
gòng fèng
  • enshrine and worship;consecrate;offer sacrifice to;make offerings to;actors and actresses gave commend performances in an imperial palace
供奉 [gòng fèng]
  • (1) [offer sacrifice to;make offerings to]∶祭祀神佛、祖先

  • (2) [actors and actresses gave commend performances in an imperial palace]∶唐代有高深修养的文人及艺术家,皆被皇帝罗致左右,以某种技艺侍奉帝王

  • 乐工罗程者,善弹琵琶,为第一, 宣宗初亦召供奉。-- 宋. 王谠《唐语林.雅量》

供奉[gòng fèng]
  1. 人们供奉祭品以求神灵息怒。

    Sacrifices were made to propitiate the gods .

  2. 旧时一些有名的巫师经常以祭品祈求他们所供奉神灵的助佑。

    The great magicians of old always invoked their gods with sacrifice .

  3. 该教堂供奉的是贝克的圣玛丽。

    The church is dedicated to St Mary of Bec .

  4. 神殿里供奉着牺牲、鬯酒和贡香。

    At the shrine of the god there were offerings , libations and incense .

  5. 牧师宣布教堂是供奉上帝的。

    The priests dedicated the church to god .

  6. 打仗之前,指挥官下令给战神供奉两只小公牛。

    Before the battle , the commanders ordered the sacrifice of two bullocks to the God of war .

  7. 只要他们轻轻点点头希腊奴隶就会供奉给他们精美的食品。

    Greek slaves supplied them with exquisite viands at the slightest nod .

  8. 听到这个故事后,很多人加入这个行列,供奉食物给月亮。

    On hearing this story , many people participated in bringing their offerings to the moon .

  9. 从前,有一座寺庙,里面供奉着两座泥像,左边是道祖太上老君像,右边是佛祖释迎牟尼像。

    In the past , there were two clay idols2 in a temple . On the left was the idol1 of Tai Shang Lao Jun , the founder3 of Taoism , and on the right the idol of Sakyamuni , the founder of Buddhism4 .

  10. 顺便说下,我拿到了B,而且直到今日,每周末我还要烧小雕像供奉保佑成绩注水的异教神灵。

    I got Bs , for your information , and to this day , every Sunday I burn a small effigy to the pagan Gods of grade inflation .

  11. 那里有座巨大的神社,供奉的是附近男体山(MountNantai)的神灵(进入神社前请脱鞋);

    There 's a large Shinto shrine to the god of nearby Mount Nantai ( shoes off , please , to go inside ) ;

  12. 山顶的寺庙属于黑暗女神KalkaDevi,她代表着母神(MotherGoddess)报复心极强的一面。她也被供奉在通往山体内部的一处天然洞穴中。

    On the peak is a temple to a dark goddess , Kalka Devi , a vengeful aspect of the Mother Goddess who is worshiped here in a natural cave that reaches way back into the hill .

  13. 尽管如此,仍有目击者称,一些村落里依然少量存在这种现象,其中包括曼阿苏里村,在那里,印度教徒把湿婆(Shiva)的化身勘都巴神(LordKhandoba)当成家庭守护神来供奉。

    Even so , witnesses say it continues on a small scale in some villages , including in Mangasuli , where the Lord Khandoba , an avatar of Shiva , is worshiped by Hindus as the deity of the family .

  14. 她要将布兰顿上校供奉为神明。

    She was ready to worship Colonel Brandon as a saint .

  15. 苦难本身并不是一件堪以供奉的东西。

    Suffering in itself is not a thing to be offered .

  16. 我不知道明天我该将什么供奉在你的足前?

    What shall I bring to your feet to-morrow , I wonder ?

  17. 佛像和菩萨雕塑供奉在寺院里,让人们拜祭。

    Buddhas and Bodhisattva statues have been placed for worship in monasteries .

  18. 这座神殿是供奉印度教的神毗瑟拏的。

    This shrine is sacred to the Hindu god Vishnu .

  19. 他为他所供奉的那个神的荣誉而生,为它而死。

    He lives and dies for the honour of his particular god .

  20. 她被供奉给海妖。

    She was to be sacrificed to a sea serpent .

  21. 人们会吃长寿面来祈求长寿,同时供奉生鱼祈求成功。

    Noodles are eaten to promote longevity and raw fish for success .

  22. 这龙山岛上供奉的都是有学问的人。

    There are many scholars worshiped here on Longshan Island .

  23. 这是一些当时供奉给国王的精美瓷器。

    Some porcelain figures which were presents to the king .

  24. 没有孩子的女人供奉祭品在这里期盼喜得贵子。

    Childless women make offerings here to pray for conception .

  25. 至今依然供奉着许多二战时的战争罪犯灵位。

    It still honors many infamous war criminals of World War Two .

  26. 从前,有一座寺庙,里面供奉着两座泥像,

    In the past , there were two clay idols in a temple .

  27. 矗立在供奉塞巴月神伊伦库赫的庙宇后的石灰岩柱。

    Limestone pillars rear from a temple of the Sabaean moon god Ilumquh .

  28. 供奉给尼星哈圣石的祭余摧毁饮酒的罪恶。

    Foodstuff offered to the Nrsimha Salagrama-sila destroys the sin of drinking liquor .

  29. 那里有数以百计的寺庙,供奉印度教的许多神。

    There are hundreds of temples dedicated to the many gods of hinduism .

  30. 中国人供奉自己的偶像时用到的庙。

    A Chinese temple or shrine for idol worship .