
  • 网络Water Supply Company
  1. 再次,结合G市自来水供水公司民营化改革过程及其政府监管,以G市自来水公司为例,对改革中的政府监管模式进行了总结。

    Once again , the city water supply company combining G privatization reform process and its government regulators to G City Water Company , for example , the reform of government regulatory model are summarized .

  2. 大庆油田供水公司担负着整个大庆地区的工业及居民生活用水。

    The Daqing Oilfield water supply company shoulders entire local industry and inhabitant water demand .

  3. 论文首先介绍了供水公司的企业特点和存在问题,并对其原因进行了分析,然后介绍了企业的发展战略以及MIS的规划目标,简述了信息系统的开发方法,重点介绍了企业系统规划法。

    This article briefly formulates the development method of information system and focuses on the introduction of BSP ( Business System Plan ) . For different companies and different management aspects , there are various management problems .

  4. 南水北调东线供水公司的激励机制研究

    Research on incentive mechanism for water supply companies in South-to-North Water Transfer East Route Project

  5. 当地的一些机构团体已经相互对抗,同样反对泰晤士供水公司的建议。

    Local groups are already pitched against each other , as well as against Thames Water .

  6. 以自来水公司或类似性质的公司为基础,成立供水公司作为水权交易的主体。

    The water corporations should be constructed on the base of water supplied corporations as the subjects of water market .

  7. 找出引起供水公司管网故障的原因是供水公司进行客户服务的关键。

    Finding the causes of the breakdown of pipeline of the water supply companies is the key to sever the customer .

  8. 当养老院、银行或供水公司破产时,一般性的破产规定就不合适了。

    General insolvency rules are inadequate when a care home , or a bank , or a water supply company fails .

  9. 水源公司、供水公司有充分的自主权,自主经营、自负盈亏。

    Waterhead companies and water supply companies have full autonomy to make their own managerial decisions and take responsibilities for their profits and losses .

  10. 如果允许,私营供水公司还是喜欢富裕的用户,把风险转移回政府并且尽可能的减少投资。

    If allowed , private water companies will favor richer customers , shift risks back to the government and invest as little as possible .

  11. 一家重庆的供水公司说,由于长江水位持续下降,大部分进水管道已经露出水面,无水可供了。

    One of Chongqing 's largest drinking water suppliers said the water level had fallen below most of the pipes the company uses to draw water from the river .

  12. 本文建立的数据仓库系统只是一个过程的开始,为供水公司未来的系统发展提供了一个可行的、有实际意义的、体现了先进的数据分析和系统设计思想的基础。

    The data warehouse constructed in this paper is just a beginning step of a system , which has supplied a feasible , practical , and analytic foundation for water supply enterprise .

  13. 针对这种情况,对大余县供水公司在引水装置方面进行了改造,经过多年运行实践效果良好。

    To this kind of situation , the successful transformation to the channel water device of County Supply Water Company of Dayu is carried out , which proves effective after many years of operation .

  14. 在上级行政部门宏观调配的基础上,水源公司、供水公司、社会团体和私人用户根据各自偏好,通过行政或市场方式取得水权,他们分别是不同层级上的水权持有者。

    According to the macroscopic allocation of the superior administrative unit , waterhead companies , water supply companies , social organizations and private users obtain water right through ways of administration or market in line with their preferences .

  15. 尽管他建立的跨国公司有超过75%的收入来自马来西亚以外,但有一个国家杨肃斌没有急于前去修建电厂或供水公司,那就是中国。

    Even though he has built a multinational that derives more than 75 per cent of its revenues outside Malaysia , one country to which Mr Yeoh is not rushing to build power plants or water utilities is China .

  16. 本文首先介绍了CRM的管理内涵与管理思想,CRM的体系结构及CRM的核心技术,接着从硬件模式、网络解决方案、软件体系三个方面构建了四川省XX市供水总公司的CRM系统。

    First , the connotation , the management theory , the components and the main technology of CRM are studied in this paper . Then , the system of water supplying enterprise was created based on hardware , software and network .

  17. 天津塘沽中法供水有限公司发展战略研究

    Study on Development Strategy of Tianjin Tanggu Sino-French Water Supply Co. , Ltd

  18. 保定中法供水有限公司对季节性微污染原水的处理

    Seasonal Purification of Slightly Polluted Raw Water in Baoding

  19. 2000-2001年间,梅尼拉德供水服务公司遇到了财政困难,其经营因此受到了影响。

    The second supplier , MWSI , encountered financial difficulties in2000-2001 that affected its operations .

  20. 一部分是由于来自供水水公司的压力,而这些水业公司又大部分是欧洲的。

    This is in part because of pressure from the water industry , which is largely European .

  21. 于是,马尼拉水务公司和梅尼拉德供水服务公司申请延长其特许经营期限,以便完成污水系统建设目标和污水处理目标。

    Accordingly , MWCI and MWSI have sought extensions of their concession periods to meet sewerage and wastewater treatment targets .

  22. 分析跨流域调水工程供应链的内涵及特征,根据供应链设计原则,设计供应链结构图,确定水源公司、供水总公司、省供水公司的关系及边界。

    Analysis the characteristics of supply chain of cross-basin diversion project , and design the Supply Chain structure drawing . Analyse the relationship and boundary among waterhead enterprise , chief water supply enterprise and province halted enterprise .

  23. 西南非洲供水和电力公司(西南非水电公司)

    South West Africa Water and Electricity Corp.

  24. 深圳市信洲供水设备有限公司是一家专业从事供水设备设计、制造、销售、技术服务为一体的公司。

    We have strong technical strength , and a group of elites to design and manufacture the most excellent water supply system .

  25. 其次,本文对供水供气上市公司的财务风险进行分析,提出了建立财务预警系统的必要性。

    Secondly , this paper analyzes the financial position of the water and electricity supply companies , proposing the necessity of establishing the financial forewarning system .

  26. 本公司是生产经营各种供水物资的专业公司。

    Production and management of the company is a professional company of various water supplies .

  27. 为提高供水水质,节约反冲洗用水量,胜利油田供水公司辛安水厂将虹吸滤池改造为气水反冲洗V型滤池。

    In order to improve drinking water quality and minimize water consumption during backwashing , the siphon filter was modified to V-shape air-water backwashing filter in Xin ' an Waterworks of Water Supply Corporation in Shengli Oil Field .