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zhēn chá
  • reconnaissance;scout;inspect;reconnoitre
侦察 [zhēn chá]
  • [reconnaissance; scout; inspect] 探查摸清对方有关情况

  • 想办法侦察一下他们在搞什么科研项目

侦察[zhēn chá]
  1. 他被派往厄立特里亚侦察敌军位置。

    He was sent to Eritrea to reconnoitre the enemy position

  2. 我留下一名中士指挥,自己策马前去侦察敌情。

    I left a sergeant in command and rode forward to reconnoitre .

  3. 我们先走一步,去侦察地形。

    We went ahead to scout out the lie of the land .

  4. 我们有两名探员在侦察此案。

    We have two agents on the case .

  5. 这支空军中队执行一项侦察任务。

    The squadron flew on a reconnaissance mission .

  6. 花在侦察上的时间是不会白费的。

    Time spent on reconnaissance is seldom wasted .

  7. 这架飞机将用于执行侦察任务而不是战斗任务。

    The aircraft will be used for reconnaissance rather than combat .

  8. 他侦察敌人兵力薄弱的位置,对其要塞不予理睬。

    He probes the enemy 's weak positions , ignoring his strongholds

  9. 他们派两人在前面侦察。

    They sent two men out in front as scouts .

  10. 直升机完成侦察任务后正在返航。

    The helicopter was returning from a reconnaissance mission

  11. 为了看能否找到什么脚印,我做了一番小小的侦察。

    I did a little sleuthing to see if I could find any footprints .

  12. 他们穿过树林来到第二个棚子;这个棚子经过巧妙伪装,空中侦察不到。

    They walked through the trees to a second hut , cunningly camouflaged against air surveillance .

  13. 他派侦察兵打头阵。

    He dispatched scouts ahead

  14. 侦察员单枪匹马深入敌后。

    The scout single-handedly penetrated behind the enemy 's rear lines .

  15. 侦察兵就在敌人眼皮底下活动。

    The scouts are active under the enemy 's very noses .

  16. 侦察兵们在一个雷雨之夜出发去执行任务。

    The scouts started off on their mission on a stormy night .

  17. 一架飞机飞越*地区,侵入中国上空进行侦察。

    An aircraft intruded China 's airspace over * area for reconnaissance .

  18. 侦察兵渗透到敌人阵地后面去了。

    The scouts infiltrated into the enemy positions .

  19. 敌人没有觉察出我侦察排的行动。

    The enemy didn 't detect our scouting platoon 's movements .

  20. 她想或许侦察员还会来联系。

    She thought perhaps the Scout would still come to contact .

  21. 侦察人员在嫌疑犯的电话上装窃听装置。

    The detectives put a tap on the suspect 's telephone .

  22. 两个战士被派出去侦察敌情。

    Two men were sent out to scout the enemy 's movements .

  23. 侦察罪案并非易事。

    The detection of crime is not always easy .

  24. 飞机出航侦察。

    The plane set out on a reconnaissance flight .

  25. 侦察员提防着敌人的巡逻队。

    The scouts are watching out for enemy patrols .

  26. 侦察兵抓了个舌头。

    The scouts took a prisoner to get information .

  27. 我们的侦察兵把敌人埋的地雷一下子全排除了。

    Our scouts brushed aside in one breath all the mines laid by the enemy .

  28. 当敌人的探照灯扫过江面时,那两名泅水过江的侦察员设法躲在水下。

    The two scouts , swimming across the river , managed to keep under as the enemy 's searchlight raked the surface .

  29. 从那时起,美国国家航空航天局、美国国家侦察局甚至是波音公司都发射并运行了立方体卫星。

    Since then , NASA , the National Reconnaissance Office and even Boeing have all launched and operated CubeSats .

  30. 中国很早就认识到返回式侦察卫星的重要性。

    Chinese have long recognized the importance of retrievable reconnaissance satellites .