
  • 网络Union;Union Army;federal army
  1. 他任命格兰特为联邦军的总指挥。

    Grant was appointed general in chief of the Union army .

  2. 在他的指挥下,联邦军打败了同盟军。

    Under his command , the Union Army defeated Confederate forces .

  3. 联邦军从这个位置行进到墓园山脊。

    The Confederates advanced from this position to cemetery ridge .

  4. 北方联邦军穿蓝色制服。

    The Union army was a vast blue .

  5. 抽象的联邦军战士石雕

    The stone statutes of the abstract Union Soldier

  6. 李将军认为再来一次大的突击就能击垮联邦军的士气。

    General Lee felt that one grand rush might break the Union army 's spirit .

  7. 北方联邦军穿蓝色制服。牛仔和童子军围头巾。

    The Union army was a vast blue . Cowboys and Boy Scouts wear handkerchiefs .

  8. 密苏里州、肯塔基州、马里兰和特拉华这些边界州则站在联邦军这一边。

    The border states of Missouri , Kentucky , Maryland , and Delaware stayed in the Union .

  9. 而在此之前,格兰特是南北战争时期联邦军的一位司令。

    Before serving as president , Grant was the military commander of Union forces during the Civil War .

  10. 联邦军当时的指挥官是米德将军,他攻占了墓园山脊,并成功拖住了南方邦联军。

    The Union army , commanded by General Meade , held Cemetery Ridge and managed to hold off the Confederates .

  11. 内战爆发时,他逃离了主人,摸索着通过联邦军防线来到了北方。

    When the Civil War broke out , he ran off from his master and groped his way through the Confederate lines to the North .

  12. 美利坚邦联军队在钱瑟勒斯维尔战役胜利后,李将军挥军北上,与米德率领的联邦军在葛底斯堡战役遭遇。

    After the Confederate victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville , Lee invaded the North and engaged Union forces under George Meade at the momentous Battle of Gettysburg .

  13. 格兰特开始实行消耗战略,他不顾联邦军在莽原战役和斯波特瑟尔韦尼亚县府战役中的惨重伤亡,开始包围李将军在维吉尼亚州彼得斯堡的军队。

    He Began a strategy of attrition and , despite heavy Union casualties at the Battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania , Began to surround Lee 's troops in Petersburg , Va.

  14. 后来,联邦军在弗雷特里克斯堡和钱瑟勒斯维尔战役中取得了胜利。继而两军在宾夕法尼亚的葛底斯堡偶然相遇,改变了战争的局势。

    After further Union defeats at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville , it was an accidental meeting of the two armies at Gettysburg , Pennsylvania , that would turn the tide of the war .

  15. 接下来邦联军赢得了第二次布尔渊战役,在安堤耶坦溪血腥战役后,联邦军没有成功阻止由罗伯特李领导的北维吉尼亚军队的脱逃。

    The Confederates won the second battle of Bull Run , and the Union army failed to stop Robert E. Lee 's Army of Northern Virginia from escaping after the bloody battle at Antietam Creek .

  16. 联邦政府军的指挥官才能差得很远。

    The generalship of the union was far inferior .

  17. 德国组织武装力量联邦国防军,原本旨在抵抗来自东部的侵略。

    The bundeswehr , the German armed forces , was set up to defend the homeland against attacks from the east .

  18. 冷战结束后15年间,联邦国防军的任务范围已经扩大为包括到国外执行任务。

    In the 15 years since the end of the Cold War , the extended task spectrum of the Bundeswehr has included missions abroad .

  19. 由贝蒂的邻居萨姆先生用他的运货马车协助贝蒂将比得尔交驻守在哈波斯渡口的联邦政府军司令部。

    Sam , one of Bettie 's neighbours and friends , should go and help Bettie deliver Bedell to Union Headquarters at Harpers Ferry in his wagon .

  20. 首先简要介绍了反渗透净水装备的净水流程,然后分别介绍了美军、加拿大军队、德国联邦国防军、韩国军队和日本自卫队的现有反渗透净水装备。

    This paper briefly introduces the working flows of reverse osmosis purifying equipment , and then the equipment in service in America , Canada , Bundeswehr , Korea and Japanese armies are also presented .

  21. 参加美国这场内战的是临时凑合的军队,从几万人稳步增加到几十万人直到最后,联邦政府军超过100万人;

    This civil war in America was fought by improvised armies that grew steadily from a few score thousands to hundreds of thousands & until at last the federal forces exceeded a million men ;

  22. 德国已经受到决定性的打击,并且解除了武装;俄国处于混乱之中。德国组织武装力量&联邦国防军,原本旨在抵抗来自东部的侵略。

    Germany had been decisively beaten and disarmed ; Russia was in chaos . The Bundeswehr , the German armed forces , was set up to defend the homeland against attacks from the east .