
  • 网络Estimate
  1. 在预算主管监督之下,各部门经理将本部门的预算估计数提交给预算委员会进行复核,其中有悖于企业目标的预算估计将被打回到相应部门进行调整。

    Under the supervision of the budget director , various department heads submit the budget estimates to the budget committee for review , and any estimates that are out of line with company goals are sent back to the departments for adjustment .

  2. 随机和系统误差的先验和后验估计数

    A priori or a posteriori estimates of random and systematic errors

  3. 估计数越低,这些公寓就越容易脱手。

    The lower assessment made it easier to sell the apartments .

  4. 国民生产总值和人口实际增长率的估计数

    Estimates of the real rates of growth of GNP and population

  5. 现场交付空运费估计数按实卸货物支付运费

    Estimated air freight charges for on-the-spot delivery concurrent with discharge

  6. 应你们的请求,我们给你一个明年大概需要量的估计数。

    As requested , we gave you an estimate of approximate requirements .

  7. 结帐日无法收现项目估计数;

    Estimated uncollectible items at the balance sheet date ;

  8. 现场交付空运费估计数;

    Estimated air freight charges for on-the-spot delivery ;

  9. 英镑一贬值使我们的估计数差了几千镑。

    The devaluation of the pound have put our estimate out by several thousands .

  10. 世界卫生组织和联合国艾滋病规划署相信,目前的数字是迄今为止最准确的估计数。

    WHO and UNAIDS believe the current figures are the most accurate estimates to date .

  11. 为了安排我们今后的生产,请提供你方需求的估计数。

    We request an estimate of your requirement with the intention of budget our future production .

  12. 人寿保险服务费用估计数

    Imputed service charge for life insurance

  13. 现场交付空运费估计数他当场付了钱取走了货物。

    Estimated air freight charges for on-the-spot delivery He paid the money down and took the goods .

  14. 卢茨再次承认这是他的最佳估计数的电压将成本约4万美金的权利?

    Lutz again admitted it is his best estimate the Volt will cost right around $ 40,000 ?

  15. 官方的估计数是低估的。

    Official estimates are underestimates .

  16. 国民平均收入估计数

    Average national income estimates

  17. 98个国家向世卫组织报告的最近估计数显示,肾是目前需求量最大的器官。

    Recent estimates communicated to WHO by98 countries show that the most sought after organ is the kidney .

  18. 贝尔定-哈特指数标准的人从事不同程度的活动时的热应力估计数(指底片度数)美国标准([英国标准])

    Belding-Hatch index ( of a scale of film speeds ) American Standards Association ( / British Standard )

  19. 而这些图片有助于继续对于估计数百人曾经住过的地方过去的研究。

    The images helped guide continued research into the past where the estimate hundreds of people once lived .

  20. 最后制定阶段成果是一个计划(包括成本和进度的估计数)的施工阶段。

    The final Elaboration phase deliverable is a plan ( including cost and schedule estimates ) for the Construction phase .

  21. 尽管艾滋病患者估计数今年作了修正,但这一数据仍属于最精确的统计数据。

    In spite of this year 's revision , the numbers for HIV are some of the best we 've got . '

  22. 但是,必须证实此类联系并加以量化,才能对酒精产生的全球疾病负担估计数作出相应调整。

    Such relationships have to be proven and quantified before global burden of disease estimates attributable to alcohol can be adjusted accordingly .

  23. 必要时,披露可能导致预计负债最佳估计数发生变化的各种因素。

    The various factors which may lead to the change of the best estimate of accrued liabilities shall be disclosed if necessary .

  24. 该金融工具公允价值合理估计数的变动区间很小。

    Where there is a very small range for the variation of the reasonable fair value estimate of the said financial instrument ;

  25. 加性、显性和环境方差的估计数依次为45.922、20.321和1.210,说明加性遗传方差比非加性遗传方差更重要;

    Estimates of the additive , dominant and environmental variances were 45.922, 20.321 and 1.210 , suggesting that additive component was the main genetic variance .

  26. 许多记者和博客将这些死亡数字与国家或者全世界季节性疫情造成的额外死亡估计数进行了比较。

    Many journalists and bloggers compared the number of these deaths with estimated excess deaths during seasonal epidemics , either for a country or worldwide .

  27. 最近的估计数表明,所采购的药物因欺诈、贿赂和其他腐败做法而受到的损失可能多达25%。

    Recent estimates have shown that as much as25 % of medicines which are procured can be lost to fraud , bribery and other corrupt practices .

  28. 第六条企业在确定最佳估计数时,应当综合考虑与或有事项有关的风险、不确定性和货币时间价值等因素。

    If the Contingencies concern two or more items , the best estimate should be calculated and determined in accordance with all possible outcomes and the relevant probabilities .

  29. 世卫组织估计数显示,曾经被认为只是富裕国家一个问题的体重过重和肥胖目前在低收入和中等收入国家正在显著增加。

    Once considered a problem only in wealthy countries , WHO estimates show that overweight and obesity are now dramatically on the rise in low and middle income countries .

  30. 全球疟疾负担的最近估计数显示由疟疾造成的发病率和死亡率不断上升,反映1990年代期间非洲疟疾形势的恶化。

    Recent estimates of the global malaria burden have shown increasing levels of illness and death caused by malaria , reflecting the deterioration of the malaria situation in Africa during the1990s .