
  • 网络business forecasting
  1. 对企业预测保本点方法的探讨

    Inquisition into the Methods of Enterprise Calculate Break - Even Point

  2. 企业预测与决策系统可行性研究

    Feasibility Study of Business Decision and Forecast System

  3. 对企业预测性财务信息披露的思考

    On Disclosing Forecasting Enterprises Financial Information

  4. 目前我国没认识到进行企业预测性财务信息披露的重要性和必要性。

    Whether unveiling the predictive financial information of enterprises , there are being disputes at Present .

  5. 在商品经济发展中,工商企业预测商品销售量是最实际的经济问题。

    In the development of commodity economy , predicting sales volume is a practical economic problem for enterprises .

  6. 而最近几年,已增加了1.4%,且据高曼企业预测,在未来十年中,每年将以会1.9%的速度增加。

    But in recent years , it has increased by1.4 % , and over the next decade , Goldman projects , it will rise by1.9 % annually .

  7. 订货会是服装企业预测市场需求,争夺终端市场的有效途径。

    The ordering meeting is very important for apparel companies as it is not only an effective way to know the market , but also a good chance to hold the distributors .

  8. 前一个的应用可以解决图书的合理摆放等问题;而后一种方法可以帮助企业预测未来的销售趋势,以便制定合理的发展规划。

    The preceding application may help put the books in the right place . While the latter method might help the enterprise to forecast the future sales tendency , so as to formulate the reasonable development plan .

  9. 基于MATLAB的多变量灰色模型在商业企业销售量预测中的应用

    The using of MATLAB-based Multi-variable Gray Model in the commercial enterprises sales forecasting

  10. 用支持向量机(SVM)构建企业破产预测模型

    An Application of Support Vector Machines in Bankruptcy Prediction Model

  11. Markov链在企业坏账预测中的应用

    The Application of Markov Chain in Forecasting the Amount of the Enterprise 's Bad Account

  12. 本文考察支持向量机SVM(SupportVectorMachines)在商业银行构建企业破产预测模型中的作用。

    This paper studies the effectiveness of applying support vector machines ( SVM ) to bankruptcy prediction problem in commercial banks .

  13. 基于C/S的零售企业销售预测DSS的开发

    Exploitation of Retail Enterprise Sales Forecasting Decision Support System Based on C / S

  14. MDA方法已被广泛应用于企业破产预测、企业信用评价、信贷评价等等领域。

    MDA has been widely applied to the business classification , including bankruptcy prediction , credit rating , and bank loan classification , etc.

  15. 基于湘钢历年每月总能耗数据,运用BP神经网络算法建立数学模型,用MATLAB作为后台数据处理工具,用VB与MATLAB的混合编程开发了钢铁企业能耗预测系统。

    Based on the monthly energy consumption data of Xiangtan Iron Steel Co. over the years , a mathematic model is established by the BP neural network algorithm , and MATLAB is used as the tool of background data processing .

  16. 本文将联机分析处理(OLAP)技术用于第三方物流企业业务预测当中,并提出物流预测OLAP系统的设计思路和体系结构。

    It makes On-line Analytical Processing ( OLAP ) technology use in business forecasting of the third party logistics enterprise , and puts forward the design project and configuration figure of OLAP System to Logistics Forecasting .

  17. Markov链在企业坏账预测中的应用另一方面,由于国有商业银行由于长期以来受呆账坏账风险的影响,对贷款的回款速度异乎寻常的敏感,保证贷款安全成为凌驾于确保贷款收益之上的目标。

    The Application of Markov Chain in Forecasting the Amount of the Enterprise 's Bad Account On the other hand , as the state-owned commercial banks were long affected by bad debts , they are unusually sensitive to the loan repayment speed while ignoring their profitability .

  18. 通过分析OPEC海运费统计数据以及原油贸易运费计价公式,研究提出了可用于炼油企业盈利预测和炼油项目财务评价的进口原油海运计费公式。

    Based on the analysis of OPEC ocean freight statistics data as well as freight pricing formula for crude oil trade , the article researches and puts forward ocean freight pricing formula for imported crude oil that can be applied in refinery profit forecast and refining project financial evaluation .

  19. 敏捷制造企业收益预测与风险度量

    The Return Prediction and Risk Calculation of the Agile Manufacturing Enterprise

  20. 钢铁企业能耗预测系统的设计

    Design of Energy Consumption Prediction System of Iron and Steel Enterprises

  21. 马尔科夫过程与煤炭企业市场预测和营销决策

    Markovian Process and Coal Enterprise Market Survey & Marketing Forecast

  22. 基于灰预测理论的石油石化企业风险预测

    Venture Forecasting Model to Petrochemical Enterprise Based on Grey Theory

  23. 企业成长预测的神经网络模型

    ANN Model : The Prediction of the Enterprise 's Growth

  24. 国内某空调生产企业销售预测体系实证研究

    Research on Sale Forecast System of an Internal Air-conditioner Manufacturer

  25. 水运企业筹资预测研究

    The Study on Raising Funds Prediction of Water Transportation Corporations

  26. 企业破产预测的BP-th神经网络系统

    BP th Neural Network System on Prediction of Business Bankruptcy

  27. 县级电力企业负荷预测及购电策略

    Load Forecasting and Resource of Power Purchase in County Bureau

  28. 现金流量在企业财务预测与决策中的应用研究

    The Application of Cash Flow in Financial Forecasting and Decision

  29. 企业危机预测与识别模型

    Study on Forecasting and Recognition Model of Enterprise Crisis

  30. 引入非财务变量的企业破产预测方法研究

    A Survey of Corporate Failure Prediction with Non-financial Variables