
gū jì
  • estimate;calculation;evaluate;make;reckon;guess;think;appraisal;gauge;bet;take stock of;size up;thumbsuck
估计 [gū jì]
  • (1) [evaluate;estimate]∶对事物做大致的推断

  • 因为这渠要经过龙王庙下边的石岩,估计至少得二十天。--《求雨》

  • (2) [evaluate]∶估量或确定的货币价值

  • 检查员估计这些马的价值是每匹1200元

  • (3) [think]∶预测,推想

  • 我估计他不会来

估计[gū jì]
  1. 这个估计差了100多元。

    The estimate was out by more than $ 100 .

  2. 很难估计有多少孩子有诵读困难。

    It is hard to estimate how many children suffer from dyslexia .

  3. 专家们估计真实的数字较接近于75%。

    Experts put the real figure at closer to 75 % .

  4. 我们必须实事求是地估计我们获胜的可能性。

    We have to be realistic about our chances of winning .

  5. 我估计她要赚10多万。

    I reckon she 's pulling in over $ 100 000 .

  6. 我们在全世界的总销售量估计在5000万左右。

    Estimations of our total world sales are around 50 million .

  7. 这次石油泄漏对环境造成了难以估计的损害。

    The oil spill has caused incalculable damage to the environment .

  8. 非官方的估计数字为200万以上。

    Unofficial estimates put the figure at over two million .

  9. 我们估计要花费大约5000欧元。

    We estimated it would cost about € 5 000 .

  10. 很难估计这次旅行要花多长时间。

    It 's difficult to judge how long the journey will take .

  11. 我估计他们是堵车了。

    My bet is that they 've been held up in traffic .

  12. 她对自己队获胜机会的估计是诚实的。

    She was honest in her appraisal of her team 's chances .

  13. 他们估计利润至少下降了20%。

    They reckon their profits are down by at least 20 % .

  14. 修建这座医院估计要耗费200万英镑。

    The hospital will cost an estimated £ 2 million to build .

  15. 我们的成功远远超出了我们的估计范围。

    Our success was far beyond what we thought possible .

  16. 这颗卫星估计要耗资4亿英镑。

    The satellite will cost an estimated £ 400 million .

  17. 据估计,这项工程将持续四年。

    It is estimated the project will last four years .

  18. 估计有四十人参加了聚会。

    At a guess , there were forty people at the party .

  19. 路上估计要花大约两个小时。

    The journey was reckoned to take about two hours .

  20. 这笔交易估计价值150万元左右。

    The deal is estimated to be worth around $ 1.5 million .

  21. 这次旅行要花多少时间,他当时估计错了。

    He had miscalculated how long the trip would take .

  22. 现在无法估计他对她的生活产生过多大影响。

    It is impossible to calculate what influence he had on her life .

  23. 按照保守的估计,他会赚到5万英镑。

    At a conservative estimate , he 'll be earning £ 50 000 .

  24. 对这座建筑物造成的损坏估计超过100万元。

    The damage to the building is put at over $ 1 million .

  25. 估计伦敦的驾车者平均时速为12英里。

    Drivers in London can expect to average about 12 miles per hour .

  26. 我估计她大约30岁。

    I 'd guess that she 's about 30 .

  27. 这些气体对环境造成难以估计的破坏。

    These gases cause untold damage to the environment .

  28. 那些花瓶据估计每个价值都超过2万元。

    The vases are believed to be worth over $ 20 000 each .

  29. 所有这些因素都必须估计进去。

    All these factors must be allowed for .

  30. 估计地球的年龄大约为46亿年。

    The age of the earth is reckoned at about 4 600 million years .