
zhēn chá jī ɡuān
  • investigative organization;organization of investigation
  1. 侦查机关内设鉴定机构的负面影响与消解

    Adverse Effects of Setting-up a Forensic Institute within the Investigation Agency

  2. 刑事诉讼结构与侦查机关的证明责任

    The criminal procedure structure and investigative organ 's identification responsibility

  3. 论侦查机关内设鉴定机构的法律性质

    On the Legal Nature of Forensic Science Institutions Attached to Investigation Organs

  4. 这对于解决犯罪嫌疑人与侦查机关权力(利)绝对悬殊的问题,带来了根本上的转变。

    It brings fundamental changes to the balance of the power and the rights .

  5. 论侦查机关的告知义务

    On the Informing Duty of the Investigatory Organ

  6. 在本章的最后一部分,作者对怎样完善中国的侦讯程序规则提出了自己的设想,这主要是加强犯罪嫌疑人的权牙保障和对侦查机关的权力进行制约。

    Finally , the author offers some suggestions on perfecting the rules of interrogation in China .

  7. 刑事立案监督是对侦查机关立案活动实施的法律监督。

    Criminal case supervision is to supervise the implementation of case law activities on the investigation organ .

  8. 法制进程的不断加快对侦查机关的犯罪侦查工作要求也不断提高。

    Accelerating the process of the legal system on the investigative work of the criminal investigation requested rising .

  9. 在西方国家,侦查机关的侦查手段开始日益向技术化、高隐秘性方向发展。

    In western countries , the means of investigating authorities have developed towards a technology-based , high-confidentiality direction .

  10. 询问被害人是侦查机关办理刑事案件调查取证的重要途径之一。

    Questioning the victims is a very important approach for the investigation organs to get evidence in criminal cases .

  11. 在职务犯罪中,侦查机关要进行调查取证,其存在很大的难度。

    In job-related crimes , investigative authorities to conduct investigation and evidence collection , there is a big difficulty .

  12. 关于按《决定》对侦查机关鉴定机构与鉴定人实施管理问题的思考与建议

    Reflection and Suggestion of Administrating Forensic Institutions and Staff of the Investigation Organs in Accordance with the ' Resolution '

  13. 大陆法系国家司法审查机关的中立性较弱,对具体搜查行为的实施条件与程序规定总体上也不及英美法系国家严格,侦查机关拥有较大的裁量权,可以称之为犯罪控制搜查模式。

    It can be denominated with writs mode . The neutrality of the judicial review of the Continental law system is feebleness .

  14. 面对严峻的犯罪形势,侦查机关不得不寻求更加高效的现代化侦查手段。

    In face of the serious criminal situation , investigation authorities have to seek for a more effective modern means of investigation .

  15. 确立判决前财产审查制度,并赋予侦查机关财产审查职权,建立被告人财产档案。

    Establish the system of property review before decision , endow Investigation organ property review authority and establish the defendant property files .

  16. 其宗旨在于监督侦查机关取证的合法性,因此必须有一定的程序对此加以规范。

    It aims to supervise the legality of evidence-taking of investigative organization , so the proceeding should be guided by some regulations .

  17. 它不仅是侦查机关的职权指南,而且是刑事被追诉人的权利文本。

    It is not only the terms of reference guide to investigative bodies , but also the rights of the Accused text .

  18. 而侦查机关司法鉴定工作做为司法鉴定活动的一部分,由于各种原因,至今存在不少争议。

    The investigation organs ' judicial authentication as a part of forensic activities , due to various reasons , there is still some controversy .

  19. 警察(包括其他有权的侦查机关的侦查人员)在特定情况下可以作为证人,向法庭提供证言。

    A policeman ( including other officers authorized by law ) can be a witness and offer its testimony to court in the specific circumstance .

  20. 刑事撤案是侦查机关将立案侦查的案件予以撤销,终止侦查的一种诉讼活动。

    Quashing criminal cases is defined as litigation activities that investigative organs withdraw the cases which have been filed for investigation , terminating the investigation .

  21. 口供收集规则是指侦查机关在查明案件事实过程中所应当循序的制度总称。

    Collection of rules is the statement in identifying the facts of the case investigation agencies in the process of orderly system should be general .

  22. 侦查机关的讯问需要事实清楚、证据确凿,但也离不开模糊概念和模糊语言。

    The ask of the investigative organizations need the clear fact , the definite proof , but also uses the misty concepts and misty languages .

  23. 但是在增强侦查机关侦查能力的同时,公民的隐私权、自治权等又会受到秘密侦查行为的侵害。

    However , the citizens ' privacy , autonomy rights were harmed at the same time of enhancing the detection capability of the investigative organs .

  24. 依照刑事诉讼法的规定,这里的犯罪嫌疑人应限定为经侦查机关采取特定刑事强制措施的人。

    According to criminal lawsuit , the criminal suspect here should be confined to the one who has been taken coercive measures by the preliminary investigation .

  25. 文章对刑事诉讼中的侦查机关、检察机关、自诉人、被告人等诉讼主体应当承担的证明责任及其证明要求进行了探讨。

    The thesis discusses this distribution among the subjects of litigation , such as the investigative organ , the procuratorate , private prosecutor and the accused .

  26. 侦查机关认为需要继续冻结的,依照刑事诉讼法的规定采取冻结措施;

    Where it deems it necessary to continue freezing the funds , it shall adopt freezing measures according to the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law .

  27. 只有健全和完善我国刑事搜查制度,才能更加有效的防止司法实践中侦查机关违法搜查行为的发生。

    Only to build and improve our criminal search system , it will be more effective to prevent the judicial practice in criminal illegal search behavior .

  28. 我国应当逐步建立羁押分流制度、捕押分离制度、羁押的司法审查制度及侦查机关与看守机关的分离制度。

    We should establish distributary detention system , separated arresting system , judicial investigation system to detention and separated system of investigation organs and detention house .

  29. 建立合理完善的司法审查制度,对侦查机关实施强制性处分权进行司法审查,就成为侦查程序正当目的研究的历史使命。

    Building a reasonable and perfect judicial review system to examine the right of compulsory sanction is a mission of studying the legitimate purpose of investigative procedure .

  30. 如果通话一方具有一定的合理隐私期待,则侦查机关必须在合法监听下取得的证据资料才具有证据能力;

    If one telephone user has a reasonable privacy expectation , it is only the evidence being obtained legally by investigation organs would have the evidence ability .