
  • 网络membership;affiliate program;VIP;Web affiliates
  1. 会员制体育健身俱乐部的营销管理及发展趋势

    The Research of Sales Management and Developing Trend of Membership Sport Club

  2. 会员制可让顾客通过专门“热线”预定。

    Membership allow customers to book via a dedicated " hotline " .

  3. 基于Internet会员制的切削工艺数据库的开发

    Development of Cutting Technology Database Based on Internet Membership-system

  4. 我国已成为WTO的成员,应在借鉴西方先进的期货交易所法律制度基础上,把我国的期货交易所改造成为实质意义上的会员制交易所。

    As a member of the WTO , China should transform its futures exchanges into membership legal person in its true sense .

  5. 前会员制团体近来的上市活动,为SolidSolutions的三人团队带来了额外收益。这些共同团体拥有数以千计的私人投资者,而SolidSolutions专门处理公司与散户投资者的关系。

    Recent corporate activity among former mutual societies with thousands of private investors has been a bonus for the three-man team at Solid Solutions , which specialises in handling relations with retail investors .

  6. 针对饭店散客的VIP会员制俱乐部营销系统以及旅游饭店分时度假营销系统。

    The VIP members of privilege club marketing system for the FIT guest , and the TIMESHARE marketing system .

  7. VIP会员制可以有效粘合顾客,从而帮你建立强大的客户基础。

    A VIP membership is one good way to form a bond with customers and help you establish a good customer base .

  8. 这是因为员工从仓储式会员制连锁零售店好市多(CostcoWholesale)的前台收银员到服装连锁零售店盖璞(GAP)的销售助理往往就是消费者与品牌之间首要也是唯一的互动对象。

    That 's because employees from a front-end cashier at Costco Wholesale to a GAP sales associate are often a consumer 's first and only interaction with a brand .

  9. 埃琳娜•巴季奇是会员制职业网站和猎头公司IvyExec的CEO,她总是会问推荐人,(如果有机会的话,)是否会再次雇用那位求职者。

    Elena bajic , chief executive of ivy exec , a member-based career site and recruiting firm , always asks references if they would hire a candidate again .

  10. 该案标志着一段恋情的痛苦终结。两人是在伦敦高档住宅区梅菲尔区会员制的Tramp夜总会开始相恋的。

    The case marks a bitter end for a romance that started at Tramp , the members-only nightclub in the capital 's exclusive Mayfair district .

  11. 与温特沃斯居民联合会(WentworthResidentsAssociation)一道领导这场运动的奈杰尔•莫斯(NigelMoss)表示,新的会员制结构显示出“对英国文化运作方式缺乏基本理解”。

    Nigel Moss , who is leading the campaign against Reignwood alongside the Wentworth Residents Association , said the new membership structure showed " a fundamental lack of understanding of how British culture works . "

  12. 但是建立在付费会员制基础上的Hulu重新拾起了它,它的第四季将于下月在这家流媒体服务网站上映。

    But Hulu , which relies on paid subscriptions , picked up the show , and its fourth season will debut on the streaming service next month .

  13. APQC(美国生产力与质量中心)是会员制的非营利联盟,目前为超过500个组织提供服务。

    APQC ( American Productivity & Quality Center ) is a member-based nonprofit consortium serving more than 500 organizations .

  14. LME是全球少数几家会员制交易所,目前该交易所正在等待截至5月7日的第二轮要约。

    The LME , one of the few member-owned exchanges in the world , is waiting for the second round of offers by a May 7 deadline .

  15. OCLC成功的因素在于协作精神、会员制的管理模式、非营利的服务宗旨、编目工作的标准化及完善的检索功能。

    The success of OCLC lies in team spirit , membership-based management , non-profit principle of service , standardization of cataloging and convenient search function .

  16. 双方还将在今年秋天开发和推出一项新的网络会员制服务,该服务横跨智能设备、个人电脑和任天堂3DS、WIIU等任天堂产品。

    The companies will also develop and launch a new online membership service this fall that will be accessible from smart devices , PC and Nintendo systems like the Nintendo 3DS and the Wii U.

  17. 该公司最近的举动,如剥离奢侈品业务、雇佣奢饰品高管瓦莱丽·赫尔曼(ValerieHermann)以及在米兰开设一家奢华的私人会员制俱乐部,一度表明这家成衣公司增强了对奢侈品的重视。

    Recent moves at the company , like separating out its luxury business , hiring the luxury executive Valerie Hermann and opening a lavish private members " club in Milan , had suggested a stronger focus on luxury at the apparel company .

  18. 一个最棒的会员制网站又有哪些要素组成呢?

    What 's in the making of a great membership site ?

  19. 积极拓展会员制医疗服务的实践与思考

    Practicing and Thinking of Positively Expanding Medical Treatment Service of Membership

  20. 形成以会员制为组织形式的信用联保体系,可以有效地防范个人消费信贷风险。

    Membership organizations will be the proper form of the warranty system .

  21. 我国期货市场结算会员制研究

    Study on the Futures Clearing Member System of Our Country

  22. 和以前的英国劳工团体一样,书工会是封闭式会员制的。

    Like the old British unions , it is a closed shop ;

  23. 新约圣经中,地方群体是有会员制的。

    The New Testament assumes membership in a local congregation .

  24. 中国乒乓球协会会员制现状及发展的研究

    Research on the Status and Development of Chinese Table Tennis Association Membership

  25. 新增了会员制服务,根据要求向需要的会员发送信息摘要。

    A subscription service , which will send tailored notifications on request .

  26. 奢侈品概况及营销&高端珠宝的会员制营销模式

    Overview and Marketing of Luxury-Membership-based Marketing Model of High-end Jewelry

  27. 会员制电子商务应用系统中流的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Flow in Member E-commerce Application

  28. 高端会员制,是现在世界范围内最先进的健康管理模式。

    High-end membership worldwide , is now the most advanced health management mode .

  29. 引入会员制,为科技企业提供信息服务

    Introduce the Membership to Provide Information Service for Enterprises

  30. 会员制营销在高尔夫球会经营管理中的实践与应用

    Experiment with and Application of Membership Marketing in the Management of Golf Clubs