稳定,保障公民合法权益是社会必然的选择,于是诉讼保险制度应时而生。

    In the background of high case rate , it is a society inevitable choice commercial insurance to preserving family harmony and stability , or maintaining civil legal rights and interests , civil legal expenses insurance system should be emerge as the times require .

  6. 保险消费者行为决策的因素分析

    Analysis on the Factors of Insurance Consumers ' Behavior Decision Making

  7. 保险品牌行为是有其信息经济学和行为经济学基础的。

    Branding activities are based on information economics and behavioral economics .

  8. 基于期权定价理论的投资连结保险退保行为研究

    Study on Equity-linked Life Insurance Surrender Based on Option Pricing Theory

  9. 基于有限理性的农业巨灾保险主体行为分析及优化

    Analysis and optimization of behaviors of agricultural catastrophe entities based on limited rationality

  10. 保险市场行为变异原因探析

    Variations of the Insurance Market Behavior and Reasons

  11. 保险品牌行为及其经济学基础

    Insurance Branding Activities and Its Economic Basis

  12. 对拒不缴纳社会保险费行为之刑罚化研究

    Study on the Criminal Penalization of the Act of Refusing to Pay the Social Insurance

  13. 得到了风险厌恶程度对保险人行为影响的充分条件;

    The result shows that risk aversion is a sufficient condition to the insurer 's behavior .

  14. 保险代理行为研究

    On Behavior of Insurance Agency

  15. 保险市场行为监管中所涉及保险监管者、保险机构与投保人这三方的利益存在博弈关系。

    A game relationship exists between supervisors , insurance sectors and policy-holders in the regulation on market conduct .

  16. 对影响养老保险参保行为的因素从微观和宏观两个视角进行了分析与解释。

    Analysis the reasons of pension insured person behavioral by the household survey onthe impact of micro and macro perspectives .

  17. 联邦密探正在对圣地亚哥的一个精神病院关于医疗保险欺诈行为进行突袭。

    FBI agents conducted a raid of a psychiatric hospital in San Diego that was under investigation for medical insurance fraud .

  18. 目前,保险消费者行为研究,主要基于保险需求理论对影响保险消费者行为的因素进行分析,但围绕目前国内车险产品,对车险个体消费者的投保行为的影响因素分析较少,实证研究较少。

    Nowadays most of researches are on insurance demands , while the study of individual consumer and positive analysis are less .

  19. 内外勾结骗取保险金行为的定性分析

    The Determination of the Act of Cheating Insurance Company out of its Property with the Collaboration of the Inside and the Outside

  20. 保险品牌行为的内容涉及定位、识别、架构、延伸与更新、传播和内化管理等多方面;

    Branding activities consist of brand positioning , brand recognition , framework , extension and updating , transmission and internalized management , etc.

  21. 第二章对以往学者对保险消费行为的研究进行了回顾,并指出在这一领域研究的不足之处。

    The second chapter carried out a retrospect on the study of insurance consumer behavior , and pointed out defects in this field .

  22. 他还敦促加大对医疗机构保险欺诈行为的调查和惩罚力度,并完善对海外国有资产的监督制度。

    He also urges efforts to investigate and punish insurance fraud in medical institutions and improve the supervision system for overseas state-owned assets .

  23. 保险品牌行为是保险公司为了获得持久的竞争优势围绕品牌而开展的一系列营销活动;

    Insurance branding activities are a series of marketing activities promoting its brand recognition by insurance companies in order to secure sustainable competitive advantage .

  24. 这使得保险市场行为监管不能仅仅局限于传统意义上的对保险机构违规行为的监管,还应包括对保险欺诈的防范和惩治。

    It shows that only traditional regulation on the insurers and agencies is not sufficient , there should also be regulation of insurance fraud in place .

  25. 所以,市场结构对我国保险市场行为产生了严重影响,反过来,市场行为的不规范性又进一步导致市场结构不合理。

    So , market structure has produced serious effect on market behavior , conversely , the nonstandard market behavior leads to the market structure unreasonable further .

  26. 第一章,对现行保险消费者行为研究进行回顾和评述,并提出本文研究的主要问题。

    The full text consists of five chapters and the principal elements are as follows : Chapter I describes the present researches on the consumer behavior of insurance , and identifies the core of the paper .

  27. 来自调查问卷的实证表明农户农业保险购买行为受耕地质量水平、灾害发生前后是否采取措施、总耕地面积和受教育年限、对保险公司信任程度的影响。

    The behavior to buy agricultural insurance of farmers is subjected to the cultivated land quality level , whether to take measures or not , total cultivated land area , education years and the degree to trust the insurance company .

  28. 我国养老保险领域投机行为的治理对策研究

    Study of Strategies to Curb Speculative Activities on China 's Pension Insurance

  29. 自营保险公司避税行为探析

    Probing into the Tax Avoidance of Non-state-operated Insurance Companies

  30. 第一,信息不对称导致的保险中介机会主义行为。

    The first one is opportunism caused by asymmetry .