
kuài jì hé suàn
  • accounting
会计核算[kuài jì hé suàn]
  1. 会计核算是强化内部会计监督的关键

    Accountant Accounting is the Key to Strengthen Inside Accounting Supervision

  2. 汇率变动影响会计核算

    Accounting for the effects of changes in foreign exchange rates

  3. 用SA方法分析医院会计核算信息系统

    Using SA Method to Analyse the Hospital Accountant Calculation Information System

  4. 传统的ERP系统主要包括三方面的内容:生产控制(计划,制造),物流管理(分销,采购,库存作业)和财务管理(会计核算,财务管理)。

    There are three main parts in traditional ERP system : Production control ( planning , manufacture ), Material management ( sale , buying , stock management ) and Account management ( account compute , finance management ) .

  5. 结合中国银行东方资产管理公司的东方会计核算系统的实例,设计了在服务器群环境中,基于ORACLE数据库的分布式存储及分布式处理方案,该方案充分发挥了分布式数据库的优点。

    With the example of the accounting system in the orient 's asset management company of china bank , a distributed storage and transaction based on Oracle Database was designed in the server cluster environment . This scheme exerts the merit of the distributed database fully .

  6. 因此,自创商誉不可能被纳入现行的财务会计核算体系之内。

    So self-created goodwill cannot be bring into financial accounting system .

  7. 长期股份投资在会计核算上有两种方法:成本法和权益法。

    There exist two accounting methods in the long-term equity investment ;

  8. 浅谈进出口业务会计核算的特点和难点

    Features and Difficulties in the Settlement of Import and Export Accounting

  9. 关于完善高等学校会计核算问题的几点建议

    Suggestions of amending and improve the accounting problems in higher institutions

  10. 环境资源化对会计核算变革的要求

    The Demand of Environmental Resources to Reform of Accounting Transformation

  11. 浅析增值概念在人力资源会计核算中的应用

    Application of Value Added Concept in Human Resources Accounting Calculation

  12. 建筑安装工程营业税代扣代缴会计核算探讨

    Discussion on Accounting System of Withholding Business Taxes for Construction Installation Project

  13. 施工企业合同成本的确定及会计核算

    Determination of contract cost and accounting calculation in construction enterprises

  14. 因此有必要对政府债务会计核算制度进行改革。

    So it is necessary to reform the government debt accounting system .

  15. 从林纸一体化看造纸行业环境会计核算及信息披露

    Environmental Information Disclosure and Accounting of Pulp and Paper Industry

  16. 高校固定资产会计核算

    Discussion about the accounting and assessing system of higher educational fixed property

  17. 农业龙头企业自然资源会计核算

    Study on the Natural Resources Accounting in Agriculture Leading Enterprise

  18. 浅议稳健性原则在企业会计核算中的运用

    Brief discussion on the use of the principle of steadiness in accounting

  19. 石油天然气生产企业DR&A成本的会计核算

    Accounting for DR & A Costs of Oil and Gas Producing Companies

  20. 企业合并会计核算方法与资源配置效率&对美国企业合并会计中权益结合法被取消的解析

    Approved accounting method of enterprise merger and resources allocation efficiency

  21. 从盈余管理透视会计核算制度改革

    The Reform of Accounting Accountability System From the Perspective of Earnings Management

  22. 黑龙江省农村专业合作经济组织会计核算问题研究

    Research on the Accountant of the Special Cooperate-economic Organization in Hei Longjiang Province

  23. 我国社会责任会计核算体系的研究

    Research of Accounting System for Social Responsibility in China

  24. 因而,国家关于会计核算的各种制度都是在实践中不断总结提炼出来的,具有科学性和适用性。

    The accounting rules and regulations in our country are refined in practice .

  25. 关于企业绿色成本及其会计核算的一些探讨

    Tentative Discussions on Green Cost and Accounting in Enterprises

  26. 会计核算软件中辅助往来帐的设计与实现

    The Design of Secondary Current Account in the Accounting Softwares and Its Realization

  27. 委托代销业务的会计核算图解

    The Illustrations of the Business Accounting on Commission Sale

  28. 浅析公允价值计量对会计核算的影响

    Analysis on the Influence of the Fair Value Measurement on the Accounting Calculation

  29. 浅议构建绿色会计核算系统的设想

    Reflections on establishing checking system of the green accounting

  30. 通用计算机财务会计核算系统分析

    Analysis of general-purpose computer check system in financial accounting