
qǐ qì
  • Starting and ending;the beginning and the end
起讫 [qǐ qì]
  • [the beginning and the end] 起止

起讫[qǐ qì]
  1. 港口是海上交通的起讫点,是海陆运输的联接点。

    The port is the beginning and the end of the maritime traffic .

  2. 基于0-1分布的公路机动车起讫点(OD)调查抽样

    Sampling of motor vehicle 's origin-destination ( OD ) survey along highway based on 0-1 distribution

  3. 在城市交通管理中,起讫点交通出行分布矩阵(简称OD矩阵)是必不可少的重要资料。

    The origin - destination traffic trip matrix is an important data for traffic management , In this paper , a new method is put forward .

  4. 因此我们认为,ENSO对云南降水的影响主要表现为云南雨季起讫的早晚。

    So in our opinion , this is the main influence of ENSO events upon Yunnan precipitation and it also associates with some characteristics of interdecadal variation .

  5. 然后,对我国公交IC卡收费系统及公交GPS监控系统的相关内容、发展历程进行了介绍,运用相关数据融合理论对公交IC卡数据及公交车GPS信息进行互补融合,获取公交客流起讫点信息。

    Then the related contents and the development course of IC card charging system and the transit GPS monitoring system have been introduced , the data of IC card and the information of public transportation vehicle GPS have been fused by using data fusion theory .

  6. 也论解放战争的起讫时间

    On the Starting Time and Finishing Time of the Liberation War

  7. 杭州位于京杭大运河的最南端,是大运河的起讫点。

    Hangzhou city is located at the south end of the Great Canal .

  8. 主雨季起讫时间与降水量异常有明确的统计相关关系。

    The start and end dates are statistically related to the precipitation anomalies .

  9. 保险责任的起讫期限是多长?

    How long in the period from the commencement to termination of insurance ?

  10. 公交起讫点对路上车流延误影响研究

    A Study of the Traffic Delay Caused by Origin and Destination of Public Transportation

  11. 区域公路网机动车起讫点调查数据的微机预处理

    A Pre-processing Method of Original - Destination Survey for Area Network Based on Micros

  12. 明末清初起讫分段关系到历史学、社会学、文学诸方面研究的深入。

    The division of Ming and Qing concerns many respects such as history , sociology , literature .

  13. 作为整个历史时期的起讫,布里安的统治无论如何是具有无与伦比的重要意义的。

    Nevertheless brian 's reign is of unique importance , both as ending and beginning a period .

  14. 同时还对轨道交通线路起讫站点的确定方法,轨道交通的客流预测方法作了一定的研究。

    Meanwhile , the method for setting the terminals LR routes and the passenger flow forecasting method are also studied .

  15. 以1975年和1995年这两个时间点为起讫,越南与美国的关系在此期间经历了复杂的发展和演变过程。

    From 1975 to 1995 , the relations between Vietnamese and US have experienced the complex development and the successional variation process .

  16. 《福布斯》在计算艺人收入时是以年中为界限,也就是说,计算2014年收入的起讫时间是从2013年6月至2014年6月。

    FORBES calculates earnings on the half-year , meaning that the scoring period for 2014 will run from June 2013 to June 2014 .

  17. 车辆根据路网信息,动态地选择起讫点的最短路,以保持较佳的行驶线路,进而优化城市交通。

    According to the network information , vehicles select dynamically the OD path to maintain the optimal path and optimize the urban traffic condition .

  18. 道教文献中历法史料探讨中国古代历法与印度及阿拉伯的关系&以日月食起讫算法为例

    AN INQUIRY INTO HISTORICAL CALENDRICAL MATERIALS IN TAOIST LITERATURE A Comparison Study of the Models of Eclipse Phase among Chinese , India and Islamic Astronomy

  19. 唐代的日食记录,通常包括朔日干支、日食宿度、食分及起讫时刻等信息,总体以《新唐书天文志》的记载较为准确和完整,但脱漏失载的情况仍然存在。

    The record of solar eclipse in the XINTAGN SHU TIAN WENZHI is more accurate and complete on the whole , but cases of missing still exist .

  20. 会计期间分为年度、季度和月份。年度、季度和月份的起讫日期采用公历日期。

    Accounting periods may be a fiscal year , a quarter , or a month , commencing on the first days thereof according to the Gregorian calendar .

  21. 而后本文又系统全面的介绍了公交线网起讫点的选择与配对以及线路的生成和调整方法。

    The article then discusses systematically the selection and matching of starting and ending points in a public transit network and the formation and adjustment of routes .

  22. 本文对物流装卸搬运系统从装卸搬运的对象物资、系统流程、装卸搬运作业的起讫点、物流量和搬运高度等几个方面进行分析。

    It analyzes the logistics material handling in several aspects , such as the material , the system flow , destination , logistics flux and the altitude of movement .

  23. 仓至仓条款是现代海洋货物运输保险人规定其保险责任起讫的一个条款,应用非常广泛。

    Warehouse to Warehouse Clause is one of the clauses that modern insurers , providing insurance for marine cargo transportation , states their insurable responsibility of when to begin and when to end .

  24. 建立了一个面向自动化公路系统的高速公路动态多车道离散交通流模型,该模型中考虑了车辆改道行驶及车辆的起讫节点;

    A traffic flow model with multiple lanes on freeway is proposed aiming at automated highway system ( AHS ) . in which the lane changing and origin-destination ( OD ) of vehicles are considered .

  25. 该模型基于公路三维实体,应用于公路线形设计时,只需掌握公路的起讫点、交角点及曲线半径即可控制线形设计和进行局部调整。

    This model is based on three & dimensional highway and only needs the data of starting point , finishing point , points of intersection and radius of a highway to control its alignment and adjustment .

  26. 道路客运企业利用高速公路开通的快客线,若仍以高铁沿线城市为起讫点,无疑以卵击石。

    In delta region , the road passenger transport enterprises usually use fast lines on highway , if take the cities along the route of highway and railway as the start and end point , it no doubt fights a hopeless battle .

  27. 起讫点停车场需求预测主要是基于土地利用规划建立需求预测模型,换乘停车场根据不同换乘站合理吸引区内换乘量建立需求预测模型。

    Origin and destination parking demand forecasting is mainly based on New Town land use planning to establish model , while transfer parking relies on different transfer stations reasonably attracting long-distance bicycle traffic and transfer traffic within the region to build model .

  28. 研究表明,在招聘者把眼神停留在你简历上的那段短暂的时间里,他们会看你的名字、当前头衔和公司、当前职位的起讫时间、前头衔和公司、前职位的起讫时间,以及教育经历。

    In the short time that they spend with your resume , the study showed recruiters will look at your name , current title and company , current position start and end dates , previous title and company , previous position start and end dates , and education .

  29. 松江画派虽见诸晚明、清代以及20世纪一些画学文献及美术史著述中,但对于这一画派的起讫时限、代表人物、派系构成乃至艺术特征,都未曾得到明确界定和深入研究。

    Songjiang Painting School was mentioned by the painting learning literatures and art history writings in late Ming Dynasty , Qing Danasty and 20th century , but its period from start to end , representatives , school structure and artistic characteristics have never been defined clearly and studied deeply .